Chapter 10 – Uncertain Reactions
Anypony happening across Applejack and Rainbow Dash heading toward the library in the afternoon would have doubted their eyes and ears. The two mares walking side by side weren’t arguing, racing, or poking jokes at one another. For what must have been the first time ever, the pair was walking slowly, talking about what seemed to be a very important topic in hushed tones.
“So, whatta we do then?” Dash asked. “We need to find out what’s going on, and we can’t just sit around and wait for Derpy to make Twi’s tree fall on her head or something.”
Applejack nodded, but seemed to be trying to consider every angle before responding. “Well, first we should just see for ourselves how Twi feels about Derpy. Right now all we got is a buncha guessin’ and we’re not gonna figure nothin’ out without just askin’ her. Ah’m not quite sure how ta do it, but Ah think that’s first.”
Rainbow Dash gave a short “Mhm,” before sinking back into thought. “Yeah, we need to figure that out, but what do we do about Derpy? I mean we can’t just tell her to get lost, especially not if Twi really likes her.”
“Yea, Ah know” Applejack huffed. “Ah don’t like that pony all that much, an’ it don’t mean we gotta be best buds with her an’ all that, but Ah wanna make sure she ain’t gonna give Twi any trouble. Last thing we need is the clumsiest pony in Equestria ta break everythin’ Twi’s got. Y’all know how she gets with messes an’ all.”
Both ponies fell silent. Neither was good at discussing feelings and it made it even worse that they only had vague suspicions about what the feelings even were, if they even existed at all. The only way they were going to get anywhere was to get up the courage to talk to Twilight about it, and that was maybe their best bet. They were, after all, the bravest of the elements, ready to throw themselves into the thick of anything without hesitation, or at least anything that didn’t involve emotions.
They let out simultaneous sighs as they saw the giant tree loom into view. For all their thinking about the matter, they were just going to have to wing it and hope for the best.
Twilight had left the archives and gone straight for the train depot as soon as she had found the scroll she was looking for. She knew that she had to get the parchment transcribed before it disintegrated itself and destroyed her dreams of helping Derpy, but she also was mentally fatigued from her search, extended reading, and ethical dilemmas. Riding back along the tracks, she merely allowed herself to casually daydream; she didn’t dare take the scroll out while on the train for fear that a simple bump might cause it to dissolve in her hooves.
Her thoughts turned to her friends and how they would react to finding out that she had a new obsession that wasn’t book-related. It gave her an uneasy feeling that all of Tartaros would be released if she confessed to be interested in a mare rather than a stallion, but she knew she would have to eventually.
Undeniably it was hardly a trivial matter for her to announce her sexual preference to be different from what must inevitably be the social norm – though admittedly she was not entirely keen on societal perception. Regardless, her horrid tendency to imagine the worst case scenario surfaced; it forced itself to the forefront of her consciousness and began displaying vivid situations that could possibly arise.
Rarity would spread the news to everypony in Ponyville, and though Twilight didn't value her reputation above all else, it would nonetheless be ruined. There wouldn’t be a mare or stallion who wouldn’t be aware that she wanted a marefriend and the taunts and laughter would be unbearable. She wouldn’t be able to leave her library without ridicule and ponies would refuse her business; she would be forced to grow her own food, completely ostracized from society.
Finding out that Twilight was in love with a mare, and not just any mare, but Derpy - would completely crush Rainbow Dash. Dash had already been extremely critical of Derpy; the notion that Twilight had fallen for her would horrify Dash, and all contact between the two would cease. Rainbow Dash’s loss of faith in her friend might plunge her into depression, causing her work to suffer and her speed training to falter. There would be miserable weather all year round, and there would never again be a Sonic Rainboom.
As if she wasn’t enough of a recluse, Fluttershy would be so devastated that she would become a complete hermit, never leaving her cottage again. Animals would go uncared for and the lack of proper attention would leave the poor creatures sick, spreading disease to animal and pony alike. A plague outbreak would be imminent and ponies would be streaming to hospitals for treatment.
Of course, Applejack would be thoroughly disgusted at the idea and immediately refuse to talk to her. She may even reject the notion of seeing Twilight altogether. She would never be allowed into Sweet Apple Acres ever again, and probably wouldn’t get to eat another apple for as long as she lived.
