• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 3,254 Views, 32 Comments

Resident Evil: Code Equestria - WesternWxyzvv

As three agents are teleported to Equestria, they find themselves facing an all new threat.

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The Poof

The Poof

Helena Harper and Leon S. Kennedy rode an elevator up the Quad Tower. Standing side by side, they both peered out of the glass elevator, which provided a view of the decimated city that stretched out below them.

“She’s more than just a friend, isn’t she? You have feelings for her.” Helena said, breaking the silence. However, before Leon could answer, there was a bang, and the elevator was blown away from the Quad tower. As it swung on a thin cord, the two agents shared a quick look and then jumped to the top of an adjacent elevator. Leon landed safely, unlike Helena who hit the edge and now dangled hundreds of metres above the streets of China.

“Leon!” She yelled, barely holding on, her fingers digging into the elevator roof, desperately trying to get a hold on something - anything to hold her up.

“Helena!” Leon yelled as he began to move towards her, but before he could help her he was captured in a faint purple glow. His vision started turning purple at the edges, and his movements slowly became sluggish, until finally he was still. He tried, vainly -to fight the force, to get closer to his partner- but no matter how much effort he put into it, the purple glow held its hold.

“Leon?” His partner asked a second before he disappeared in a flash of light, leaving behind nothing but a violet afterglow.


The B.O.W. grabbed Piers with its massive limb, crushing the agent under its fierce grip. However, after a few shots from Chris Redfield’s machine gun, the Haos threw Piers away. The soldier hit a metal wall, slid down, and nearly severed his arm on a jutting piece of metal. Grabbing the bleeding wound, he screamed in agony, barely remaining conscious under the pain.

“Piers!” Chris yelled as he ran to his partner, opening up a line of fire from his rifle.

The B.O.W. responded by grabbing a large twisted piece of metal and throwing it at Chris. Unfortunately for Piers the metal missed Chris and flew directly at him. Chris could only watch as he ran, much too slowly, after the metal chunk about to kill his partner. The moment seemed to last forever, his limbs sluggishly pounding the metal surface of the underwater facility in a futile attempt at reaching his partner.

As the metal neared Piers, Chris’ vision started turning lavender at the edges. He stopped moving, suddenly paralysed. He stood there, helpless as the metal continued its fateful path to Piers Nivans. As the purple continued obscuring his vision he started to glow with an aura, the same aura that was holding him in place. Chris’ last word before he vanished from Earth was: “Nooo!”


Jake Muller and Sherry Birkin jumped down into a large chamber, landing on a walkway suspended above a pool of molten metal. They made their way along the pathway before the two of them reached a fork in the path when, suddenly, there was the sound of a door opening behind them. The partners spun around at the moan that escaped the lips of their B.O.W. nemesis: Ustanak.

“Well, look who’s back.” Jake remarked as the Bioweapon took a few steps forward. It started swinging the appendage that replaced its right hand. The ball of the flail spun around and around until the Ustanak took a swing at the agents. Jake foresaw the offense, but couldn’t move to help his partner out of the way. He was incapacitated as a purple glow surrounded him. He couldn’t see Sherry in his peripheral vision for a strange lavender colour had seeped into it. He moved his eyes to see her as the mace neared her head. He took a breath to yell a warning but was whisked away by a lavender unicorn’s adept magic to someplace very, very far away.


Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, and six guard ponies were in the throne room of Celestia’s palace as they watched three purple silhouettes of bipedal creatures coming into focus in front of them. Outside the city was surrounded by a large, magenta, dome-like sphere; one congruent to a shield that was used to protect Canterlot a year ago against a Changeling army.

The guards prepared to defend the Princess and Twilight as the royal student strained under the effort of teleporting the people there. The figures became opaque and the purple faded. Chris, Jake, and Leon materialized disoriented on the palace floor. Twilight fell down, out of energy and exhausted. Celestia placed a wing over her, then turned to the figures on the floor, and then to the guards. She nodded, and they all prepared for combat as one, a white-coated blue-maned pony, stepped forward protectively.

