• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 1,385 Views, 17 Comments

Of Coal and Diamonds - Alaxsxaq

  • ...

13. The Donna

13. The Donna

In the intensive care unit, the doctors were doing all they could for the two injured ponies. All during the ambulance ride, Big Mac remained conscious, encouraged by his new wife. Babs, however, would not respond to anything anypony said.

And now, a team of surgeons and specialists, including Scootaloo, were busy in the emergency room while the others were waiting anxiously just outside. Seldom did anypony speak, for they were too busy wiping their tears. Rarity's friends were comforting her as she came to terms with the prospect of becoming a widow. Babs' parents feared the worst for their daughter. She had lost a lot of blood already.

And Applebloom sat alone in a corner, silently crying to herself. This whole thing was her fault, and she couldn't bear to lose either of them. In the utmost sincerity she prayed that her brother and cousin would be alright.

After what seemed like an eternity, an orange pegasus and blue unicorn both wearing white coats emerged from the doors. Their expressions were neutral, so as not to convey any verdicts yet.

"Scootaloo! How are they?" Rarity asked, drying her eyes.

"Maybe you should see for yourselves." The pegasus led all of them down the hall and into the room they both were. Inside were two beds, each occupied by a pony.

In the one nearest the door, a large red stallion laid, apparently sleeping. The sound of the heart monitor was all that could be heard.

Scootaloo came up to McIntosh's bed. "Big Mac is gonna fine. He took a couple hits, but they weren't fatal. We've removed them all and stitched him up. Given some time and minor physical therapy, he'll make a full recovery."

Overjoyed, Rarity threw herself down on his sleeping form, crying tears of happiness. "Oh thank the Almighty!" Disturbed from his slumber, Big Mac woke up to see his wife kissing him all over.

Most were relieved to hear this news, but then they recalled there was another patient in the room.

"What about Babs?" Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo's expression became dour. "Her fate is less certain..."

Looking over to the bed, Babs was hooked up to IV injections and a heart monitor, and a band of cloth was around her eyes. Applebloom could also see her bloodstained fur around the many bandages covering her body.

A long tube had been inserted into her trachea, something that made Applebloom cringed.

"How is she?" Babs' mother asked.

"Not good, I'm afraid." Scootaloo began. "We removed the bullets no problem, but they hit her harder it seems. One was lodged in her lung and another in her spleen. We had to operate quickly or she would've had unfortunate complications."

"Indeed. Had we been a few minutes too late, it's doubtful we could've saved her." The blue doctor added.

"She's unconscious...effectively comatose. She went into hypovolemic shock, but the injections have made her stable...for now."

"Is she...can she still..." Applebloom tried to utter.

"She's not brain-dead. Mentally she's fine. But her body's broken. We've done all modern medicine can do."

"As well as unicorn magic. It's up to her now." The doctor looked at his charts. "I must get going. The nurse will be here soon to attend to any matters. Dr. Scootaloo, it was a pleasure working with you." He held out his hoof.

After Scootaloo shook it, the doctor left. Applebloom looked on at Babs, pained to see her in such a state. "What're her chances?"

"The other doctors are pessimistic. Some think she won't even live through the night..."

"And you?"

"Well...I've seen ponies come back from worse. It’s a miracle she survived in the first place. She's strong, and might have a fighting chance." Scootaloo placed her hoof on her friend's shoulder. "But...this is as hard for me to say as it is for you to hear...Babs is our friend, and I want nothing less than for her to recover...but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that she..." Scootaloo wiped her eyes and sniffled. Applebloom pulled her in for an embrace.

Babs' parents were at her bedside, praying and crying. Many members of the Apple family opted to remain at Applebloom's house. The ones that came, however, joined her parents in lamentations.

Applebloom walked over to her brother, unsuccessfully trying to contain her tears, she wrapped her hooves around him and nuzzled closer. "Thank ya, Big Mac! You...you save mah life. Why did ya do it? This...is all mah fault."

"That's what big brothers do. Don't cry for me, Applebloom. Ah'll be fine. Plus Ah got somethin' to look forward to when Ah get out." He glanced at Rarity.

"Who were those ponies, Applebloom? And why did they try to shoot y'all?" Applejack asked.

"They were out for Babs. She must've made a lot of enemies in the mob, for puttin' 'em all away."

"And what about you? What'd you do?"

"Ah don't know..." She thought for a second, and it all became clear. "Yes Ah do. Ah made an enemy in a high place. And now, look what's happened. Babs was right. I should've cancelled everythin'." Burying her face in hooves, all she could hear was crying for Babs' condition. Lifting her head up, she took one final look. That last glance at Babs tore her down. Overcome with guilt and emotion, Applebloom made for the door.

