• Member Since 1st Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2023


SvM coming soon sorta maybe


Luna, Celestia, and Cadence play the famed MINECRAFT on Xbox 360

*may contain objectionable language use, intentionally bad grammar and spelling and Engrish in general, royal princess shenanigans, and overall silliness.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 47 )

excellent fic! :rainbowlaugh:

I'd like to see them play slender:pinkiehappy:

this i a very disfunctional family...

1655266 i wish to see more.:rainbowderp:

I'll probably be writing more, but progress is slow since I'm more used to writing grim-dark and action stuff, instead of comedy:derpyderp2:


That... IS FREAKIN' FUNNY!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

quoting rooster teeth: LLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEET's PLAY! -minecraft episodes


Haha exactly what it's based on

Epic, epic, and, oh yeah, EPIC!!!!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:

Omg this is awesome Luna is like micheal and cadance is Gavin lol u get a fav my friend lol

Beds don't work that way, you would only get a message saying that your bed was missing or obstructed.

Beds don't work that way, you would only get a message saying that your bed was missing or obstructed.

Yeah. I know. But for the randomness and comedy of it, and because they're playing on Equestrian Xboxes, there's bound to be some glitches and random happenings

Sorry I just have to do this


Ah a AH let's play refrence.

Banished to the moon again? I think so:trollestia:

So much win in this story. Can you do dead space 3 with luna and armor?

..... where the previous chapters also this flooded with Let's Play Minecraft from Roosterteeth references?

Heh, this one's cute.

This reminds me of SkyDoesMinecraft playing multiplayer with Minecraft universe.

Celestia, you should be worrying why you're down there, not why there's a cow down there!!!!

1739880 They've done it in more Let's Plays than just Minecraft.

I got Minecraft for PS3 real recently. While this is the Xbox version, I'll still read.(eventually.

Xbox Skyrim with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie!

Or Call of Duty: Black Ops II
That looked cool:rainbowwild:

If they play any of the Halos, this will be a sure favorite for me.

I have an idea...What about you have them play a factions server!!! well...if you havent already, i mean :coolphoto::derpyderp1::rainbowdetermined2::duck::twistnerd::trollestia::moustache::ajbemused: (yes, im doing random ones lol)

I laughed so hard! This is one of my top favorite fics!
You should have them attempt to fight the enderdragon...THAT WOULD BE FUN XD

ENGRISH :rainbowlaugh: I'm done... I'm done!

loving this so much! I love minecraft :)

Very funny... Are they going to make a portal to some boss in the future?

No electric in Equestria

and knowing Microsoft, I feel sorry for the poor pony who invents Minecraft, computers and the internet.

For these reasons, -1 brohoof.

this reminds me of my minecraft adventures

Not that she had a choice, she was kinda stuck in cobble web.

Cobble web

Of the mossy variant too, actually

One of my favourite fics ever! I'd like to see what happens next!

Maybe you can make them play PonyMC, the MLP mine craft server!

I cant wait till they fight the enderdragon

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