Of the three agents, Jake was the first to regain his senses; he looked around confusedly, but then remembered where he had been before he appeared in Equestria.

“Sherry, watch out! Sherry? Where are you? Where the fuck am I and what happened to Sherry?!” Jake demanded, while looking around frantically, his voice rising and becoming more violent with each passing word.

Celestia was about to say something when she was interrupted by Chris, “Piers! Wait, where’s the B.O.W.? What is this? What’s going on?!”

Celestia attempted reassuring the new-arrivals, “Calm down, please, my guests. I-"

“Wait, you can talk? What is this? Did you bring us hear? Where’s Sherry!?” Jake demanded, drawing his Elephant Killer and leveling its sights at the princess of the sun’s head.

The white-coated guard pony, Shining Armour responded by telekinetically wrenching the weapon from his grasp. Jake was astonished by this, but quickly recovered, using his speed and strength to make a grab for the weapon, leaping into the air after his rather overlarge revolver.

Just as this happened, Chris tried aiming his sub-machine gun at one of the guards, but before he could pull the trigger, his arms were paralyzed by a spell from the Princess. Right after this, Jake caught hold of his weapon but was launched back by a telekinetic shove from the Captain of the Royal Guard, which threw him into a far off wall. Shining Armour followed up by taking hold of Jake telekinetically, trying to keep the genetically enhanced man in place. Jake smiled at the unicorn’s failed attempt; he wasn’t even fazed, much less slowed.

He started running to Shining, each step putting more pressure on the unicorn’s horn as he vainly tried to slow him down. Seeing their captain start to sweat, the two other unicorn guards tried helping with their telekinesis, but all it did was slow Jake. He continued his sluggish run for Shining Armour with the resistance and jumped straight over a small wall of magenta energy Shining Armour hastily conjured, amazing all present with his sheer strength. Afterwards, he reached the captain and started attacking with lethargic punches that still held power, despite the combined efforts of nearly every unicorn in the room.

Shining Armour, straining under the effort of holding Jake, barely dodged the slow-paced attacks. After a few seconds of this, Celestia had decided that enough was enough and gripped Jake, adding her incredible magical force to the pile-up. Jake was no match and virtually froze with a fist an inch away from Shining Armour’s head, the muscles in his arms fighting the princess’ hold with all their might. Sighing from relief, the captain released his magical grip- as did the other guards -and then slumped to the floor into a position similar to that of his sister’s. Leon watched it all transpire and decided not to make a move.

“So, I’m guessing you can explain why we’re here?” Leon asked, addressing Celestia, assuming her to be the monarch and leader.

“Yes, if you’ll give me time, I can give you an explanation,” she responded to Leon. She then turned to face the other two agents, “Will you stop attacking my guards and keep a level head?”

Chris and Jake shared eye contact, and Jake broke it to glare at Shining Armour. Leon shook his head trying to convey the word later to him silently. Jake then reluctantly nodded. Celestia released her spells and Chris holstered his weapon as Jake dropped and stretched his arms.

“So you mind explaining why we’re talking to magical horses and where our partners are?” Jake asked Celestia with an unreadable expression.

“You are here because we require your assistance and summoned you. I am not sure about your partners. We only intended for you three to be here.” Celestia responded. The three present looked confused for a few moments, but then their expressions went back to normal.

“Why do you need us?” Chris asked with a frown.

“We need you… to fight…bioweapons,” Twilight responded groggily, standing up from under Celestia’s wing.

“How do you know we fight B.O.W.’s?” Leon asked with squinted eyes.

“Please follow us to the conference room, all will be explained.” Celestia said without answering before she then proceeded to walk toward the large double doors at the end of the throne room.

Jake, Leon, and Chris exchanged glances then started walking together in between two sets of three guards. Shining Armour was slowly following behind them keeping an eye out for any sudden movements as he recovered from the assault. They passed several mosaics while holding a whispered conversation.