"Applebloom?...Where are you goin'?" Her sister asked.

"It's all mah fault..." Was all she said before she left the room.

How could this happen? She invoked the wrath of that pink monster, and now she was paying for it. Her dear cousin's life was hanging by a thread. Applebloom had wrought pain and suffering on all the ponies she knew and loved. The more she thought about it, the more it stung.

Everypony, from Fancypants, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo; all of them stayed in the hospital room, but Applebloom left them behind. She needed to be alone and far away from anypony else she could harm. Never before had she felt so helpless and scared. One of those bullets was meant for her.

Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad it succeeded.

Stopping by a convenient store, she bought a large bottle of hard liquor. Walking through the snow on her way home, she took a long drink, hoping to drown her sorrows.


A high-rise office offering a look over the Manehattan skyline was the backdrop to the scheduled meeting between two parties. A large tan pegasus with a white mane looked at the door to the office. After a few minutes, it opened; revealing the suited grey unicorn Palomino hated so much.

"She will see you now."

"She? Eh...whatever. As lawng as I get my money."

Following the unicorn, the crime lord entered the office to find all sorts of expensive looking decorations and furniture. The nighttime lights were all that lit the room, giving a very shady atmosphere. A shadowy figure blew a cloud of smoke from her cigarette, and another similar sized figure sat beside her.

"Ah, Mister Palomino." She began. "Please, take a seat." The pegasus obliged. "Now, what brings you here?"

"So you da bawss here, hah? Then it shouldn't be too much trouble to afford my services. Let's say, sixty-thousand? Dat's a deal. Da ones I whacked are worth a lot more."

"Money? I didn't agree to pay YOU money. Why should I pay you? You didn't do the work."

"Yeah well da ones dat did got demselves killed."

"Then you accept responsibility for their actions?"


A large white smile grew on the figure's face. She turned on the desk lamp, revealing herself. A pink earth pony with a purple creamsicle mane topped with a tiara.

"You?? You're dat mare from the derby last week!"

"Yes I know. Now, Palomino, I'm not paying you."

"What? Why not? I did what you wanted―"

"No I'm afraid you didn't. It seems I'm going to have to discipline you. You see, you work for me now."

"I work for myself."

"Used to. But you have taken orders from me for the past couples weeks. That purging of the East Police force was...admirable. But even though I have filled your paycheck, you still exhibit defiance. I am your Donna. Is that clear?"

"You are my client. I'm quite kind to my clients, so lawng as dey pay me." Palomino hoped his reputation for brutality would swing things in his favor.

"For what?" This mare, though, appeared unafraid.

"Knockin' off Babs Seed and her little cousin Applebloom."

"But you didn't kill them. You didn't even harm Applebloom. And though your failure works to my advantage, you still disobeyed my orders. Applebloom was not to be harmed."

"Yeah well..." He nervously said. "Two birds, one stone, and all dat shit. I gave you a two-for-one."

"The written communique SPECIFICALLY set those parameters, correct?" Diamond Tiara started waving a gun around just to intimidate the stallion.

"It...It was an accident?" Palomino started sweating profusely.

"Oh I understand. I understand completely." Aiming the pistol, she fired it, hitting Palomino straight in the knee. He curled up in his chair, writhing in pain. "Oooh sorry. Accidents happen, you know."


Visibly upset by this insult, the mare fired again, hitting his other knee. Over his cries of pain, the mare took another breath from her cigarette. "Now, I don't want any more slipups, is that clear? You will do as I say, exactly when and how I say it. Otherwise, I will replace you."

"Yes...yes...Donna." He whimpered, still holding his leg.

"Pathetic; spineless. Hard to imagine you once ruled over the criminal underground. Grey Eminence!" The silver unicorn perked up. "Get this stallion cleaned up. We have work to do."

Lifting the injured pegasus up and ferrying him out of the room, Grey Eminence left the "Donna" and her friend alone.

"It is fortunate that Applebloom remains alive. The first move has been made, Silver Spoon, albeit delayed. Cruller and those other two were weak, but such ponies are expendable."

Looking out the window, the grey mare replied. "Are you sure that was a wise opening move? Applebloom is not one to be messed with, I think."

"This action was decisive. We've broken her. Now she doesn't have the will to do anything while we continue on."

"For your sake, I hope so...because I fear we've awoken a beast, and filled her with a terrible resolve."

"You've been reading too many novels, Spoon. Such idealized heroes of unyielding strength and determination are...fictitious. The pony psyche is too weak. She has fallen like a house of cards."