By Chatoyance
2. My Little Runaway
Lillian remained still. She could tell that she had been converted, but all of her daydreams of waking up and enjoying her new pony body had been destroyed somehow. She could feel her four hooves, she could feel her long neck and tail and the soft coat that covered her body and kept it warm and comfortable. She had been changed. But this was not how she had imagined things at all. She wanted to cry. A small tear began to form in the tiny crack she kept open in her right eye; now her vision was blurred from it.
The door to the conversion room opened and closed. She heard the locks engaged from outside. She heard the PA, Olivia, stepping about behind her as she lay on the table. Something bad was going on, something very wrong. The doctor did not mean her well, and Olivia served the doctor.
Right now, there was only one other being in the room. Lillian felt the desire to escape, to run, to leave whatever was going on. This was a chance - Olivia the assistant was smaller than the heavy-set attending physician, and one person was easier to deal with than two. She could lay here on the table and wait for doctor Treasen to return, or she could try something, anything. Panic and desperation filled Lillian's mind.
She decided she would try to kick the PA as hard as she could, and then make a run for it. She would have to be fast, she would have to be smart, and she would have to act now.
Lillian whipped her head up to see where Olivia was. The room spun - she was unprepared for just how long and muscular her new neck was. She found she had overshot and managed to hurt her own flank with her jaw. Her neck hurt now, as she straightened it carefully. Olivia spun around at the noise, a syringe in her hand.
Her hooves lashed out with far less control than she had imagined, and since Olivia was slightly to the side, Lillian found herself twisting as her kick brought her hips over the edge of the stainless steel table. Her rear legs and flank pulled the rest of her over the edge. She hit the tiled floor with a smack that made her head spin and her bones ache. Something on her side hurt very much; it felt like she had injured her arm, only she could feel all four hooves flailing aimlessly.
The syringe! She couldn't allow it to be used on her! Lillian ignored her pains and rolled as best she could to her belly and tried to launch herself to a standing position. Her uncoordinated effort threw her against the wall, where she slumped in agony - the injured arm feeling on her side, just by her shoulder was worse now. The PA, Olivia, had sprung back against the other wall, holding the syringe up as if to protect herself.
"Lillian! Wait! I'm not going to hurt you!"
Yeah, sure, she thought. Lillian tried to stand again, this time using the wall for balance. "Don't even try to come near me, I swear I will kick you!" She tried to sound as menacing as possible, but her voice sounded immature, even to her.
"I won't I swear. Look! I'm putting it down!" And she was. Olivia put the syringe on the tile and waved her empty hands.
"But the doctor!" Lillian was standing now, more or less, leaning against the wall. She had to look over her own shoulder to see the PA. It was then that she finally understood the pain in her side; she had wings. She was a pegasus pony! She must have landed wrong when she fell, and hurt her wing. It didn't feel broken, just sore. That was a relief.
"Listen, Lillian, you have to trust me. I don't want you to be hurt. I can't live with what they are going to do. I want to give you a chance to escape, but we have to act quickly, and you have to trust me, please!" The dark haired PA's voice quavered as she spoke. It was clear that she was frightened, and that she was fighting with herself over her decision to help.
"Why? Why help me?" Lillian felt fear and suspicion. Nothing made sense to her, it felt as if she were still inside a nightmare.
"There isn't time, dammit. Just trust me. I'll get you to the door. Just trust me." Olivia approached Lillian, her hands outstretched. Lillian considered trying to kick her, but then realized that she wasn't sure she could manage it. Her body was entirely new to her. She could barely stand. There was nothing for it; she would have to trust this woman.
Olivia took hold of Lillian, bent over her, and steadied the pony. "Come on, walk, try to walk, I'll keep you from falling. You have to learn to use those legs fast. Towards the door - move towards the door! That's it, keep moving. Trust in your body, I've helped a lot of newfoals. The body knows better than you do. Just let it walk, that's it, let it get you there." Olivia was babbling, but somehow it was all working, and the less Lillian tried to control her walking, the easier it seemed to be to walk. Olivia was talking with some experience here, it seemed.