“What do you think is going on?” Leon asked, looking from guard to guard.

“I don’t know, but I say we keep our guard up. We don’t know what their motives are, or how we got here.” Chris answered, his hand on his holster.

They walked silently for the rest of the march through the halls of the palace, each of them thinking of their partners, wondering what happened to them, and why the three of them were there. They reached the conference room and their eyes lit up right before they walked in.

It was a long room with paintings of dignified ponies hanging on the walls, on the left side of the room was a moon carved into the wooden wall, and in the right, a sun. A red carpet covered the center of the room running from the left side to the right, lengthwise. Atop the carpet was an elliptical mahogany table with many other ponies seated around it.

At the left end there was a tall, indigo-coated, alicorn with a dark sparkling mane; closer to the middle on the opposite side of the table was a white-coated pony with a blonde mane. Next, in the middle was a pink-coated alicorn. Closer to the left was a yellow-coated pegasus with a pink mane, and across from her was a purple and green dragon. Celestia sat at the far right end of the table and Twilight sat next to the dragon and the Princess.

The guards stopped outside, all except Shining Armour. He sat in the centre of the table across from the pink-coated alicorn. The three humans stood until three seats near the dark-coated alicorn and the guard captain were pointed out for them, to which they began to walk towards. Before they had made it the whole way to their seats, Celestia began to introduce all of the members at the meeting.

“I am Princess Celestia” she introduced, pointing to herself with a hoof, “across from me is my sister, Princess Luna. Sitting next to me is my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. The pink alicorn is Princess Mi Amora Cadena, or Cadence, as she prefers. Across from her is the Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armour. The yellow mare is Fluttershy and the white stallion is my nephew, Prince Blueblood. And finally the baby dragon next to Twilight is Spike.”

With each name the three agents became even more bewildered at the strange titles. They scanned each pony, Princess Celestia seemed to have something on her mind, but was generally composed, she stood up tall, and the very way she looked was intimidating. It was obvious to any creature watching that she was of royal blood.

Princess Luna looked like she felt out of place; she glanced back and forth between numerous ponies, watching how they composed themselves, how they sat, spoke, and looked. She looked as though she hadn’t been in a meeting like this in a while, and like she was relearning about how to appear like royalty in one.

Twilight appeared somewhat tired but determined to focus. Cadence seemed almost defeated, but it looked like she still held hope. Shining Armour was hard to read, he looked as though he were studying them back; sizing them up, and his gaze told them of none of his observations. Fluttershy looked shy, as suited her name, but also devastated, as though she were on the verge of tears. Prince Blueblood tried to look condescending, but it was a thin veil. It was easy to tell that he was terrified of something.

Spike seemed to be experiencing multiple emotions, trying to look his best to seem brave, but his deep routed fear still shone through the numerous layers he buried them in. He was holding his tail nervously, looking anxious, sad and afraid -but he tried, and failed miserably, to maintain a tough exterior.

“Shall thee introduce thineselves?” Luna asked of the strangers.

“I’m Leon.” Leon said.

“I’m Chris.” Chris said.

“Jake,” Jake said, delaying a moment after Leon and Chris for dramatic effect. “Now,” he continued, leaning in over the table, “Why are we here?”

“Yes, why are these… brutes…. here, Your Highness?” Blueblood interrupted; his tone that of annoyance and reminiscent of the irritating and spoilt children everyone encounters in their lifetime.

“They are here because we have a crisis and needed their help.” Cadence replied.

“I think we should start from the beginning.” Twilight added.

“Well it started, what was it? A year ago?” Shining Armor started before sighing and raising a hoof over his face, “A year ago, a threat was made known to us. This city was in danger of an attack from a horde of creatures called Changelings and their quean Chrysalis.”

At the name Chrysalis all of the agents’ ears perked up. They had dealt with that word all too much recently. The C-virus was not something they wanted to deal with here.

