• Published 3rd Jan 2012
  • 12,141 Views, 196 Comments

Stray Ardor - thewaffler

  • ...

The End and Epilogue

Spike woke up and stretched out on his bed, causing all of his joints to pop, and turned off his alarm clock before it could go off. He was accustomed to waking up early each day to get his morning routine done with quickly. Instead of hopping straight out of bed he began staring at the ceiling and thought to himself. He started to think about the past three weeks since Scootaloo moved into the library with Twilight and himself and even as she first moved in Spike could feel a connection with her, not one of love but understanding. The bond of understanding moved them together as friends and as friends Spike realized how similar they were. The bond of friendship slowly turned into a more affectionate bond in which Spike found real love in which he had never experienced.

Spike was hesitant to trust the new type of love, but the longer he was in the presence of Scootaloo the harder the line tugged at his heart and mind to the point of doubt to thinking of the worst. He had thought Scootaloo would reject him and want to stay friends, he hid it but it had depressed him. He had eventually gotten rid of his doubt and decided to take a leap of faith. When he heard Scootaloo's birthday was near he thought of it as the perfect opportunity to confess his feelings toward her, but he couldn't do it plainly, he thought of something she really wanted and acted on that joint of inspiration. He had given her something she, and any other young pegasus, would have wanted - flight. His plan had a staggering effect, not only did it bring his affections to the surface, along with Scootaloo’s; it formed a sturdy bridge of trust and love between them. He was happy, and he didn't want anything to ruin his relationship with Scootaloo.

Feeling completely refreshed from sleep he sat up on the edge of his bed and gave out a final yawn and stretch. He slid off of his bed and tip-toed down the stairs to not risk awakening anyone and began his normal morning routine in library maintenance. He entered the library and picked up his duster and gave the bookshelves a quick sweep to rid them of any dust mites along with picking up any stray books Twilight forgot to put back. He checked around the library to see if anything else needed tending to and once he finished in the library he went back into the house portion to start breakfast for Twilight and Scootaloo.

Spike was setting out the freshly made breakfast out on the dining table and Scootaloo walked in.

Scootaloo smiled, but sleep was still invaded in her eyes. "Good morning Spike."

Spike finished setting out the breakfast and smiled back at his fillyfriend. "Morning Scoots."

Scootaloo sat down and looked around her. "Where’s Twilight?"

Spike looked at the stairs, expecting to see Twilight, but she wasn't there so he decided to call out to her. "Twilight! Breakfast is re-"


The table lurched upward making all of the silverware rattle. "Ow...."

Scootaloo looked under the table and saw Twilight rubbing the top of her horn.

Scootaloo was surprised. "Twilight?"

Twilight crawled out from under the table, still in slight pain. "Ow... Good morning."

Spike was confused. "Did you sleep under the table?"

She gave a sheepish grin of embarrassment. "I was inspecting all of the items in the house looking for...oddities, but I guess I fell asleep while checking under the table."

"Oddities?" Spike said as he sat down next to Scootaloo.

"Oh, nothing to worry about."

They ate their breakfast and Twilight had excused herself.

"I'm going to go buy a gift for Joe Bean, I'll see you two at the party, bye!" Twilight trotted off to exit the library.

Scootaloo and Spike began to put away the dishes.

"So what do you want to do today, Scoots?"

Scootaloo thought for a moment. "Want to go see if our friends are in town?"

"Sounds good."

The two left the library and before they could walk off, Scootaloo looked at her Scooter. "I can get us there faster Spike."

"On your scooter?"

"Yeah!" She said excitedly.

Spike had never rode on her scooter before, and when he saw Scootaloo take Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle on rides it always looked fun so he agreed.

The two rode off into Ponyville on the scooter.

Scootaloo heard Vinyl's words ring in her mind again. 'Be yourself? Heh… got it.' She began to increase speed, making Spike wrap his arms around her waist. She saw Big Mac's apple cart ahead with a ramp hanging from the back and smiled, increasing her speed even more.

"Uhh... Scoots?" Spike said nervously.