Granny Smith and Big McIntosh would shun her anywhere she went, and Applebloom would be traumatized by the whole experience. Unquestionably Applebloom would share the news with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, though Sweetie would hear it from Rarity too.
The three fillies would spread it around the schoolyard and Miss Cheerilee would catch wind – she would be banned from the schoolgrounds for life, and countless fillies and colts would avoid the library from the stigma she had brought to it; books would go unread and pony intelligence would drop sharply, slowing all development in Ponyville.
Pinkie Pie… well, Pinkie Pie wouldn’t be fazed in the slightest. She would throw a party of course, but then, nopony would show up… nopony would want to celebrate an aberration in natural societal norms. The failure to cheer her friend would throw Pinkie Pie into a depression only seen in the pink mare once before; her mind would crack and she’d begin talking to inanimate objects again.
Complete social upheaval, dismal weather for eternity, sickness running rampant, driving students from the ability to learn, and the friendliest pony in town thrown into insanity, and it would be ALL HER FAULT.
The train whistle sounded and she was snapped back to reality. She looked up and saw everypony staring at her, unsure of whether to be concerned for the sanity of the unicorn who had been twitching, shaking, and sweating uncontrollably, or for the safety of themselves from the nervous wreck in their midst.
Twilight took several deep breaths, her twitching fading away as she apologized to the other passengers for her behavior... too much coffee this morning, she had said. She doubted anypony believed it, but they were at least satisfied enough to turn away and go back to ignoring her.
She facehooved, recognizing the signs of her own near meltdown. It had happened before, and every time her friends had been there to help her, to reassure her that her fears were completely unfounded. It took her considerable effort to push the nightmarish vision from her head, but she was sure now that her friends would never abandon her. They never had, and never would.
Twilight stepped off the train at the Ponyville station much to the relief of every other pony on board, and she headed toward the library. It was still early afternoon, and studying could wait until she had spoken with Derpy about the risks. Right now, she needed to relax.
“Howdy, Spike!” Applejack shouted as she barged straight in through the front door of the library. The greeting was answered by some sort of wobbly sounding yelp and a large crash.
“Ugh! Don’t you ponies ever knock?” Spike looked up from under the pile of books he had been re-shelving. “Twilight’s not here anyway. She still hasn’t gotten back from wherever she disappeared to.”
Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances before Rainbow Dash spoke up. “That’s okay. We were just gonna hang around here for a while until she gets back anyway. There’s a new Daring Do book out that I’ve gotta find besides. By the way, nice job cleaning up the place.”
Spike sighed. “It took me long enough, and as you can see from this pile I’m still not done.” His look turned sour instantly. “Most of my morning was taken up with that stupid stain. I got the spot out, but it still smells kinda funky over there. Whatever it was she spilled on the carpet, she’s cleaning up herself next time.”
Applejack shot a bemused look at Rainbow Dash. She had gotten a whiff of what was lingering in the air as well, and though it was much fainter there was no doubt as to what it was. “Don’ worry Spike. Ah think if she ever makes a mess like that again she’ll want to clean it up herself.” She winked at Rainbow Dash, who was trying her best to hold in fits of laughter by clamping her hooves over her muzzle.
Spike gave Dash a confused look. With her eyes bulged out like that and the muffled snorts coming from her, he thought she may be about to get sick. Right. In. His. Clean. Room. “Dash, if you’re gonna hurl or something, do it somewhere I didn’t just clean.”
She lost it, breaking out into a snorting, high-pitched squeal of a belly laugh. Spike looked to Applejack, who just rolled her eyes and gave a tip of her head toward Dash, acknowledging their friend’s insanity. The baby dragon gave a chuckle.
“Well, if you guys want to wait around for her, be my guests. I’m going out shopping for groceries. If she’s mad that some books are still on the floor, tell her to clean up her own spills and THEN I’ll do it.” Spike wandered out the door, still annoyed at Twilight.
The two mares waited for a few minutes, watching him leave through the window. The moment he was out of sight they both burst into roars of laughter. Wiping the tears from their eyes, Applejack looked over at Dash. “That settles it,” she said. “That’s definitely the smell of a turned-on mare. We’re just gonna hafta bite the bullet on this one and just come right out and ask her what’s goin’ on.”
