The sky was clear and blue and cloudless, just as it had been yesterday and the day before and the day before that.
He did not remember as ponies remembered, or know things as ponies knew them. He could not count days or recite his knowledge to himself with an inner voice. His mind was not divided into voices chattering to one another or layers of thoughts and feelings; he was at once simpler and more unified.
But he was very very old and very very tired and it had been hot and dry and cloudless a very very long time, and in some sense he knew all these things. He knew that he was thirsty and he knew that he was tired.
He knew that soon he would die.
Raindrops stormed across the sunny sky and down to the ground, grumbling to herself the whole way. She slammed open the door to Berry Punch's shop and stomped over to the bar. "Cider. Hard," she said.
"It's only three in the afternoon!" objected Berry Punch. "Wouldn't you rather--"
"Cider. Hard," repeated Raindrops.
Berry Punch hastened to comply. Clearly, whatever was bothering Raindrops was worse than the usual.
Raindrops took a long pull of her cider, then sighed. "Snow," she said.
"What?" asked Berry Punch.
"Snow!" Raindrops growled. "Bucking snow! Straight out of the Everfree, and at this time of year. Do you have any idea what that would do to the crops? It's all wrong, and there's a ton of it, and where's our oh-so-responsible weather manager? Nowhere! And with half the team down with the feather flu, who does that leave to handle the entire storm? Just me and Thunderlane!"
"Sounds rough?" ventured Berry Punch.
Raindrops snorted. "Six hours of cloud-corraling in high winds, racing to get the clouds dispersed before the snow could fall on any of the fields? Yeah, I'd say it was a little rough! And then, when our fearless leader finally bothered to show up, you know what she said?"
"Uh... good job?"
Raindrops wickered bitterly. "She said she could've done it in half the time!" She thunked her head on the table. "This is officially the worst day ever, got it? If I so much as see another pony in a good mood, I'm going to go berserk!"
The door to the bar swung open and Lyra walked in, beaming from ear to ear. "This is the best day ever!" she announced.
My little pony, My little pony
Ahh ahh ahh ahhh...
My little pony
Friendship never meant that much to me
My little pony
But you're all here and now I can see
Stormy weather; Lots to share
A musical bond; With love and care
Teaching laughter; It's an easy feat,
And magic makes it all complete!
You have my little ponies
How'd I ever make so many true friends?
Lyra stared as an infuriated Raindrops hovered in front of her, nose-to-nose, the pegasus' wings beating slowly and menacingly.
"You may live, because you are my friend," said Raindrops. "But: Smile. Reason. Tell."
"Because I'm going to Jackelope Valley!" Lyra announced.
"Oh wow," said Berry Punch. "That's awesome!"
Raindrops blinked. "That... is that some kind of... thing with Bon-Bon?"
"What?" asked Lyra. "No, it's a festival! One of the biggest in Equestria! All the big names performed there early in their careers, Canter Culture, Sapphire Shores, the Trotting Stones, everypony! Even Octavia was there a couple years ago."
"Oh. A music thing." Raindrops returned to the bar and her cider. "Well, congrats."
"Aw, c'mon," said Lyra. "This is a big deal for me. Lime sodas for everypony!"
"I'll stick to cider," muttered Raindrops.
"At three in the afternoon? Are you Trixie in disguise?"
"Har-de-har," muttered Raindrops. "Look, I'm happy for you, I'm just having a lousy day..."
But Lyra was already reading her letter of invitation. "Look, it's got a list of other invited musicians--oh hey, Salt Lick is on here, Octavia's mentioned him a bunch of times. And, ooh, I've heard recordings of Ivory Tickle, his keyboarding is amazing... eh, Daughters of Discord, never been much for crystalcore--"
Raindrops snatched the letter from her hand. "Daughters of Discord? The Daughters of Discord? The ponies who did 'Spellfire' and 'Ice of the North'?"
"Uh... I guess so?"
"Tell me you get to bring guests," said Raindrops.
"Well, one--"
"Oh," said Raindrops. "So you picked Bon-Bon, of course..."
"Uh, actually," said Lyra, "Bon-Bon's got the Trottingham Chocolate Festival to get ready for, so..." So I was going to ask Cheerilee, but...
Berry muttered something darkly about making sure no Apples were in the contest, but Lyra ignored her. "I take it you're a Daughters of Discord fan?"
"You kidding? They're the best new crystalcore band in years! How could anypony not be a fan?"
Lyra glanced sideways a moment. "Well, um..." I don't think I've ever seen Raindrops this excited about something that isn't a rainstorm. I can't just leave her hanging... "Would you, uh, like to come?"
"YES!" shouted Raindrops. "I'll go pack now." She hugged Lyra, nearly crushing the lighter-framed unicorn, and rushed out of the bar.
