Echo Level Clearance
Twilight shut the door behind her as she followed Petronel out into the hallway. Princess Celestia had given her a lot to think about. She trailed behind the blue unicorn as he turned and headed back towards the main lecture halls where the war council took place.
Her first responsibility was to the Elements of Harmony. She knew this was a military situation, but she couldn’t imagine giving orders to them like subordinates. She’d have to talk with them when she returned, and they would decide together what should be done about this.
She couldn’t imagine how she was supposed to explain all of this. Hi girls, just got back from an emergency trip to the capital. The princesses send their love and oh, Canterlot is on fire and Equestria is being overrun by griffins. She shook her head. This wasn’t the time for sarcasm, even in an internal monologue. Ponies were dying in Stalliongrad and Cloudsdale even as she walked.
Cloudsdale. She vividly remembered General Manifold’s description of the city. Canterlot was certainly damaged, but the fires were already being put out so that reconstruction could begin. Even so, the sight of the city where she was born on fire had stirred a deep pain in her. She couldn’t imagine how Fluttershy would feel when she told everypony about Cloudsdale, or what Rainbow would do.
She didn’t have a clear picture of the invasion. Worse still, she wasn’t even sure she could understand even if somepony sat down and explained it to her. The military described such things with a vocabulary she was only loosely familiar with from history text books; she knew terms like battalion and division were for numbers of troops, but they had no meaning to her. Twilight would have to cram-study like never before to understand what was really going on around her. The sullen pony was producing a mental checklist of topics to consider when a word broke Twilight from her haze.
Looking up, she came face to face with a wicked looking grin behind a blue helmet. Two menacing guards in night guard armor stood before her, blocking the door behind them. She yelped and fell back on her haunches. The dark violet unicorn with the smile snickered as she looked up at him in shock. “State your business with thy Princess of the Night, peasant.”
Her head spun when a she heard a pony speak up from beside her. Petronel’s face was a mask, but his tone betrayed more than mild annoyance. “You know our business, Gamma. Follow procedure, confirm our identities, and allow us to pass.”
The guard and his counterpart, an immense dark green earth pony, both looked to the director. The earth pony grunted his opinion of the blue unicorn, but Gamma’s smirk remained. “The lone stud returns. Tell me Petronel, what would thou do without Celestia’s sun to warm thy heartless form? Surely thou wouldst be the first to freeze in all Equestria.” He tilted his head to Twilight. “Dost this timid little filly know what thou hast done?”
Petronel sighed and seemed to relax, but his eyes remained locked with Gamma’s. “You’ll wish you hadn’t called her that.”
Gamma feigned a gasp while Twilight stood. “Pray tell, oh wise Director, and enlighten me. What shall thou do to makest me regret it?”
“Procedure first, Gamma,” said Petronel casually. “You don’t even know we’re us yet.”
Gamma’s nostrils flared angrily as he changed his horn. “I do not take orders from a spineless, friend betraying hor—”
“Do as he sayest, Gamma.”
Three heads turned to look at the green earth pony. He hadn’t raised his voice, but his tone conveyed both command to his fellow and a suspicion. His own gaze was pointed firmly at Twilight.
“Astro,” Gamma said as the power in his horn dwindled.
“Just do it.”
Gamma grumbled something about orders, honor, and “incinerate you too,” but he complied. He charged his horn and cast the spell Twilight had seen used at the security stations. A faint light matching the previous amber glow of his horn washed over his eyes. While it remained, he inspected the two visitors. Still brooding over the whole affair, he nodded to Astro, who turned his attention to the director.
“Sir, please state thy name.”
“Petronel, Director of Equestrian Intelligence.”
Seemingly bracing himself, he turned and addressed the purple pony. “Miss, please grace us with thy name.”
Gamma raised an eyebrow at his fellow as if to question his sanity. Petronel smirked. Twilight couldn’t help it; She blushed.
“Twilight Sparkle.”
