A strange robbery has Sherlock interested, it leads him into unknown waters of magic and the occcult.
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And Sherlock Holmes is now a pony. My life is now 37% complete.
Okay, there were a few grammatical errors that kind of stuck out for me. "Waist of time" and "Jems," mostly.
But, you've done a fantastic job of getting Doyle's original character! Aloof, awkward, no sense of social norm, etc. Seriously, great job.
Thanks! I realized there were no Sherlock hooves parodies and had to fill the gap.
And thanks for the grammatical comments, i always have a hard time catching those things.
Well, that was a fun read! Would like to see more.
You're pretty good at this, a very enjoyable read. Can't wait to see more!
I finally though that someone had agreed with me, that someone else believed that Rainbow Dash was actually straight. And then you had to take that happy thought, and smash me upside the head with it. Shame on you sir!
On the positive side, I'm still enjoying the story. You're style of writing (At least in this series) is quite similar to Doyle's; I have no doubt that you're sprinkling the necessary clues to solve the mystery throughout your chapters. Great job so far, keep it up!
♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪
Excellent story! I have to say, I wasn't expecting anything good, but what the hell do I know? This was really fun to read, especilly the dialogue between Clopson and Sherlock.