He was a thousand-year-old tyrant unicorn with a heart as black as night, she was a twenty-something confectionery worker, it could never have worked. Yet, with a bitter cold winter upon Equestria, two lonely souls come to discover that you shouldn't worry over what you once had, be it a solid relationship or a mighty empire with a ton of slaves, but rather that you should simply learn to appreciate the simple things that life can offer you.
Elsewhere, Princess Celestia attempts to stop a nuclear war with the newly reformed Crystal Empire.
Wat.All of my Wat.This is a Totaly unfreaking expected pairing.
The wat
For those of you who are too young to recognise the reference (it's pretty old, even for me), it's a reference to a movie called "Dr Strangelove: or! how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb". A sort of comedic parody of the cold war. the movie itself is quite fun to watch but it's got some pretty grim and stark humor so you might want to keep an open mind.
I shudder to think of what sort of references this story will have on that movie.
And that's all I have to say about this
Wait.....NUCLEAR?And CELESTIA is going to stop a NUCLEAR war?.......Thats is not a moon!Its a Nuclear Disposal range!
Lol well this should be intresting. Very intresting in deed. Let's see when the next chapter comes out...
Well, the title's nice.
1701284 All of my yes.
Haven't read, but you get my upvote for the greatest title EVER!
I need to read this. A BonbonXSombra shipfic with an Everyone rating... Can't get any better.
A good start.
I hope you make it so that Sombra is unable to speak properly. It's okay, because Bon-Bon has enough voices for both of them.
Truly a match made in heaven, or the pony equivalent of it.
Wasn't there one a few months ago with a similar title? "Queen Chrysalis or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Changeling"?
Edit: found it. Here.
I'm debating whether to call one of the characters Princess Celestia Muffley
I assure you, at no point in this fic does anyone ever "Ride the Bon"
Tomorrow, because I can
I was awaiting to see some of your comment wizardry
Note that when that title manifested itself in my head, that's when I decided that I had to make a story about it
Not my intention actually, but I can roll with that
Yes I saw that like moments after I posted this. I also saw a different one on Fanction.net called Celestia Shrugged, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying.
Dr Strangelove has a much parodied title
There was also some obscure director named Stanley Kubrick or something like that who made a movie with a similar title...
1701771 Yes, there was. I recognize the reference to the film parody of the cold war. I just wanted to point out the similarity of the concept of both stories.
1701771 Yeah, I heard a lot about that movie.
Dr. is best Stranglelove.
Now, Ah dun' think Ah need to read this, th' title alone made mah day betta'.
At first I was like
But then I was like
Um...okay...didn't see that coming at all...
A year and a half... since the summer sun celebration? Is she sleeping with Twilight?
Okay... interesting. Sombra and Bonbon. Maybe he'll gain menace without his powers.
Ouch... Year and a half. Yeah, get out.
Dang it! I can't find the movie anywhere I would prefer to watch it before I read this. Curse you YouTube, you have those crappy vampire "romance" movies but not this movie, curse you!
Well..... that was unexpected. Never been cheated one (or even been in a relationship) but i know its tough. Sorry Bon Bon. It tends to happen.
War huh? Seems like King Sombra was a ponified Einstein if he knew how to make weaponry. This is taking quite the turn in the story, wonder what will happen next...
Wow, lots of comas in the first paragraph. That said... The king arrives.
Let's see how things build.
...Huh? What's going on..?
War? That's... ominous, to say the least.
Okay... mysterious, a bit. At least he's got directions to Bonbon.
Okay this guy is either some dummy with excellent luck or some genious who can read minds. Not sure if i would've reacted the same way but this might get intresting.
Spooky. Oh! And interesting. Definitely interesting.
Great, keep those chapters coming.
Well looks liek the Empire is planning something..... Lets see what they've got in store for us.....
Hmm, I sense something troubling.
Okay... foreboding, much?
I think you mean pony's, what you used there is for the possesion of multiple ponies.
I think you mean "What would you, the expert, suggest?"
Over all, its building up into something nice, I'll stay tunned in, this has an extreme grasp on my attention.
This is interesting. I hope it developes further.
Ah, how cute!
Moar please!
Oo, plot rises from previous chapter.
Nice chapter. Hot chocolate... best hot drink for me. :D
Whoa, not cool, Colgate. Not cool at all!
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Please upload more I love where this story is going. Please don't cancel it!
I see what you did right there, you sneaky dog you.