Astro immediately dropped his forelegs into a kneel and lowered his eyes to Twilight. Gamma stuttered incoherently for a moment before roughly mimicking him.
“Lady Twilight, please forgive us our disrespect,” Astro said with a remorseful tone. “Most of the guard does not yet know your face. I was but once blessed to see you from afar during the celebration after thee and thy friends vanquished the great menace Discord.”
Twilight was floored. “Uh. What?”
“Thou art leader of the Bearers, and wielder of the Element of Magic. All the night guards know your exploits. But we have delayed you overmuch.” He rose enough to reach for the door and open it for her. “Know that should you have any need, thou must speak it to a member of Princess Luna’s guard and it shall be met.”
Before Twilight could muddle through a reply, the director gave her a significant glance that they should just move on. She entered the classroom and was quickly followed by Petronel. When the door closed soundly behind them, she turned to him and whispered, “What was that about?”
“The Night Order Royal Guard might be a bunch of misfit zealots, but they have a respectable concept of personal debt.”
Unlike the other rooms she had already been in tonight, this one still had many of the furnishings of a classroom. A large professor’s desk sat near the window by the far wall, neatly framing the silhouette of the Canterlot Castle. The walls had posters of old maps and significant events in Equestrian history.
With everything happening so quickly, she had almost forgotten this was a place of learning. She glanced at the posters, reminded of the time she spent not so long ago in a classroom learning about her national heritage. Equestria was an old country, and its ponies had seen dark times before and risen above them. They could do it again.
At least twenty busy ponies filled the room, but instead of professors and students, a range of professionals were hard at work in planning or security. Ponies in uniform spotted the room, but they weren’t alone. Several of the director’s unicorns were casting spells of some kind, and some of Luna’s guards were discussing the physical security for the meeting. It gave the room almost the same atmosphere of life and energy Twilight always loved about the campus.
“Twilight Sparkle! ‘Tis good to see thee again.”
Princess Luna leapt from her seat behind the desk with a spring in her step. Twilight couldn’t help but smile up at her mentor’s sibling as she approached. When Luna put a foreleg around her in a happy embrace, the unicorn had a little difficulty breathing. When Luna finally broke the embrace, Twilight took a step back. “Princess,” she said between breaths, “it’s good to see you too. Princess Celestia said you wanted to talk to me.”
She looked to Petronel. “Hast thou not told her?”
The purple unicorn tilted her head. “Told me what?”
“We came directly here after the audience with Princess Celestia, Highness.” Petronel bowed to the moon princess with every ounce of seriousness Twilight had seen before. Luna quickly bid him to rise. “I would not make casual conversation of high level meetings in an unsecure area. The changelings demonstrated how easy it is for an enemy to gain access to Equestria hierarchies.”
Luna frowned. “We believed the widespread use of thy true-seeing spell ended such concerns.”
“A common changeling wouldn’t last long posing as a soldier or official in Canterlot, but we have to assume they won’t be so brazen in their next attempt.” Petronel’s face grew dark and grim. “And there are always other threats.”
Twilight caught a gem of understanding in his statement that shined new understanding on some events of that night. “Ooooh, a true sight spell would let a unicorn see through an illusionary disguise, probably even one from a changeling.” A possible snag occurred to her. “Aren’t those fairly advanced spells? Most unicorns have to make it to the university before they’re ready to learn magic like that.”
“That is very true, if the spell disrupts or allows the caster to see through the illusion.” He didn’t smile, but Twilight could just barely see the sparkle of pride in his eye as he talked about his work. “But there are a dozen spells that identify that an illusion is in the line of sight. I merely polished off a few of them and made their use standard security procedure.”
“So that’s what the guards have been casting at me all day,” she replied thoughtfully.
“Yes it is.” Petronel turned his attention back to the princess, and bowed once more. “Speaking of security, Princess, there are still things to do before we can begin. By your leave I will see that all is prepared.”
