With Hearth's Warming Eve just around the corner, Twilight Sparkle's followers are beginning to lose hope in one another. Supplies are low, and spirits even lower. Twilight begins to doubt herself, for how can she lead ponies if she can't even be trusted to feed them?
It will take the love of her friends, and the compassion of all those who call her their leader, to make it through this year's Hearth's Warming Eve. This winter, Twilight and her friends will realize that so long as the fires of friendship burn in their hearts, no pony will ever be cold.
Optional musical accompaniment located in first comment per chapter.
For Chapter One-
Is this Project Cider?
Edit: Now that I that I've read the chapter, I realize that this a great opportunity to flesh out the some of transformation Twilight goes though to become the one we know in DDG.
Alt. Title: Another Hearth Warmth's Night
Wait... "Followers"? Are you calling Twilight Jesus? We all know that Fluttershy is! Obviously...
1782777 Twilight is breast Jesus.
1782781 Oh Regidar, you and your innuendos.
Looks like Twilight needed some more practice with an Oregon Trail game.
Hello all you other peoples! This story takes place in the Lines and Webs universe. So if you're feeling a bit confused, check out the first story!
Um... I didn't actually read it. My "Alt. Titles" are just jokes.
Well, you should. Maybe, if you want.
Oh yes, this seems like the start of a very interesting and sweet tale.
Regidar? In my comments section? An honor, sir!
For Chapter 2-
Sigh.. Oh Twilight. Tell me, does she continue to do things like this four years from now?
Considering she manages to grow muscle, no. Likely they do not have as much of an issue in later years as they have their own produce in storage.
I was actually referring to the spirit and compassion Twilight has for her subjects, talking to them at an individual level. However, you have enlightened me to the fact that Twilight has put on some muscles. Yeesh, about time Twilight.
Storehouses all over Equestria. Golden Radience knows where they are at (her family built them after all).
You need them, use them!
That's... Actually a pretty cool story. I wonder what Twilight's gonna get her followers, though. Maybe a Red Ryder carbine air rifle with a compass in the stock and a thing that tells time?
Calling Chekov's Gun for DDG. Also, I don't like panettone very much, but I was surprised to see it here.
Panettone is a tradition at my house. And that legend is a ponified version of the real legend behind how it came to be.
My grandma brings back Panettone every time she comes back from visiting relatives in Brazil. I'm the only person who doesn't really have a taste for it. I'm an odd sort.
Crap, forgot to post this.
Enjoy your musical accompaniment!
A short chapter, a beautiful song.
The betrayal still hurts huh, Twilight? I understand.
Anyways, love what you're doing here Airstream. Twilight's personality is hardened by the time of DDG so this is a wonderful look into her development.
This is going to be one last look at a softer Twilight before the events of Dusk, I think. It's Christmas, let's not have it being too dark.
Yep, one last look at the Twilight that many of us would still rally behind. The current Twilight on the other hand....
Does what she needs to do. She's not gone yet. So don't give up on her.
I liked this one... though I hope Twilight gets better balance eventually!
There shall be a celebration!
Hooray update!
Ah, guilt gift..... Nice one, Spike!
How are you such a great writer, Airstream?!
He's just awesome like that.
But her softness is why she's a likeable leader. It's what's keeping her from turning into the Princess. Dangit Tara, did you do this to my Twilight?!
Sorry guys, but not like you had much of a chance to begin with. You can thank Celestia for that.
What is Luna, then? Swiss cheese?
Odd. I think Twilight might be cracking under pressure, or boasting over much. She has far less power than they and knows very little about what is necessary for anything. She thought it would be all over from a momentary conflict Hopefully she comes to understand the dangers of having power and needing to enforce order of a sort.
I forget, what exactly would happen in this universe if Celestia refused to raise the sun? One of these days you need to explain properly what is up with Celestia and Luna, are they both extraordinarily callous, or do they just suffer more in temperament when the system is out of balance?
Will you finish this before DDG?
Very nice!
I'm looking forward to reading more in this story. I loved the scene with hunter and prey and horns and whatnot, and the wassailing was also neat.
I'd say this song fits this entire portion of your story :v
was the mentioned hat somehow similar to this one?
Farming in the forest is very hard an I don't know how clearing swaths of Everfree would work. That said; you'd think that if Radient Zenith had been in the forest for hundreds of years, it was her magic that maintained it, and she had a flying boat that could quickly travel to any forage ground in the forest she could do something; though admittedly feeding five thousand ponies might be beyond her reach. Luna would have probably done her best to store food here since she was the one who made the plan, but again it's plausible she wasn't able to do enough.
Ponies couldn't eat meat from hunted animals, but if they're lacking clothes they could still hunt for hides; one manticore could make a lot of warm cloaks; not to mention an Ursa if you could get one, and you could make the fat into oil.
Good points about should the leader be eating when supplies are short; something I've thought about a lot. The flip side to remember is that if Twilight feasts while others starve that will lose support ten times faster than if she looks weak.
Do keep in mind that we are talking about a culture that has never lacked for food and shelter in the past thousand years or so. Skinning pelts and rendering oil might be something done up north, but not in the majority of Equestria.
Could be useful depending on how hard it would be to get to whitetail wood and back, though the supply cache the encountered had supplies for 78 knights of Equestria plus their officers for a month.
If we say five officers, then food for eighty three for a month would last 5,000 for half a day. Hopefully there is more than one supply cache.
Spike is not accountable to Twilight, despite swearing to become her talon and the fact that she's the leader of the colony he's a part of?
I wonder if they hunted animals and saved the meat if they could trade it for vegetables and grains with the griffons.
I'm still thinking that if they could bring down one Ursa they would have all the fur they needed to outfit everyone and enough oil for heating and lighting for several winters. (And if you could trade the meat with the griffons, more food than you would ever need.)
Also the Gale Dancers all wear leather armor implying that they are used to skinning creatures they either hunted or raised.
Celestia supported Rainbow Dash and her marefriend showing Celestia doesn't have a problem with lesbians in general; and she probably knows that Twilight knows that if she ever sleeps with a stallion she will birth the alicorn and die ect, so why is Celestia so shocked that Twilight has turned lesbian?
If I remember right, at the end of lines and webs when they just arrive at the Everfree castle Twilight kisses Tanya in front of a crowed, after that you pointed out that with everyone couped up gossip spreads fast so why don't most people know they're in a relationship?
Be well.