Dash nodded, still giggling but holding up a hoof. “Alright, fine, we’ll be blunt about it. Manners can kiss my flank on this one. I’m asking her though; this is too good of an opportunity to pass up.”
“Too good of an opportunity for what?” inquired a familiar voice behind Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Twilight had just returned from her trip, and was looking at the two mares sitting in shock in front of her. “Well, at least Spike got the books cleaned up. Whew though – what’s that sme…”
Twilight froze. Oh sweet Celestia, please don’t let it be that.
Rainbow Dash sauntered over, batting her eyes lightly and playfully at the unicorn. “Oh, THAT smell.” She grinned, holding a hoof to her chin. “Funnily enough it was SO much more powerful smelling before Spike cleaned up the spot it left.”
Twilight’s eyes went wide and her coat lightened by several pale shades. She looked over at Applejack, who was merely sitting there with a sly grin on her face.
Dash took full advantage of the silence so she could continue. “So I guess it’s our turn to be asking YOU the questions. Who’s the lucky stallion,” she paused slightly, “…or mare who got you so riled up last night?”
Dear Celestia, they already know…
Twilight allowed it all to sink in. They knew. How much she wasn’t sure, but they did. She hadn’t planned on bringing the topic up for a while yet; she hadn’t even had a chance to talk with Derpy about her feelings, but now she had no choice but talk to the most uncouth ponies out of all her friends. She took a deep breath.
Twilight recounted her story for the next half hour. She had gone through an entire summary of Derpy’s demotion, the accident, the comforting talks, the shared emotions, the time they had been spending together, and the research into the spell. She had only neglected one detail in her speech, and she smiled inwardly as her friends took her explanation very well, optimistic that they hadn’t noticed the omission.
Applejack was the first to shatter that hope. “So that’s all fine ‘n’ good an’ all,” she smirked, “But that don’t tell us what got you so flustered last night. We can tell you were havin’ a might nice dream there. What got ya so riled up that ya done left such a strong smell lingerin’ ‘round here?
Twilight sat, fumbling for words but none came. She felt her face afire with crimson, and she knew perfectly well that the explanation was simple. She loved Derpy. There it was, yet she couldn’t find a way to describe the feelings she had for the mailpony. Somehow the unicorn was, for the first time, unable to state the obvious.
Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack, who gave her a nod back. They both knew their friend was trying her hardest to explain what they had already figured out. Whether or not they liked Derpy was beside the point; Twilight was one of their best friends and they couldn’t let her suffer in front of them.
“Twi.” Rainbow Dash walked toward the unicorn slowly.
Twilight looked up fearfully, still frantically trying to assemble an explanation that wouldn’t make her friends angry with her for her emotions. Rainbow Dash was so close that Twilight could almost feel the disdain building up in her friend, ready to ridicule and scorn her for her idiotic infatuation.
“You’re in love with Derpy, aren’t you?”
It was simply stated. No judgment in Dash’s voice, no scorn or contempt. Applejack began walking toward Twilight as well. Twilight glanced toward Applejack, then back to Dash. She meekly nodded, bracing herself for the worst.
“Alright, Sugarcube. If that’s the way ya feel, then that’s the way it is, and we ain’t gonna give ya grief about it.”
Every synapse in Twilight’s nervous system seemed to fire simultaneously and then freeze in suspended animation. She snapped upright, confusion and shock displayed prominently across her face. She felt paralyzed and just sat, staring at the two mares in front of her.
Dash nodded an assent to Applejack. “Twi, I can’t honestly say what in Equestria you’re thinking. I know you said she’s not a klutzy airhead, but I won’t believe it until I see it. But that’s no reason for us to hold you back.”
Twilight had a fleeting feeling that two changelings were posing as her friends. It didn’t seem natural for them to be so… accepting. Then again, loyalty and honesty were sincere traits, even if she didn’t see them often in such a heartfelt state. A wave of relief swept over her as she shakily got to her hooves.