Luna waved a hoof to dismiss him, and the director trotted off to join a group of ponies from his department that were casting an array of security spells in the room. Luna let out a long sigh when he was out of earshot. “We see that the two of you hit it off rather quickly.”
For a moment Twilight was concerned that Luna might have been suggesting something else, but the twang of sadness in the princess’s tone said otherwise. “I guess so. We’ve mostly talked about spell mechanics.” She thought about it for a moment. “He did dodge some of my questions when I was trying to get to know him, though.”
“Perhaps we should not be surprised. He does not speak openly of even little things.” The alicorn princess heaved a sigh. “Thus far, ponies have been reacting to this shameless attack with their wits and whatever they had on hoof. The summit in the lecture hall was a matter of collecting and sharing information. Now that we are beginning to see the big picture, it is time to chart a path to expelling these invaders. This smaller council has been called for that purpose.”
Twilight frowned. “I’m sorry, Princess. I don’t know how I can help.”
Luna’s eyes flared with surprise, but then she smiled dotingly. “Twilight Sparkle, thou are the Element of Magic. Already this night, thy talent has brought hope to thousands of ponies and saved Cloudsdale from being overrun. It was no easy feat. We wish that we could have done as much.”
The purple pony couldn’t think of anything to say anything to that. She blushed and hung her head shyly.
“Besides, thou will not be the only one in attendance with things to learn. Even we find the new military tongue daunting. Fortunately we have found ponies gifted in explaining such things to the uninitiated.” She looked back over her shoulder to one of the ponies still at the desk. “General, if you have a moment we would like to make introductions. You as well, Ambassador.”
“Of course, Princess.” One of the earth ponies at the desk stood and trotted the few steps over to the talking mares. His light brown coat contrasted with his olive green uniform. His salt-and-pepper mane hinted he was older than his gait and build suggested. It looked like he could have held his own in a hoofwrestling match with Big Mac. He might not have stood out at all in a crowd of uniformed earth ponies but for the four rows of bars on his chest and the trio of stars on his sleeve.
Luna smiled proudly at both him and Twilight, and she motioned to the stallion. “We are sure you both are already familiar with each other by reputation. This is General Black Jack, regional commander for Canterlot, and our patient tutor in modern military practice.” She mirrored the motion to Twilight, and mentioned something about the Element of Magic and saving her from darkness. No big deal, really.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, General,” Twilight said with a smile, offering her hoof.
Black Jack took it and gave her a pair of firm but friendly shakes. “The pleasure is mine. General Manifold and I graduated from the academy together. Thank you.”
Twilight raised an eyebrow at the laconic reply, but quickly again blushed when she understood. Why did every pony need to keep thanking her for that? It was embarrassing; she had only shared a spell she had formulated for a social event. It wasn’t like she had set out to save a city.
Luckily, she was saved from further awkwardness when a pony Twilight recognized entered the little circle. The tall unicorn’s grey coat was so light it looked almost white, and his azure blue eyes matched his styled mane and small moustache. He walked with poise and class found in only the upper class of Canterlot society in a classically cut suit, and was the only stallion Twilight had ever seen using a monocle without making it look silly.
Twilight was dumbfounded to see the stallion, and it showed. “Fancypants?”
“I say, Twilight, jolly good to see you again.” He carefully dusted off his normally spotless suit coat. “I apologize for the general condition of the city. Griffin tourists have such poor manners.”
Luna raised an eyebrow. “You two have met?”
Fancypants briefly outlined how he met Rarity, their building friendship, and her later introduction of Twilight and their other friends. “Although I must say, Rarity neglected to mention any of you were the Elements of Harmony. It came as quite the surprise later on.”
“I don’t think any of us knew you were an ambassador, either.” They shared a laugh.
“Well, I only took the position as a favor when my predecessor abdicated. I was living in Prance at the time and the ponies there had been good to me, so it seemed like the right thing to do.”