They were at the door. "Stand. Just stand for a moment."
Lillian struggled for a moment, then deliberately tried to relax. Once again her body seemed to know best, and she did not fall over. She looked up to see Olivia entering a code on the active surface by the door. "I am going to get in so much trouble for this. God dammit. God dammit."
The sounds of locks disengaging rattled through the room. Olivia took hold of the massive handle on the metal door and pushed it open. The long hallway that led to the conversion room beckoned. "Lillian, listen to me carefully. You have to run, you have to find someplace to hide. You can't trust anyone. You can't go to Equestria, not ever, do you understand? You can't ever let Celestia find you. And you can't ever let the government catch you, or the HLF or the Blackmesh or... anyone! Everyone is going to be after you. If they catch you, you are dead. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"
The look in Olivia's eyes was horror and pity and anger, and it drilled straight into Lillian's heart. "I... I understand."
A strange feeling filled the room. It was the damnedest thing; it was like a breeze coming from nowhere, like a light shining from a direction that no hand could point. Lillian felt as if the air pressure were increasing rapidly, only it wasn't. An electric tingle danced over her body.
"SHIT! Wait a moment!" Olivia ran to a drawer and began searching it frantically. She snatched something and ran back. Lillian's head was rudely grabbed and she felt something slammed into her forehead. It felt like Olivia had hit her somehow, only now there was a cold, hard weight above and between her eyes. "That will hide you. It's Equestrian. Now RUN!"
Lillian began to run down the hall. Her hooves threatened to skitter out from under her with every step, but somehow she remained upright. As she slammed into the side of the hall due to an error in trajectory, she glanced behind her to see a curtain of blue, lavender and teal light rippling like some impossible flag behind Olivia in the doorway. "RUN DAMMIT! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"
Suddenly, Olivia was snatched backwards from the doorway, as if by an invisible hand. It was horrifying. Lillian turned her head and ran again.
Doctor Treasen was suddenly in the way, his face filled with shock and anger. Lillian ran straight at him; she felt the impact as he was knocked to the side, falling on his face just outside the hallway. She was in the cafeteria now, already bustling with the lunchtime crowd. Familiar faces, human and pony, blurred as Lillian scrambled to run past them towards the front of the clinic.
She was barely aware of an innocent newfoal stallion sent sprawling, his tray and bowl clattering on the floor. Lillian dashed towards the lobby, barely avoiding an impact with several pieces of furniture. Someone was entering the clinic as she approached the door; as she sent them tumbling it dawned on her that the figure was dressed all in black. He was a Blackmesh guard.
Lillian was galloping now, the stairs were coming up. She knew she couldn't navigate them; she was still having trouble running. Without thinking she leapt, her wings spreading out automatically in terror. She was beyond thought now, her fear having taken over her mind completely. Somehow she found herself safely down on the plascreet roadway, running again. She must have glided, it was the only explanation, but she had no idea how she had managed it.
The sound of her hooves on the plascreet was loud as she ran down an alley. She had no idea where she was going other than far away. She could barely make out the sound of yelling behind her, doubtless pursuit was in progress. Where now? Lillian tore off down another alleyway, trying to take an irregular route.
The underground. The sky would be filled with drones and cameras if she could somehow figure out how to fly. The streets were lined with cameras and patrolled by vehicles and she would soon be captured if she continued running about above ground. Stairs leading down to the maglev tunnels offered slim hope. She ran for an entrance, down a side street. She was sure it must be there; she had taken that maglev to reach the Bureau from her home in Surrey.
She slowed to step carefully, now. She could not run down the stairs for fear of breaking her neck, and she dared not try to glide again, not inside the narrow tunnel. Step by agonizing step, she slowly made it to the bottom. There were cameras above that would show that she had entered, but that information might not be immediately available to her pursuers.
The station ahead was crowded, surprising and confusing her. Suddenly Lillian felt stupid. Of course it would be crowded, it was a maglev station. She ducked down the tunnels that led to the restrooms. As she headed for the women's bathroom she felt more and more like she was heading into a dead end, a trap from which she could not escape. She stopped in the tunnel. It was hopeless.