“You guys… aren’t angry? AJ, Dash, doesn’t this bother you at all?” She tried to collect her thoughts, but they remained a helpless jumble of mush at this point.
Applejack was the first to respond; Rainbow Dash may be loyal but she still wasn’t very good with expressing how she felt. The honesty in Applejack merely led her to give the answers Twilight was desperately looking for.
“We were for a bit, Sugarcube – bothered at least, not angry. When Dash here put the pieces together it nearly blew our heads off ta even think ‘bout it. Took us a bit ta get used to the idea, but we did.” She gave Twilight a bit of a stern look. “Whatever got it in yer skull ta pick that pony over any other Ah doubt we’ll ever know. Can’t say we rightly like ‘er, an’ we’re more than worried ‘bout ya getting’ hurt with Derpy ‘round, but it ain’t our right ta say ya can’t be in love with somepony, no matter who it is.”
“Yep,” Dash chimed in, “but don’t let your eyes off her for a second. Last time I did that I wound up with a column smashing my head into the basement of the town hall. Ugh, I still get headaches from that. Twi, just remember that it’s Derpy. She’s a walking accident.”
Twilight winced at that statement, but bit her tongue before she said something without thinking. She hated letting her friends undermine Derpy after all she had learned to love about the pegasus, but she also knew her friends hadn’t been given the chance to get to know her better either. She was also eternally grateful for their understanding; she never expected such open acceptance from her friends. It would be alright after all; they just needed some time to get to know Derpy.
She smiled weakly and gave them a rather timid, “Thanks, you guys. Just, please, give Derpy a chance. She’s really not the pony you may have thought she was.”
The pair nodded to her as they let themselves out of the library. “Take it easy for a while, Twi,” Rainbow Dash called over her shoulder. “We’re still gonna watch out for you, especially when Derpy’s around, but we trust you enough to know you can take care of yourself.” And with that Twilight was alone, left to mull over her thoughts and wait eagerly for Derpy to stop by.
They ain't nearly as accepting as you think they are, kiddo. Just ask your love interest.
1678855 It can be true - though at this point their intentions are good. I am trying to stick true to the personalities of the M6 as I can, but then again, characters are multifaceted... we shall see how this develops.
1678849 Thanks for the uplifts!
Can't wait to get to the real centerpiece that I'm heading toward, but I don't want to sacrifice the quality just for instant gratification. Sooooo.... it may be drawn out longer, but it at least will be (hopefully) good quality. 
1680965 1690908 Thanks for the comments! I guess I have no choice but to keep it going strong (not that there was any other option.
) If all goes as planned, chapter 8 will be out soon! 
I really like how this story is going. I read literally zero clop stories for this show. I believe this is the 4th I've attempted. If I read a description and take that someone is just have sex just for the hell of it it completely turns me away from the story. I know I'm a minority because of the amount of clop that is constantly featured. Anyway I gave this story a shot because it has a lot of background and emotion between ponies, not just random sex. Romance Reports is the best "clop fic" I've read, but I think stories like that and this are just mature shipping. As long as this doesn't turn in to all out clopping every chapter like TAW's work, I'll continue reading.
1694538 There's going to be clop material, but it's not planned to be anywhere near the focus. It is meant to follow along with the story and serve to further relationships (and of course be fun as well), but yeah, not gonna be there just for the sake of turning it into a giant clopfest.
Hope it keeps the story enjoyable without turning you away, and thanks for the favorite!
Okay... WHAT?!
I just read this chapter like an hour ago and now I'm watching the most recent episode of MLP season 3.
I found that Twilight's freak out was actually rather humorous, but this is just effin weird because...
Pinkie Pie essentially just did SAME EFFING THING in the episode just now.
I mean seriously, she even ended it with "ALL! MY! FAULT!!~~~"
>"but we trust you enough"
no zey don't
Paranoid Twilight asking the Medic what to do about this:
"Don't be such a filly. Friends come back."
(whispering to Archimedes)
"No zey don't."
Well, good on them... but they do have a good point, at least from their perspective. Can't fault 'em for that.
*Reads through the seriously dragging-on part about Twilight's fears of Ponyville being homophobic to an extreme, despite the fact that living in the city of Canterlot and despite how some of the ponies there may act, under Celestia's reign, I'd guaran-damn-tee she wouldn't allow for such crap to go on.*
Is it ever explained where the basis of her fears come from?
