• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2015

Ivory Crash


Celestia is payed a visit by a force so powerful that all she can do is stand idly by as it changes her subjects and herself to fit its own greedy desires...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

... Space Balls references... oh lord... My sides hurt.

And now we know which hoof Celestia uses to... relieve... herself.

Brilliant story, following you to see what other amusing tales you come up with.


"No, ma'am." he replied. "I didn't see you eating from your cake box again."

Just laughing my ass off at 11:30pm at Celestia's voice acting

Funny, and and the humor of the last seen was hilarious. 4 moustaches out of 5. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Anyone else thought the cake was a...erm...toy? :twilightblush:
Molestia sure does enjoy her cake. :trollestia: I sniggered out loud, nice work! :ajsmug:

I don't know about Space balls but the title reminds me of the Hostile Takeover tour of StrangeMusicInc.


Glad you all enjoyed it! Tell your friends!:twilightsmile:

1804426 You tell me...:trollestia:

1804805 Best quote in the whole move "How many assholes do we have on this ship, anyway?" Entire Bridge Crew "Yo!"


Can't believe I didn't catch the Doctor Who reference!

I am intersted please proceed

What is that gif from?


It's from the movie "Spaceballs"

Here's the whole clip.

1:I thought it was a dildo

2:Space balls reference

3:was that slender man you were referring to?


Something similar. Go ready my other story-in-progress "Equa Non Grata" and you will see the tie-in

That was a great opener i know you've read this line over and over again: I loved that Spaceballs reference. What other Mel Brooks references you going to use, here's hoping for a Robin Hood Men in Tights reference or another Spaceballs one, like Master Yogurt's "merchandising" bit or "i hate when my Shwartz gets tied up". I hope this story isn't dead

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