There were cameras above, in the sky and in the streets, cameras everywhere, the eyes and ears of the world government. And, of course, there were cameras here too, like the one she had just noticed scanning back and forth at the end of the tunnel, where the doors to the restrooms were. She looked behind her, at the cameras she had failed to notice there.
It was hopeless. She was trapped. Anger and rage filled her. She stomped her new hooves in frustration and tossed her head back and forth, insane with fear.
There was a loud, metallic clank, clunk, ting from the walls and floor of the tunnel. Her head felt lighter.
Lillian looked down. Near her left hoof was a ring. It was large, big enough to be a bracelet. It was thick, and appeared to be made of silver. Strange symbols ran around the ring: horseshoe-like shapes, stars, crescents, spirals and more. Equestrian symbols. This was the thing that Olivia had stuck on her forehead.
It was all too much. Lillian could not understand anything of what was happening to her. Mechanically, she lowered her head to pick up the strange ring. She had dropped it, she had to pick it up - that was the extent of her numb, overworked thought.
The ring tasted like metal in her mouth. She stood there like a dumb and useless animal, sucking on the metal ring, utterly without any plan. She literally could not think of anything more or better to do. She looked down at herself, taking in what she could of her appearance for the first time. Her coat was a soft bluish-gray, her mane and tail the soft pale yellow of corn silk. She began to idly look around.
Her shadow was on the tunnel wall. She looked at it. She was a pony; she wiggled her tail and the tail on the shadow wiggled too. She stretched out her wings; her left wing hurt as she did so, she had bruised something there. Her shadow had also spread its wings, her wings, and she admired the dramatic display of them on the wall.
It was then that she noticed that the shadow pony had a horn.
Lillian crossed her eyes and looked up, trying to verify what her shadow seemed to indicate. She couldn't see a horn. She walked, slowly to the wall, her shadow growing as she approached. Lillian lowered her head carefully, still sucking on the ring in her teeth. She felt the sharp knock to her skull as her horn tapped on the tilework. It was there, it was real. She was a unicorn.
No, she was a pegasus. She flexed her wings once more.
It hit her. That was the problem. She was both. That was strange. In all of ponykind, only two beings were both. The princesses, Celestia and Luna. Alicorns. That's what they were called. Alicorns. Immortal goddesses of Equestria.
Olivia's words came back to her. "You can't go to Equestria, not ever, do you understand? You can't ever let Celestia find you. You can't let anyone catch you."
Oh. My. God.
Understanding began to spread across Lillian's mind. She was a pariah! If she was an alicorn, then she would be... a threat. To Celestia. To her rule. Stories of ancient earth monarchies, of pretenders to the crown, of executions and heads rolling from blocks bubbled up in her memory. Celestia was more than a mere ruler, she was a goddess who raised the sun in her world.
By being an unsanctioned, unauthorized, illegitimate alicorn, Lillian was not merely a threat to the crown of Equestria. She was a living blasphemy.
And the Human Liberation Front - they wanted a way to stop the expansion of Equestria, to defeat the invasion that they felt Celestia represented. The HLF humans would want her. They would want her to fight for them against Celestia, and if she would not, they would want her body to dissect and study, to find the secret of the powers of a god.
There was no being in either world who would not want her dead or enslaved to their cause. Lillian had casually used the word 'doom' her entire life; finally she understood what 'doomed' truly meant, and it was not a happy thing.
The strange feeling was back. The feeling of pressure rising, of light from nowhere, an electric tingle - the same as back at the bureau! Lillian remembered poor Olivia being pulled into the conversion room, the sensation of something approaching, the glowing curtain of colors, blue, violet, teal.... the colors of Celestia's strange mane of light!
Lillian, ring still in her mouth, turned to see the hallway behind her distorting. The air itself was bending the light differently, as the feeling of pressure increased. Light began spilling from the distortion.
Somehow Lillian knew. Celestia was coming. That light was Celestia coming. It was a... a wormhole, or a space warp or some kind of magic door. Celestia was coming. How? How had she found her? Why had it taken this long to find her?