The scooter flew up the ramp and lifted into the air.

Spike felt his stomach rise from the ascension and kept his eyes open, to his right he saw Pinkie waving at him from her room.

Scootaloo landed the Scooter up on a nearby roof, sliding down the shingles at an angle and then onto an awning and bouncing safely to the ground.

Spike was shaking from the sudden flight, but found himself enjoying the ride.

Scootaloo saw their friends ahead in front of the carousel boutique and slid to a stop a few feet in front of them.

When the Scooter stopped Spike shakily got off the Scooter.

Scootaloo started to feel bad; she hoped she didn't scare him. "Spike?"

Spike stopped shaking and smiled. "Scoots that was awesome!"

She felt relief wash over herself and she turned to her friends with Spike next to her side. "Hi guys."

"Hi, we were wonderin' when you two lovebirds were going to come by and hang with us." Apple Bloom said with a teasing smirk.

Both Scootaloo and Spike were shocked. "Huh?"

"Yeah, it gets kind of boring without you two here." Sweetie Belle said while smiling at the couple.

"How did you guys know?" Scootaloo said with amazement.

"Well it wa' kinda obvious, seein you two near each other kinda said it all."

Spike turned to his friends. "Did you guys know?"

"Yeah, we saw how nervous you got around Scoots." Snips told his friend happily with Snails beside him, chewing on some hay.

Both Scootaloo and Spike gave out a stifled chuckle of embarrassment, their friends knew before they did.

Applebloom thought for a moment and had an idea. "Hey do y'all wanna go to the lake? Ah think that sounds fun.

"The lake? That sounds awesome! What do you think Spike?"

The thought of cold water didn't appeal to Spike, but Scootaloo wanted to go so he was fine with it. "Yeah that sounds great."

"I better go tell Rarity where I'm going... maybe she'll let me barrow one of her beach blankets?" Sweetie Belle trotted off into the boutique, leaving the others outside to plan the trip.

"I can go home and make us some quick snacks too." Spike offered.

"Yeah, tha' sounds good, Ah'll go get us a beach ball an some music."

"What do we get?" Snip asked quizzically.

"Just meet us there, alright?" Spike was good friends with Snips and Snails, but he didn't want them to mess something up.

Half an hour later the six of them were at White Tail Woods Lake. It wasn't so much a lake as it was beautiful fresh water spring. The water was cool and a deep turquoise color and the center of the spring was a sixty foot deep depression. The clarity of it couldn't be described by the best poets and scribes because for how deep it was the water was so clear you could see straight to the bottom.

In the depths of the spring were small schools of fish and underwater foliage. Around the outside of the clearing was surrounded by giant oak trees and towards the water were several willows and cyprus trees. Around edge of the water there were cattail plants that just barely kissed the water’s surface. Near the south end of lake was a large rock smoothed out over time my nature and it sat partially in the path of Celestia's sun which warmed to the perfect temperature for any reptile to bask in or this case Purple dragon.

The sound of dragonflies and cicadas could be heard humming as it got closer to noon. The earth smell mixed with the mineral smell of the springs and of the tip of the aroma was hint of apple blossoms as a light breeze.

This was an idealistic place for our group of friends to hang out.

Sweetie Belle dragged the blanket on to the ground until it was even and flat. Spike placed a basket filled with sandwiches and a few containers of apple juice in the center of the blanket. Apple Bloom showed up with the beach ball and a boom box she borrowed from Pinkie and placed it down and pressed play. Snips and Snails were the last to arrive; both had managed to show up with dirty manes from tripping over the tree roots.
(Note all songs linked only serve to set the mood)

The spot was set and they were all ready to swim.

"Wow, you see how deep that is Snails?" Snips said as he peered at the middle from the edge.

Snails looked at the middle where he was telling him and gulped. "I think I'll stay in the shallows, ey?"

"Ahh, you guys are wimps!" Scootaloo exclaimed boldly and she sprinted towards the water and jumped into the air, shifting her wings upwards to glide higher and do a somersault in the air and nose diving into the middle of the spring. The image of the young pegasus began to shimmer, only showing her outline as she sank deeper into the translucent water.

