• Member Since 23rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen February 8th



Big Mac grows new apple trees, as a surprise for the Apple Family, and happens to find out along the way that he and Luna have much more in common than either ever thought. Romance ensues.

This story was a challenge I received. The pairing seems odd but I'm willing to try this out. First real romance fic. Not sure how often this will update, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 118 )

Hmm, this seems really interesting. I actually like the pairing and I see no errors, so I'm hooked.

I like this pairing too.:eeyup:

Definitely has potential and I'd like to see where it goes


So many favorites & comments! Too much pressure! Someone get me a brown paper bag. I may hyperventilate. haha

this story has potential, it seemed like an awkward moment but it still sound like a good story plus ive never heard of a big mac romance story and the fact that its with luna makes it all the more interesting. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::eeyup:

GIVE US MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

I don't have a paper bag with me, but I'm sure you can just borrow one from Derpy.



Well, looking at that picture I'm assuming her paper bags fell out somewhere in the stratosphere or troposphere or whichever sphere. ( I'd never make it as a meteorologist.:ajsleepy:)

So either they were burninated from how fast they ended up falling, or they fell safe and sound onto the floor where the author can easily pick them up.

Both of those made me laugh way too hard. haha Thanks :twilightsmile:

Okay, guys, I had the second chapter written two ways, so depending on the reception, I reserve the right to call a mulligan. haha


Same day update?


1547623 You get one mulligan, and that's it. Personally, I like how the chapter was written.

The chuckled and ate mostly in silence.

The 'the' there should be a they. That's the one error I caught from this chapter.

1547943 Thank you, kindly. It should be noted each other these chapters will be written on my iPhone and then emailed to myself to be edited on my computer, because I'm only productive laying in bed apparently. haha So occasionally, one or two of those get by.

Looking good please continue!


1547984 It's funny because that's what I do when I write, except with an iPad :trixieshiftright:

1547984 I'm on my iPhone right now. Dealing with fimfiction on it is such a huge pain in the ass. There really needs to be an app

1550837 lol same here I need an app for fim fic too.

This seems interesting:rainbowdetermined2: insta fav:rainbowkiss:

1547984 all I wrote is on my iPhone. Computer is messed up, so this is all that I have. :derpytongue2: luckily I got a friend editing for me.

Good story by the way. Keep it up

Please keep writing this. I am Loving This fic.

An interesting story and an interesting ship. I look forward to more.:yay:

Me as we'll turning ou to be a great story please continue.

excellent. Please write more soon. I love stories like this.

>"Oh, to be young and in love." She glanced at the picture of herself and Fluttershy that she kept on her desk and smiled warmly.

I hate to say this, but this line made me like this fic a little less. I'm a huge Sparity fan to the point where I get physically sick from Rarity shippings without Spike. The rest of the fic is excellent, but this one line... bah. Ah well, keep at it.

have an octy plot: //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia_plot.png

1555704 Don't let it get to you too much. I won't actually be exploring it at all, it was merely a passing comment to one of my favorite ships. Go read Green. It's a RariShy ship and one of the best romance stories I've ever read. (Skip the interlude chapter with the CMC, that one was weird.)

And I only make it RariShy because, personally, I can't get over the age difference. Spike is literally half Rarity's age. Also, I'm a bit of a species-ist. But like I said, don't worry about it too much. That'll probably be the only time I mention those two together.

Edit: Glad you're all enjoying it though! It's weird to have this much support/this many readers. I hope I can satisfy myself and all of you as well. :scootangel:

1557011 Actually, Spike was born before Twilight entered Magic Kindergarten, and kindergarten starts at age 3-4, so Spike is only 3-4 years younger than the Mane 6.

Ah well. To each his own. I'd read that fic, but again, I actually get physically sick. ('o_e)

Hope you guys have enjoyed these first five chapters this fast. I'll be taking next week off for two reasons. One: Halo 4 comes out and I will be preoccupied. Two: Next week includes the anniversary of a dear friend's death and I don't feel like doing much of anything. Work and Halo will be about the extent of my life this coming week. Take care of each other. We're not here forever, folks. :heart:

Also, it should be noted, my phone autocorrected Luna's name to Linda at some point and I only caught it on a final edit before posting this. haha

This paring, I like it. I will read as soon as it is completed.

Yes, an upda-wait, waiting? Aww. Fiiiine.


...I'm only productive laying in bed...

This can be taken the wrong way by somepony with a mind like mine. Want proof?

...I'm only productive laying in bed...

...I'm only productive in bed...

...I'm productive in bed...

That's exactly how my mind works. Do you like how my mind works?

1560031 well first than nothing let me congratulate you for this story is really good, and well written, about the 2 reasons that you listed, take the time you need, we will gladly wait for you to be back.

wonderful chapter. Can't wait for the next one.

I'll be honest, I didn't even proofread this one. If you guys find any errors let me know. I feel like death and I don't have the patience to read right now.


Your wish are my comends found a typo:

Big Mac had been on auto pilot all day. He drifted from place to place on the farm, completing the work desired if him, but his mind was miles away.

My guess is that this was suppose to be a of

By the way great chapter

1574157 Indeed it was. haha And thanks.

A very promising story indeed. Keep up the good work and some day you might get the corner office.

1577408 No way! The corner office!? But Jacobs has wanted that office for years! Glad to know I'm beating out the only racist guy on staff!

Okay, I don't honestly know where that came from but it was my first reaction to that. haha Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Excellence was expected and you delivered. Well done.

1579906 Oh we're not done yet, sir. :raritywink:

Oh, I know. The real fun is just starting, correct?

Best story ever! Can't wait for more chapters! :pinkiehappy: :eeyup:

Hmm, pacing seems a little fast at parts in this chapter, maybe add a bit more detail in, especially where she just seems to appear instantly with Celestia as soon as she walks out the door. You could just assume she teleported, but if she hit her head and it shorted her normal unicorn magic out maybe just a few lines saying she flew off, or maybe even an internal "debate" or just some thinking?

I still liked this one, along with the others though. A bit more detail in this one would have made it better is all.

1581071 Yea, I thought the same thing as I read through it. Her finding Celestia, I admit, was described a bit poorly. But for the sake of speed, I sorta just brought her back to the castle. Though I suppose I should add a few lines to indicate that. Really appreciate the feedback! :ajsmug:

Edit: Okay, so it was super subtle as far as the change but at least she didn't just magically appear in front of Celestia to talk to her.

An emotional chapter and a good one.


Another good chapter, though I did catch one error:

Much as magic was an unexplainable thing, it did have it's limits.

I think you mixed up that sentence a bit

1583081 I seriously almost cried a few times while writing it. I get too into my own stories.

1583165 Good call. That made more sense when I wrote it, not so much upon reading it. Haha

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