The ring. "This will hide you. It's Equestrian." The ring had hidden her. It had been on her horn, until she had shaken it off. It must act like some kind of scrambler, or damper, or cloak, or something like that. It hid her. She could think of no way to put it back on her horn. In any case, it was too late now.
The feeling of pressure was overwhelming. Lillian could see light shining from the center of the distortion in the middle of the air, and it was becoming brighter. Lillian saw the grand, tall, regal shape of princess Celestia, monarch and living goddess, walking towards her, the world itself bowing and stretching to make way for her royal passage.
Celestia did not look at all happy or friendly.
Exquisite painting by Balthasar999
Lillian thought she had felt fear before. She was wrong. Everything she had experienced until now was as nothing; the creature walking slowly and carefully towards her was the most terrifying thing she had ever experienced. That was not a pony. She knew beyond understanding that it was not even flesh. The being approaching her was an entity, and only a tiny portion of it played the small role of 'princess'. It was ancient beyond measure and powerful beyond reason. Princess Celestia was an eldritch horror, stalking her with caution and determination.
"Pleathe... pleathe..." Lillian could only beg now, she could only mumble around the ring in her mouth "I juth wanth to be thumwhere elth... pleathe..." Her begging filled her heart and overwhelmed her mind. She felt a sharp pain in her forehead; it was like a spike of hot metal digging into her brain.
Suddenly there was a massive flash of light within the tunnel.
As princess Celestia exited her hyperspace conduit, it collapsed behind her, winking to a point and vanishing. The living goddess stood, staring down the empty tunnel, at the tiled walls and plascrete floor. The camera at the end scanned lazily back and forth making a faint humming sound. The two bathroom doors at the end remained closed.
Celestia sniffed delicately at the air; the faint tang of ozone touched her royal nostrils. She gritted her teeth.
The usurper had somehow instinctively managed to teleport.
This would not do.
You, mam, are a beast.
Lovely Chapter and MOAR PER I SAY. MOAR!
Man, this keeps getting better and better. Keep it up
As always, masterfully executed. I wait with baited breath for chapter 3.
Glass half full: We may find that the powers of the immortals are, indeed, limitless - and we are dealing with a world where emergent universes are not only real, they're a major plot-point.
Perhaps young Lillian here might end up in one of her very own - safe from the forces that will undoubtedly hunt for her to the ends of the universe; either one.
Whatever the case, this is as always very well written and I patiently await the next installment.
Okay, we've established that she's in trouble and that Celestia is DEFINITELY not on her side.
We also know that she has a means to avoid her detection.
What now? Does she seek help from friends? Does she receive aid from an unlikely source?
How is she going learn more about what's going on and, in turn, enlighten the audience?
The only person I know of to get her own alicorn generally accepted by the fandom is Faust. But Code Majeste is special because the alicorn aspect of the character is part of the conflict, if not its heart, and is just getting the character into more trouble.
An offhand thought on Original Characters: OCs that claim the attention of your pony waifus become disliked, while those that might become waifus themselves are more accepted. (Think Velvet or Echo Fleetfoot.)
Questions, questions, questions. Where did the Equestrian Horn Ring come from, why would it be there, how would Olivia know about it, or how it worked?
What are the details and protocols of Code Mageste? Nothing good, obviously, but I have one of those minds that wants to know, just because. How many alicorns there have been or would be is not as important, it would seem, as how many were/are allowed to SURVIVE after their change......Ominous.
Okay, now that that's out of my system:
So happy to see Chatoyance back at her stories!!! I have a feeling I know where things might be going, but the journey is an adventure, and twists are well within our beloved authoress's venue. I can feel Chapter 3 on the horizon, and with heated anticipation I await the notice for it's posting.'d think that Celestia would simply remove the offending horn and let the poor mare live in peace. Nope. She's got to treat her like so much Windfeather.
"Instead, I think, you may find...."