“We repelled their attack,” Cadence went on, “and defeated them,”

“Barely,” Prince Blueblood muttered. Leon took note of how he said it. It sounded as if he himself hadn’t even taken part in the battle, but was scolding those that did for their near failure.

“But they fled,” Cadence continued, “we thought that would be the last we heard of the Changelings for a while, but a few months ago they came back.”

“Wait, what are changelings?” Chris asked curiously; pausing the story he was being told.

“Grotesque and disgusting monstrosities are what they are,” Blueblood cursed, “They’re more disgusting than the most wretched peasant.”

“Changelings are equine-like beings that have wings and horns and the ability to change their appearance to match whoever or whatever they like. They feed off the love of ponies.” Twilight explained looking at Blueblood with clear irritation on her face.

Chris, Jake, and Leon exchanged skeptical glances but didn’t say anything.

“They changed though,” Shining said, picking up wear Cadence left off, “They became worse; they became mindless, rampaging, weapons. These things walked around mindlessly, and when they suffered extreme damage to any area of their body they would regenerate it… but it would become much, much deadlier.” At this point of the narration the agents each imagined various B.O.W.’s they had fought, from J’avo to the Ustanak, and all of them matched the description of the new creatures. “These new… freaks… attacked multiple cities. First was Fillydelphia, then Manehattan, and then… Ponyville.”

At this Fluttershy burst out crying, letting out all of her pent-up emotion. Twilight put a hoof around her. Then, with tears in her eyes, she led Fluttershy out with Spike trailing behind.

“We think it was intended to be a stealth mission. They were planning on kidnapping six very important ponies and disguising themselves as them,” Shining Armour continued with remorse that could be heard in his voice, “by then we had four squads of guards at each city. Their mission failed, but it wasn’t thanks to the guards. They kidnapped a seamstress and replaced her with a changeling. We didn’t discover this until Spike and Pinkie Pie, locals, visited her boutique. They were friends with the seamstress and could tell the changeling wasn’t her. However at the time multiple changelings had replaced multiple ponies so when the guards were informed, chaos broke loose.”

Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike returned halfway through Shining Armor’s speech. Fluttershy seemed calmer and Spike was no longer holding his tail in worry.

“The changelings tried to flee, and in their escapade they got multiple ponies killed.” Cadence began only to be interrupted by Fluttershy’s quiet outbreak of sobs once again, but this time they were quieter, and she controlled them well enough for the meeting to continue. However Twilight looked on with concern.

Shining Armour coughed and continued, “The Ele-uh, remaining important ponies, of the six I mentioned earlier, wanted to find their friend and rescue her. It took a few months but we found out where they were hiding. During this time these important ponies all remained in Canterlot, this city, at the time we still had Hoofington, Cloudsdale, Stalliongrad, but now…” The guard captain sighed, “I’m getting off topic. We planned a raid and these five ponies as well as a squad of my finest soldiers, and I went into the nest where we thought Rar- the important seamstress pony was being held...We lost them all.” Shining Armour’s voice choked here and Cadence took his hoof in hers; he squeezed it tightly yet gently, letting all of his stress out.

“I know what it feels like, what it was like when I lost all my men.” Chris consoled as he placed his hand on the guard captain’s shoulder, “We’ll get them back for that.” They shared a nod and then Shining continued the narrative.

“Three of these very important ponies were captured, the three of us that survived, Fluttershy, Twilight and I, barely made it out alive. We returned to Canterlot and we healed over time, but the nation suffered. We lost all the other cities. Canterlot is our last stronghold. The reason we called you was because we finally realized that… we couldn’t handle this threat on our own.”

Here Blueblood interrupted, “We knew virtually nothing of our enemy, they were extremely efficient warriors, outnumbered us, could withstand devastating damage to their extremities, and… sorry.” He stopped at a look from Cadence.