The five watched and waited for her to come back up, and after a minute her head bobbed to the surface with her wet mane intruding her face.

She spat out the water in her mouth and waved with a smile towards her friends. "Coming in?"

The others jumped in afterwards with Snips and Snails forgetting their fear of the depth after seeing Scootaloo's display of fearlessness.

The friends began to swim around and play games like tossing the beach ball around, listening to music while they swam, and other fun pool games.

After awhile of swimming they returned to shore and back to their spot to dry off. Snips and Snails began to tell a story where they have been trying to send apology letters to Trixie for ruining her life.

"We were really sorry about what we did, and we hoped some letters might patch some stuff up..." Snips recalled.

"Yeah but she wasn't very forgiving, ey?" Snails began to remember the reply on the paper. 'You did not ruin Trixie's life! Trixie has never been better and wishes for you two idiotic colts to stop sending her mail! You *Buy Some Apple*-ing stupid little colts will probably never succeed in life and will end up dying in a wasteland begging for your mothers to save you, but they won’t be there- I will be, and I will be laughing at you every second and edging a canteen of water inches from your grasp each time you make a grab for it so you will die of dehydration. ~ Love, Trixie.'

"Y-yeah… but she didn't mean it!" Snips defended.

The rest of them rolled their eyes at his futile attempt to stand up for Trixie.

They began to enjoy lunch but Scootaloo couldn't help but see Spike shaking. "Spike you okay?"
Spike began to rub his elbows. "Y-y-yeah... c-cold water doesn't work well with me; I just need to heat up." Spike stood up and quickly made his way to the smoothed rock in the sunlight and lay down. He quaked from the pleasure of the sunlight and the heat of the rock warming his scales and his cold blood.

Scootaloo decided to join him on the rock, on the shaded portion so she wouldn't get too hot from the sun's rays.

They all stayed there for another hour, enjoying spending time with their friends but Pinkie's party was nearing and they had to get up and leave.

Scootaloo had her scooter and Spike jumped on. "We'll see you guys at the party okay?" Scootaloo said before she sped off with Spike having to hold onto her waist again to keep on the Scooter.

Scootaloo and Spike sped through Ponyville and saw that other ponies were also on their way to Pony Joe's house. His house was only a few blocks from Sugar Cube Corner and the party was already starting. She stopped and parked her Scooter at the side of the house; Pony Joe's house was also his new eatery and was almost as big as Sugar Cube Corner.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were walking around the party.

"Ugh, the party is like so lame; it’s nowhere near as good as my cutecinera was." Diamond Tiara said, looking around the cafe.

"Want to just leave?" Silver Spoon asked hopefully.

"No, we're here for a reason remember?"

"Right.....Hey look over there." Silver Spoon pointed at the entrance and a drake and a young filly entered the cafe.

"Right on time, you ready?"

"This place looks great, reminds me of his old diner in Canterlot..." Spike looked around the restaurant, admiring the decorations, but then looked at the counter and saw his old friend Pony Joe setting up some things. Spike and Scootaloo walked over and Spike jumped up on one of the seats. "Hey!"

"Spike! How are ya?" Pony Joe said happily, putting away the last of some supplies under the counter.

"Great, like it in Ponyville?"

"Yeah, nice and quiet town, beats Canterlot any day, don’t get me wrong I still have my first restaurant but I just needed to expand and leave the hustle and bustle of the big city...Say, where’s Twilight? I haven't seen her in awhile."

Spike shrugged. "I haven't seen her since this morning."

"Alright, hopefully I can talk with her later; I need to finish putting stuff away before more people come in." Pony Joe trotted into a room in the back.

Spike hopped back off of the chair. "So what do you wanna do Scoots?"

Scootaloo was looking off into the distance with an annoyed look.


"Hi Spike!" Diamond Tiara said cheerfully.

"Hey...you?" Said replied in confusion.

"What? You don't remember my name Spike?"

"I think I've seen you around town, but never really talked with you."