You might want to try being a little less up-front about these kinds of details. Especially the last part. Think about how your average reader might react to knowing what kind of ending the story they're reading is going to have. Details or not, now I know what to expect. I haven't made an account here, but if you can edit or delete your comments, I would definitely recommend you get rid of what's basically a massive spoiler for the entire story please.
Yeah, alicorns have been discussed, but they are very hard to do right. In standard fanfic, they have a very, very high chance of being a Sue. In CB fics they have a very, very high chance of being self-insert Sue.
As massively egotistical as it may sound, I trust Chatoyance to do an alicorn right - I know how I could end it, but I'm not sure I want to discuss it because I don't want to influence the story. For me, though (and I will say this), there is only two ways I could realistically end it - godhood or oblivion. My versions of Luna and Celestia aren't quite the same eternal beings as Chatoyance's are. Mine have godlike powers, and possibly created many things, and are quite possibly avatars, but aren't all-powerful or all-knowing, not even in their own realm. I prefer my gods more... human. I can't write an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient creator reliably because everything that needed resolution would be resolved in very short order, and theodicy in such a situation is untenable without a god which has other priorities than molly-coddling.
Oh boy is this going to be a roller-coaster...
The magic-inhibitor macguffin is relatively common, and the only real way to inhibit a unicorn is via the horn since that is often taken as the seat of their powers, or at least some focal point.
Using it is simple - it's an enchanted object, not a binding spell. The latter would require a ceremony and probably multiple casters. The former, the inhibitor ring, does its job by mere proximity. Presumably, with it on, others may not even see her horn (depending on whether it's supposed to be part of a camoflage set) or at the very least it will inhibit her magic and, at the cost of making spells impossible, also hide her as a winged unicorn from the baleful glare of the sun tyrant.
Done. I hope I yet surprise you, though. I will try.
I'm refusing to let myself comment on possibles - I know I'll be surprised.
"As bad as things are now they can ALWAYS get worse." - Me
Hm. For some reason, Chatoyance's reply appeared on her story list, but not here. Regardless...
Jennifer, I trust you to tell a story. In fact, I find myself eagerly awaiting each new chapter you write, even now. I was actually pointing out that you successfully side-stepped the potential Mary-Sue aspect of the alicorn by turning it into a problem and not a solution. So long as being an alicorn is not the solution to Lillian's problems, this should continue to be true. I doubt the Celestia you show in this story will fit in with my own views of her, but that's okay. Stormfall taught me to enjoy the story for what it is and not worry about everything being "correct". The one thing that does worry me is the suggestion that you'll go into another funk and possibly stop writing again. Damnit, woman, I don't want another repeat of what happened after Takozushi! I waited two years for you to start writing again! And as I told you before, Takozushi doesn't count!
That said. Please, keep writing this. For me, if for no one else.
You know, it’s weird how the most interesting details are often the most easily overlooked... like bruising.
Dear Chatoyance,
Please write some more.
Da Bunnana King
One scene is almost never enough to get a good idea of a character; one short scene, even less so. So I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and withhold judgment on Celestia. If she is, however, treating the situation as seems to be implied, well...
You've probably heard this already. I'm probably not stating something new. And maybe I'm not being fair; after all, that you've put a great deal of thought into this, I don't doubt. But alicorn newfoal or not, I just don't see Celestia to be the type to automatically condemn. Maybe this is too much of my headcanon speaking; it wouldn't be the first time I've made that mistake. Celestia, though, to me, has always come across, first and foremost, as merciful.
This Celestia is not merciful. At least not from what has been shown, and what has been shown isn't much.
Like I said, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and no matter what, well, this is Celestia in circumstances you've dictated and therefore somewhere, somehow, and some way, it's all justified... but the idea of Celestia as an unyielding tyrant is not one I entertain, and for all intents and purposes, that's all we've seen so far.
Wishing you luck, and awaiting more.
(chuckles) Celestia's PR department is truly top-shelf.
Ponder a moment, if you will, the state of being one of the immortals - ageless, perhaps inconceivably powerful, and yet still possessed of the most pony of emotions: Love, fear, elation, and yes, anger. Knowing that your 'heart' makes you just as fallible as the mortal ponies, but with consequences immeasurably more dire for a misstep.
