• Published 12th Jan 2012
  • 5,003 Views, 93 Comments

Tales from the Staff Canteen - Midnightshadow

Behind the scenes at Equestria Daily, where all is professional and above board...

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Midnight Coffee


Midnight used his magic to lift the cup to his lips where he noisily made short work of the office coffee. It was...tepid. Bitter. Substandard. Office coffee always was. They might as well be the finest columbian ground grains from the misty highlands, but put them in an office coffee machine and they'd taste like floor sweepings.

Luna strode past. She shared the night shift with him. They had a common bond, a...brotherhood, if such could be said between female night-goddess and male stallion staff-worker. Mutual respect, kind words...

"MMIIDDDNIIIGGHHHTTT..!!!" Luna called from the depths of the staff canteen.




There was a sudden fizzle of angrily-applied winged unicorn princess power followed by the clattering cacophony of four horse-shoes, a bunch of nails and a mostly-full plastic sippy mug hitting the ground.

Looking out of the window, Luna narrowed her eyes. "You *know* I hate that." she said under her breath in the general direction of the softly glowing orbital body. She bent her head and picked up the cup in her mouth. They'd given Midnight a covered sippy cup as he'd gone through a month's supply of china in the last few days. She grimaced, plastic always made the coffee taste even worse. She sat and opened her email.