"Ugh... c'mon Spike, lets-" Scootaloo tried to say, but was cut off by another filly.

"Oh, my gosh Scootaloo! You have to see this!" Silver Spoon grabbed her hoof and pulled her away.

"What? Let go of me I-" The two left the main cafe and disappeared into the next room.

Spike started to walk off to go see where Silver Spoon was taking Scootaloo, but was cut off by Diamond Tiara.

"So what’s up Spike?"

"Oh uh... nothin, just going to go meet back up with Scoots."

"Oh... you don't want to stay here with me?"

"Sorry, but I want to go be with Scoots..."

Diamond Tiara pushed Spike back against the counter and put her hooves on his shoulders.


"Why are you with that blank flank?"

"Scoots? Well she’s really cool and-"

"I bet I can do better than that blank flank, I'm a lot prettier and I have money." She said as she tried to lean in on Spike.

Spike leaned his head backwards, trying to stay away from her. "No way."

"Whats wrong?"

"There’s no way I would leave Scoots.."

Scootaloo had entered the cafe and saw Diamond Tiara pinning Spike against the counter and rushed over, angry, but stopped a few feet away when she heard Spike talking.

"Scoots is really cool and I connect with her on so many levels, we share a connection I've never had with anyone else before and we understand each other... Why should I even care that she’s a blank flank? Dragons don't even get cutie marks."

"What? No way, I'll show you I'm way better than that blank flank." Diamond Tiara tried to lean in on Spike again but was stopped by a hoof.

"Get away from my drakefriend you stuck up elitist git!" Scootaloo said as she pulled her off of Spike.

"Elitist git?! Whatever, you're both just two losers in love." Diamond Tiara stomped off with her nose in the air.

"Well... that was awkward...” Spike said as he scratched his head.

Scootaloo hugged Spike. "That was so nice what you said!"

Spike smiled through the tight squeeze. "It was the truth."

Scootaloo kissed Spike on the cheek, sending soot through his nostrils past Scootaloo.

Spike was embarrassed by his repetitive reaction. "Did you get Zecora's help on that or something?"

The two enjoyed the rest of the party as it began. There were a lot of fun games that Pinkie had set up and a lot of ponies from Ponyville were there to participate in the welcoming of Pony Joe. Twilight had arrived late but she was happy to see Pony Joe again after a long time and they spent a lot of time catching up. The party ended early because of a mishap with the disco ball Pinkie had quickly installed crashed to the ground and scared off most of the party because somepony had yelled 'Fire!' after it broke.

Spike and Scootaloo had stayed to help clean the mess with Pinkie and left soon afterwards saying bye to Pony Joe. The two walked back to the library, happy that they have each other.

~*~* Epilogue ~*~*

"And that’s how your mother and I met and fell in love." Spike said as he yawned and adjusted his glasses.

"Wow... so mom used to have a scooter and do tricks on it?" Fang asked excitedly leaning up in his bed.

"Yep, and she was amazing on it, competed in the Radical Games: extreme sports tournament too." Spike stood up and stretched out, almost touching the ceiling with his claws. "It's time for bed, night son."

Fang yawned. "Night dad." He turned over and closed his eyes.

Spike walked out of the room and met his wife in the hallway.

"He’s beautiful isn't he?" Scootaloo said lovingly.

"Yeah, I'm proud of our son... Thank you Scoots."

"For what?"

"Most dragons go off and start hordes with another dragon they don't even love back... but I have you that I love and Fang is my horde and for that I'm grateful every day."

Scootaloo smiled at her husband, it’s been twelve years since they have been married, and eighteen years of being together, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She leaned up and reached Spike's cheek and gave it a quick peck.

Spike had his arms crossed with his eyes closed, enjoying the moment, but when he felt Scootaloo's lips on his cheek his eyes darted open and a large cloud of soot and made both of them gag.

"Ack!" Scoots was coughing and her eyes teared up a little through a smile. "I still got it."

Special thanks to my buddy, Wintertwister for helping me type this fic up and I couldn't have done this story without his help, mostly because of how slow I type.