Imagine having to wonder "what if", for eternity - to question every outcome and wonder if you could have done better; have every doubt gnaw away at you forever. To understand with perfect clarity that every decision you make in the here and now will have repercussions that go on beyond anyone who would ever remember - save you.
Decisions that will impact lives generations distant, and only you can stand as judge to your actions.
Imagine having seen conflicts that would grey the colors from a mortal pony. To stand as the final answer in all things and having to ensure, at any cost, the continued existence of your people. To have - from necessity - had to perform perceptually 'evil' acts for the greater good, because the universe is neither fair nor black and white.
To live as a symbol of good, but forever with one wing dipped in blood.
Imagine seeing, truly seeing, that the world you so dearly love is nothing more than a stage and you are the only one sitting in the audience.
Celestia would, in all actuality, be so far beyond pony comprehension that any term, even 'merciful', may not actually apply.
I agree with Lysanderas Celestia has always come off as more of a benevolent merciful ruler, kinda hard to imagine her doing this even if Lilian is a threat. In this story Celestia comes off as a Benevolent Tyrant, sort of like the Patrician, Lord Vetrinari from Discworld. She wants what's best for her little ponies as a whole and is willing to deal with serious threats, without hesitation.
There's one other thing besides Celestia's portrayal in this story that bothers me. (I've decided this Celestia and this story takes place in a parallel Conversion verse. )
The thing I'm wondering is why The Bureau had those rings that can Mask a Unicorn/Alicorns presence in the first place. It seems a bit odd they'd keep that kind of thing in a Conversion Bureau. Unless a Newfoal Unicorn had a reason to hide from some pony or Celestia's authorities operate out of these bureaus and use them to stay undercover some how. I dunno the ring just seems a really convenient plot device that says "bitch I don't need to explain nuthin" of course without the ring Chatoyance would have to give Celestia and Luna limits on their powers.
Also on a less serious story related note, I for some reason or other, want this story to end with the lines "You would fight this war alone?" "No not alone" Cues the appearance of more Alicorns
More imagine they are to place on Newfoal Unicorns who loose control of their magic early on. You can't have some newbie unicorn atomizing sections of the Bureau randomly. Thus, for those that react poorly, or loose control, Bang... Inhibitor Ring.
I really do want to see how this goes. All of the Code Majeste precautions may just be to prevent the fledgling Alicorn from annihilating a city block, not as prelude to assassination. Though Chatoyance's Celestia is definitely all-powerful, and probably largely all-knowing too, she isn't overly benevolent. I'm still not absolutely sold that she's about to kill off the usurper, more that her displeasure is at having to deal with the matter personally.
Maybe, maybe not... we'll see.
Chatoyance's Celestia strikes me as hard, godlike creature trying to craft a world and a people who are... better... than she is.
Question of the day: What does Celestia's reaction to Lillian say about her relationship with Luna?
Ooh! You have just clarified how I see Celestia for me! Brill, Verreaux!
I reason thus: Celestia and Luna lived during the reign of Discord. Life cannot have been easy or nice, and the very world must have been chaos general, well, discord. We've seen the grump grayness of ponies under his rule, and I cannot imagine either of the pony sisters having a kind, friendly relationship... with pretty much anything or anypony in their world at that time.
They must have known meanness as a way of life, back then, and only some wish for better would have driven them to fight Discord to free themselves and their people. It must have been very rough following that victory, with the harsh CANTERLOT VOICE needed to keep order and ensure their survival. And I think it explains Luna and her banishment; everypony would still be at each other's throats to some degree - one does not get over growing up under the reign of Discord overnight. Or even in one generation.
"You're still as grim as ever, Celestia." Discord may have been very honest here. Celestia would have to be grim, serious, and determined to save her people and create the Equestria we see today. She would have to be capable of being harsh, severe, and even iron-hoofed as needed to shape an entire civilization, and bring it back from literal chaos.