As the door shut, Lyra weakly called after her, "Uh, we don't leave for two days..."
Lyra arrived at the train platform shortly after ten in the morning two days later. She'd meant to be a little earlier, but the particularly pleasant way in which Bon-Bon had woken her meant a bit of a delay. Specifically: Waffles and boysenberry syrup, some of which eventually found its way onto the waffles.
She trotted onto the Ponyville train platform, humming happily to herself. She found Raindrops already waiting for her. Lyra's own saddlebag contained her lyre, sheet music, snacks for the trip, a couple of books, and two or three outfits for performing in--more than enough for a two-week trip. Raindrops, on the other hand, seemed to have brought half of Ponyville with her, if the two bulging saddlebags hanging from her flanks were anything to go by.
"Funny, you always struck me as a light packer," said Lyra.
"Eh, I don't travel much, but normally, yeah," answered Raindrops.
"So, uh..." Lyra gestured at the saddlebags with her horn.
Raindrops actually blushed slightly, to Lyra's surprise. "Uh... I was hoping to get some autographs, so I brought my autograph book... and all three of DoD's albums... and all four singles... and my complete set of band member shot glasses... and all six posters... and both tour t-shirts... and..."
"Okay, I get the idea," said Lyra. "I haven't seen you this excited since that one rainstorm last--"
"We agreed to never speak of that day again," Raindrops growled.
"I know," Lyra said. "I was just--"
"Neeevvveeeerrrr..." Raindrops glared.
Lyra laughed weakly. Oh, this trip is going to be loads of fun. Why didn't I ask Cheerilee again? She sighed. Because Raindrops is your friend and you've never spent time alone with her, and she really wanted it, is why.
As the candy-colored train chugged into view, an irregular clatter of hoofbeats sounded and a floating mass of speakers and turntables hove into view, suspended in the glow of unicorn levitation. "Look out!" cried a voice as a subwoofer slipped out of the mass and plummeted to the ground. Lyra's horn flared, and with a grunt of effort she managed to catch the speaker just before it hit the ground.
"Sorry, sorry," muttered a sunglass-clad white pony. She settled the other equipment on the platform and shook out her wild, electric-and-dark-blue mane. "Just in time, huh?"
Lyra repressed an urge to roll her eyes. "Vinyl Scratch? Are you taking the train, too?"
"Sh'yeah," said the unicorn. "And it's DJ Pon3 when I'm working, L."
"Uh... huh..." Lyra glanced at Raindrops. Did you know about this? she mouthed.
Raindrops shook her head.
"You, uh, weren't on the list," said Lyra.
"Ah, that? Nah, I go as a techie. Set up speakers, keep 'em running with the ol' horn magic, that sorta stuff."
"Oh," said Lyra. "I guess that makes sense."
"So we're all on the same train, huh? Sweeet. Let's get this party started!"
"Uh... sure. Need any help getting loaded on the train?" Lyra asked, against her better judgment.
"Yeah, thanks," Vinyl Scratch answered, of course.
When the speakers and mixing table and other equipment Lyra didn't even recognize were all finally loaded, and the trio of ponies safely ensconced in their sleeper car aboard the 10:43 overnight to Dodge Junction, Vinyl Scratch thanked Lyra. "It's your first year, right?"
Lyra nodded, looking around the small compartment that would be their home for the next twenty-two hours. It wasn't much: three bunks, one on each of the walls that wasn't a door to the hallway, a space for their bags under each bunk, and a card table bolted to the floor in the middle of the room. "Octavia's not going now that she's got a royal appointment, and she recommended me to take her place."
"Sweet. Connections are awesome in this business." Vinyl sprawled across one of the bunks. "It's my third. Too bad the turnout's so low this year."
"What do you mean?" asked Raindrops, still engaged in trying to force her second bag into the space under her bunk.
"Well, there were almost twice as many acts last year. Not a lot of ponies signed up this time around, because--"
"Maybe," Lyra said thoughtfully, "we should wait until after midday to talk about it?" Outside the windows, the Ponyville train platform began to slide toward the back of the train as its engine started chugging.
"Talk about what?" Raindrops insisted.
Vinyl Scratch grinned. "You mean you agreed to come without anypony telling you about it?"
"Seriously," said Lyra, "I really think we should leave it for a couple of hours--"
"And I think I should know about it," Raindrops said. "Especially if it's a reason not to go."
"Fine!" said Lyra. "It's because of Corona's curse."
Ooh, intriguing. I like it so far.
A few continuity things:
1. Snowflake is currently wandering around Equestria with Twilight (in the 'Elements of Insanity' tie-in story), so he couldn't be on the Ponyville weather patrol. (The other canon pony with her right now is Sheriff Silverstar, by the way).