“And so,” the captain continued, “Twilight used a spell to summon a few warriors that were trained in fighting these monsters,” he paused and looked at all three of them, one by one, “these bioweapons-as you and Twilight call them.”

“And you expect us to fight these Bioweapons after taking us away from our partners. Sherry might be dead, hell, she probably is! Why the fuck would we even think of helping you?!” Jake demanded viscously, slamming his fist down on the table, shaking the entire room from the sheer force.

Fluttershy burst out crying and Shining Armour tensed, preparing to once again subdue the extremely powerful man before him, but Celestia stopped him by answering, “We expect you to help because we believe that you fought these bioweapons as a profession. But, we can transport you back to your friends at the same moment we took you away. It will be as though we never summoned you. It is your choice if you wish to help us.”

There was an awkward silence as Celestia finished, and all of the agents looked at each other. Weighing their options, they all tried to think of whether or not they should help the ponies. After several awkward moments, Leon leaned into speak.

“Listen, before we answer-” the agent began before he was stopped from speaking by a red winged guard pony rushing in to the conference room. The armored pegasus began to make his way over to Shining Armor, but right as he neared him, the unicorn jerked and spasmed upwards, before falling off his chair with a thud, landing on the floor.

Before Celestia could say anything, Shining Armour got up shakily and grunted, “The shield’s been breached! Something’s gotten through!”

Prince Blueblood fainted on the spot, slipping off his chair with a silent sigh. Princess Luna raised her eyebrows then lowered them in a fierce expression. Fluttershy stopped crying seeming to shrink in size as she nearly blacked out like the Prince. Cadence rushed over to Shining, seeming to not even hear the news. She only cared about her husband and his sudden lack of strength.

Princess Celestia stood up and asked the guard, “What were you going to report to Shining Armour, Private Red Wing?”

The guard broke into a nervous sweat at being addressed by name by the Princess. He quickly stuttered, “I-I wa-was sent t-to tell C-c-captain Shining Armour that a new, large, ferocious… creature had been spotted outside the shield. I g-guess I was t-too late…” he stuttered out.

“Worry not, young private! We shall repel this adversary with the utmost precision. To arms!” Princess Luna exclaimed with a surprising amount of conviction right before she rushed out with the nervous private dragging in tow.

“I’ll take Fluttershy upstairs to her room and then meet you outside Princess.” Twilight spoke, making her way over to the terrified mare with Spike right behind her. She leaned close to her friend supportively, then the three of them vanished in a spark of purple energy.

“I’m sorry, but it seems our meeting has been interrupted. We can continue it after we see to this threat. Staying here or following us is your choice,” Princess Celestia said as she swiftly made her way out, stopping to speak with another armored pony, “Lieutenant, could you see that someone attends to Prince Blueblood, before you join us outside?”

Shining Armour got up off the floor and started limping toward the door with the support of Cadence. “Where are you going?” the pink alicorn asked him as they continued down the hall.

“To fight.” Shining Armour replied with a grimace.

“No you’re not; I’m taking you to the infirmary.” She answered with a tone of finality. Shining Armour seemed to disagree but their conversation faded as they continued down the hall leaning against one another. The three agents were left behind. Jake looked on at the couple, longing and rage competing in his mind for the dominant emotion.

“Come on! We have to help them with that B.O.W.” Leon remarked, making his way for the exit.

“Why would we go? They kidnapped us and expected us to save their asses.” Jake said back with crossed arms, practically spitting malice out from between his teeth.

“You want to stay here with prissy little pony over there on the floor?” Chris countered, pointing to the fainted Prince Blueblood in the middle of the room, no one having bothered to get him aid as was commanded.

Jake grunted noisily, before reluctantly following Chris out as Leon joked, “Never a dull moment, huh?”


Authors Note:(So big thanks to blackjack (EasternEagle ( I hate you Wxyzvv ) ) for editing this, as well as daring me to do it. Like and Favorite if you feel like it, and thanks for reading.