I have always felt that the slight, sad look in her eye, the way she is presented in the show reflects a tortured soul; she may be sweetness and light now, but I think a thousand years ago she was very different, because she had to be. And that part of her is still available, and we see brief glimpses of it, such as in Lesson Zero, where I personally feel Twilight was thirty minutes from becoming a garden ornament, if not for the pleading of her friends. Try watching Celestia in that episode with all of this in mind, and you will see where I am coming from with my depiction of princess Celestia.
I exactly think Celestia wants to create a world, and a people, better than she and her sister are. They have had to do things, be things, live through things that may not allow them to actually be as sweet as they try so hard to appear. I think that is their personal tragedy; they must forever look from outside at the happy ponies and happy world they have made while never being able to truly, completely be a part of it. They've seen too much. They've had to do things no pony should ever have to do.
Because they had to.
I believe if Lillian is ever caught by Celestia, there will be a new garden statue at Canterlot Castle.
Another alicorn goddess is threat to security of Equestria. The life of an immortal is a very long one. From Celestia's experience, she knows that even the bonds of family, of shared experiences was not strong enough to prevent civil war. Now faced with a stranger, a human turned alicorn... who will probably feel more kinship with the newfoal.... for peace sake... this new goddess must be made into a block of stone.
Sadly in Celestia hunting Lillian to stop a war between two alicorns, she may just start one. This is a case of a self-fulfilling prophecy, as Lillian will have no choice but to fight Celestia and there will be ponies that will flock to Lillian's banner.
Luna could have attempted to broker a peace between the two allicorn, but it appears she is on the side of her sister.
I am surprised that the world government was not actively experimenting to produce an allicorn (Probably they were). Poor Lillian, hunted by everyone.
If only she can find the power to rip her own dimensional plane and build her own kingdom. Only then can she be safe.
Why did I only just now notice Chatoyance had posted two stories before the currently running one? I don't know!
Would I be willing to fight a goddess and a world government to protect a certain gray alicorn? Yes!
Would I just cry like a little bitch when Celestia shows up? Probably!
Would I, were I not to cry like a bitch beforehand, try to shoot Celestia as a distraction given the chance? Maybe!
All else aside, would I ride into GLORIOUS BATTLE on a gray alicorn? YES.
Down with the tyrant!!
599470 What he said.
I'm really hoping we explore Celestia's reasons for acting this way, and what it is that she's so afraid of. Clearly Lillian is not a threat merely by virtue of her existence; she barely managed to teleport and Celestia wasn't expecting her to be able to do that. But given the use of "usurper" we can conclude that Celestia sees her as a threat regardless. Hopefully we can find a reason for that which doesn't make her out to just be an actual iron-hoof dictator. She shares with Luna, doesn't she?
"The usurper"? It's really bothering me that this is Celestia's immediate assumption. It's certainly not Lillian's fault she became an alicorn.
Doesn't seem in-character for Celestia, but then none of the Tyrant Celestia fics have her in-character. In the show she would definitely be kind and nice to Lillian, not consider her a usurper for the enourmous sin of being converted into an alicorn, as if she had control over that.
Chatoyance has made Celestia kind of like this in the past, though... So now I wouldn't really mind if Lillian beat down Celestia, while the Princess of the Sun is acting like this.
3205629 internet arguments, look it up
Lillian is a teleporter. That is a rare skill and she manifested it less than an hour after conversion. She is very powerful and will be more so.
Go, Princess Derpy! You can win this! We believe in you!!
I fear almost as much for Olivia as I do for Lillian. She's almost certainly lost her position and it's likely she'll be banned from conversion altogether. All for a seditious act of pure compassion.
Poor Lillian. She did not sign up for this. She did not want this. It was not her fault. She shouldn't be punished.
I hold out the slim hope that Celestia or Luna can fix this. Maybe working together. I mean, Twilight wasn't born an alicorn, she became one when she was ready to handle the power level. Maybe they could do the same thing for Lillian. They could at least try.
I was wondering why Celestia was so angry. I think she's more frightened than anything else, because if I am judging this correctly and alicorn's powers are those of a god.
And I am so hoping they can fix this. Destroying her out right would be a crime against everything that Celestia stands for.