2. As funny as it is, I don't think Raindrops would threaten her friend Lyra like that.
3. Given what happened the last time Berry Punch was at a food competition in Trottingham, she'd probably make a comment about Bonbon's venue choice. :-)
I like the shout-out to Octavia recommending Lyra to take her place; that would seem to go back to the LNEPD story (which mentions that Octavia has tried to help out Lyra and her career ever since she graduated).
Love Vinyl's introduction here. A bit surprised her student didn't tag along to yell goodbye on the platform, but maybe Bebop just likes to sleep in. Then again, I could see that cluttering the scene.
I liked the lead in with the jackelope though I have a hard time with first/semi first person and it seemed a little contradictory at certain points as I had a bit of difficutly telling who was narrating, but that could very well be me.
Loved the start with, poor Raindrops ranting to Berry and then Lyra chiming in,
Feel a bit concerned about/for Dash's portrayal, but only a teensy bit.
Everpony would probably work better but that's a tiny thing. I saw others namely anyone instead of anypony ETC.
Quite liked Raindrops's reaction to the Daughter of Discord, it's nice to see her so excited and it suits Lyra to take a friend like that, loyalty and all that.
loved the "we don't leave for tow days" bit
Though please be careful not to over do it with Raindrops's love of the band once she meets them, that's a suggestion, and please feel free to ignore it, sorry :)
I actually like the idea of Raindrops packing lots not like she doesn't have the strength for it anyway.
The ending felt a little awkward/maybe a little rushed and seemed to lack a bit of detail/scenery anyway it was a solid lead into a flashback/explanation.
Overall this was a quick, but very enjoyable and well written chapter and lead into therest of the fic/next chapter, so I liked it, have a Fluttershy
"I can have hobbies! Who says I can't?"
The only flaw I noticed with this chapter is that Moondance was the alter-ego assumed by Zizanie in "File under 'I' for 'Impossible'", who had apparently died in a train crash some months earlier, and wasn't a musician regardless.
Oh, and on a stylistic note, the intro bit in italics, I would personally cleanly seperate from the rest with some asterisks or a line or something.
Oh, yes, and one more thing:
When in the season do you want this story to take place? Remember that the open slots can place this story just about anywhere before Ep. 25. I recommend setting it before "The Hero of Oaten," so that'd make it Episde 16, and set it during mid-spring. Sound good? (the choice is still yours)
1613569; Octavia already has her royal appointment, so that would place it after Symphony.
I like. Keep this up dood.
Made your edits. My thinking was that Bebop isn't around because it's midmorning on a school day. Okay, really my thinking was that I forgot Bebop existed, but NOW my thinking is that it's midmorning on a school day. I'm glad you like Vinyl's introduction. I'm a little worried about writing her--I expanded her lines a bit when I revised, and I'm not sure I have a good sense of her voice. I tried watching Epic Wub Time a loop, but everything Vinyl Scratch says sounds like "blah blah I am too young and need to get off Froborr's lawn" to me.
Keep in mind, this is Raindrop's impression of Dash. I expect it's not quite as bad as Raindrop is making it out to be. I expanded the scenes on the platform and in the train a little bit, but I do want to get them out of the way; the story really starts in Chapter Two. And I plan for Raindrops to have a not-so-great first meeting with her favorite band; they're under a lot of stress and are a little bit jerk-ish to her.
Changed the names of all three past acts, based on suggestions from a couple of people.
As GrassAndClouds said, the story takes place after Symphony. After that, it can be pretty much any time.
Other changes:
I decided that planned future events work better if Vinyl Scratch is not an official participant, but just a techie, so I changed that. I also expanded her lines a bit, as I mentioned.
I'm glad everybody seems to like it so far... onward to Chapter Two..!
Good point about it being her impression, ah poor Raindrops, she never can catch a break, still I'll be looking forward to it next chapter!
thank you i wanted to see more group interaction that didn't involve trixie
Really very fun. Ending kind of petered out a little but the start was incredibly strong. Very nice start for this story and am anxious to see more.
Ah, they're off to the Burning Mane festival. Have fun! Pack lots of water!
BURNING MANE! That is the perfect freaking name, why did I not think of that! OK that went kinky -> fake out -> kinky fake out. Well played sir, well played.
Also, crystal core? Is that this worlds version of Heavy Metal? Why did it get that name, I'm actually rather curious as a metal fan myself.
As for why it's called crystalcore... you'll find out in chapter three.
Crystalcore, I love it.
Good beginning, here.
1630874 Ah yes, Burning Mane. A wonderful name. Wait, doesn't somepony have a burning mane? Oh, right. Corona. Might not want to have that particular connotation...
I now wonder what Dash really said and what happene with the snow that ticked Raindrops off so much.
And again, this is the fun part of going through this when everything is done...seeing what changed.