General Black Jack smirked and looked to Twilight. “He forgets to mention that Germaneigh and Prance were on the short road to war when he took the job. Within three weeks, he had talked both sides out of the whole thing. A month after that both sides were celebrating together like the prodigal foal had returned.”
Fancypants stiffened. “I am rather fond of my wife’s birth country. It seemed a stupendous waste to ruin such fine cityscapes with artillery. Besides, anypony else would have done the same given the means and opportunity.”
Twilight couldn’t help but look at Fancypants in a new light. “I think I know how you feel.”
He brightened. “Yes, I rather think that you would.”
“Princess Luna?” Petronel came around from behind Twilight and stood beside her, eliciting a surprised squeak from the purple unicorn. Goodness, did this pony make any noise when he walked? “We’re finished with the general sweep. The others will soon be clearing out of the room, and then we can begin.”
“Certainly,” the princess replied. A large circular rug had been rolled out in the middle of the floor while they talked. Luna took a few steps, turned to face the window, and sat along the edge facing the center of the mat. She patted a spot to her right with her hoof. “Here Twilight, come sit next to us.”
The director frowned slightly when she took the indicated seat, and then sat to Luna’s left. The remaining two stallions from their conversation joined them sitting across from Luna in what had become a rough circle, with Fancypants next to Twilight.
When the five of them were the last ponies in the room, Petronel charged his horn and wordlessly cast a spell Twilight recognized; it was the same one he used to intimidate the officers in the map room, although he wasn’t wearing such a scary face this time. Now she recognized it for what it was, an illusory disruption wave. While the light lingered, he looked all around the room. Contented with whatever he did or didn’t see, he nodded to Princess Luna, who opened the meeting with a gentle tap of one hoof. Twilight couldn’t help but feel a chill when she realized the last time he used that spell, he was legitimately considering that that any of the stallions in the map room might have been changelings.
“Lady and Gentlecolts, by this point we are all loosely aware of the dire state of our nation and the peril its ponies face. The Confederacy of Griffin Prides has launched an unprovoked invasion of our sovereign nation without demands or a formal declaration of war.” She spoke with her eyes closed, clearly restraining her own indignation at the events. “They dare occupy our cities and towns with their soldiers and diamond dog mercenary lackeys. Thou needest only walk to the window to see the ruination they have brought upon our fair capital. They have even struck at and wounded Princess Celestia, who in her love and wisdom raises the sun for all nations and races to enjoy.”
She took a deep breath. “In our royal discussions, it has been decided that it should be our—I mean my—duty to take responsibility for our military response and expel the invaders. To that end we have called this meeting, for no undertaking so great should be begun without a full vision of how it is to be accomplished. By the time we leave this room, Equestria should have at least a short term plan in place to deal with this situation.
“I am aware we have civilian ponies present and trust that Director Petronel and General Black Jack will take this into account, as well as their difficulties in explaining modern military organization and vocabulary to their returned Princess.” She smiled looking around the group. “Therefore, in the name of the Moon, we call this royal cabinet meeting to order. Please everypony, don’t be shy about ideas or comments. The ponies of Equestria need us more than ever, and we need all the perspective we can get.”
For a few moments after Luna finished, nopony spoke. Finally Twilight raised a hoof, which made the princess smile.
“There is no need for that Twilight. We hope we can all feel comfortable enough to speak without taking turns.”
“Really? Okay.” She rubbed her front hooves together nervously. “Are you sure about the comments thing? This might sound silly.”
Luna was confused. “Yes, of course we are. Why, what is the matter?”
Twilight shrank under the collective gaze of the four important ponies present. “Because, um, I still have no idea what is going on. I remember some things about Cloudsdale and Stalliongrad in the last meeting, but I missed a lot when I left and didn’t understand most of what I heard.”
Fancypants had shifted uncomfortably during Luna’s descriptions, and now nodded his agreement to Twilight. “Yes, let’s please review the situation. This is the first I’ve heard about any other attacks or diamond dogs. Of course, everypony had their darker suspicions when the griffins retreated.”