Jesus Christ, do her friends have any manners? This is just so rude in every possible way! I mean interrogations on wet dreams, really? Was that REALLY necessary
Yah I mean I love the good 'ol fic with AppleDash, but seriuosly AJ and Dashie you mares sound like completely selfish meanieheads.
I find myself enjoying the apalling mindsets of Applejack and Rainbow Dash. You've done a great job keeping Dash the hot-headed one and Applejack the voice of reason (More or less). I hope in the next twenty-odd chapters I get to see more of the Mane Six getting involved ^.^
I'm glad to see Twilight start to stress over the orientation situation now. I mean, not glad, but...I don't know. Again, its a dash of realism that you don't often find in fanfics. Heck, I write about this and even I neglect to put in the discomfort of difference despite how much I enjoy it as a spice to the mix. You blended it well with Twilight's tendancy to overreact also. And by Celestia what an overreaction it is! I found myself chuckling at the morbid state of the 'world' as imagined by Twlight Sparkle xD
Ahh, Twilight returns to the library and Rainbow Dash is making me laugh so hard my ribs hurt. I know by the time I finish typing this I'm going to be reading into a more serious and possibly emotional conversation, but for now I am enjoying the hearty laughter. Bravo for introducing true humor! Bravo!
Ah okay, the conversation was undercut by Twilight's recounting of her reintroduction to Derpy. I suppose I should have seen that as a possibility. I'm glad about it though and I don't feel gyped in the slightest. In fact, I quite like how this chapter wrapped up. Not so cut-and-dry with Dash and AJ coming to a full acceptance with Derpy yet no major arguments or tension between friends. I give it a 10/10 as far as chapter endings go =)
And....we're back to calling it love again. A stain on the floor should not lead to the assumption of love. That's not what juicing all over the carpet signifies. It signifies lust. You're mixing love and lust. Stop it x.x
I have no doubts that Twilight and Derpy's relationship is developing into love.... but it's inappropriate that Twilight assumed her feeling was love after only one day with Derpy, and even more inappropriate that Rainbow Dash made the connection between Twilight having a wet dream about Derpy and Twilight being in love with Derpy.
Further more, Applejack assuring Twilight "we can't be mad atchya"? Um...angry? That she is in love with Derpy? I can see Twilight coming up with such an unreasonable worry, but for Applejack to treat it as an actual possibility is RIDICULOUS. Their animosity toward Derpy is ridiculous as well, it makes no sense, and makes Applejack and Rainbow Dash into braindead, shallow bullies. An exaggerated, botched characterization of Rainbow Dash at best, and completely ooc for Applejack any way you look at it. Furthermore, no matter how Applejack and Rainbow Dash feel about Derpy, Applejack should never have suggested that being mad at Twilight for it was even a possibility at all. That possibility should have only existed in Twilight's mind alone. Applejack shouldn't have even thought of it.
I like this story, so far...but these glaring problems are just stupid, sorry.
i seriously want nothing more thant to smack RD and AJ for being such jugmental PRICKS mostly RD because she is just as big a unco as derpy despite not having derpys condition
Damn it, RD & AJ are just off, and that stain plotpoint... eugh. But otherwise this story is cute and amazing, just has its poor hamfisted moments.
5127213 I agree with both statements.
Unfortunately, I agree. Hopefully this story addresses these problems later.
On with the reading!
Disagree on the Dash bit.
This from how it's written takes place late S2 or early S3 before the Wonderbolts Academy.
Pre-WA Dash was a bitch. Her actions towards Flutters, her oldest friend in DragonShy is a shining example. That Dash was a braggart, egocentric, egotistical, and not that nice of a pony. With only occasional shows of loyalty. Or near the end of her personal episodes.
So her actions were canon pre-Wonderbolts Academy. Most of mid-late S3 was huge for Dash's character development. But this Dash acting that way towards Derpy is canonical. As for Applejack. Well Derpy was responsible for her actions in her Rodeo episode that she mentions. Well unintentionally.
So her being sour about that, and Dash being Dash. It's IC, rather than OOC.