“The attack here was just a part of the plan,” General Black Jack interjected. “It appears the main griffin thrust was directed at Cloudsdale. General Manifold estimated they were hit with two divisions of griffins, compared to the pair of brigades that hit us here.”
Fancypants harrumphed. “That many? I’m surprised Genghis Khan Jochi could get the Prides to stop squabbling long enough for something of that scale. That represents about half the entire nation’s forces, and normally they are all deployed to oppose one another.”
“I doubt Jochi could pull it off without significant aid. This strategic planning has Khan Cyrus written all over it. Now, there’s one crafty bird.”
“Um,” Twilight said, shyly raising a hoof again out of reflex. “I’m sorry, what’s the difference between a brigade and a division?”
Black Jack didn’t seem bothered by the question. “Armed ponies are organized at different levels based on their purpose. Current doctrine describes a brigade as about 1,200 fighting ponies, and is generally the largest group that can be maneuvered tactically. Each brigade has a specific function, such as artillery, infantry, or supply. Two to four brigades are then grouped together into cohesive, combined arms units. These are called divisions. Most strategic planning is carried out at the division level.”
That was still an awful lot to process, but it did have the root of an answer to her question. Twilight felt her jaw drop a little. “Are you saying that Cloudsdale was attacked by four times as many griffins as Canterlot?
Petronel interjected. “More like five times. Griffin military organization is a bit different than ours. It’s also likely that those that retreated from here will fall back to the cloud city.” He looked up at Luna. “As bad as things look here in Canterlot, this strike was just a raid with some of their elite troops. They never intend to hold the city.”
Fancypants tilted his head. “Then what was their objective, Director?”
He glanced hesitantly between the princess and the Twilight a few times, but Luna nodded her ascent for Petronel to continue. “Once Shining Armor’s shield goes up, it’s almost impenetrable by traditional means. Griffins could swing at it all day from all sides and have no hope to breach it. That leaves only two strategic options to someone attacking Canterlot.”
Black Jack nodded. “A siege, or a surprise attack.”
Twilight glanced between the director and general. “What are you saying?”
The general soured, but Petronel answered the question like she had asked the price of cherries. “The collateral damage, delayed national response, and general terror would have been enough motivation to raid the capital, but we know from reports that the griffins swarmed the castle looking for the captain. When the shield went up Khan Cyrus called the retreat. It stands to reason that he was the primary objective.”
He locked eyes with Twilight. “The griffins specifically intended to kill your brother.”
All eyes were on Twilight while she processed the news, but she said nothing. That anypony or anyone would wish that on her kind and loving brother was devastating.
Luna turned to the director. “This Khan Cyrus, was he also the one who fought our sister?”
Petronel turned back to the princess and nodded. “Yes. Colonel Daybreak met him during a summit a few years ago and made a positive identification after the incident.”
“Your Highness,” Fancypants said while sitting deathly still as he considered Luna. “Perhaps now isn’t the best time for us to worry about individual grif-”
“Thou art correct, Ambassador. Equestria must come first.” Her stormy gaze drifted back towards the window. “But at least now we know his name.”
The meeting turned into a situation report from there, with General Black Jack taking the lead. Petronel supplied details and updates as he thought appropriate.
Canterlot was in no immediate danger now that the raid was over. The attack had succeeded in slowing Equestria’s organized response, leaving regional commands largely isolated. With Shining Armor’s shield in place and both princesses safe from immediate harm, the city could resume its function as the national capital.
Twilight was horrified all over again by the general’s laconic description of the state of Stalliongrad. They were calling it “the eastern front.” Thousands of diamond dogs with limited griffin support were now holding most of the city. The two groups seemed to have different objectives. The dogs began looting the city almost as soon as they entered it. The griffins provided enough air support to draw the attention of any local pegasi, and then hit the train station.
The city was a major commerce and transportation center in Equestria and was a major stop on the original Trans-Equestrian Rail Line that started in Manehattan and ended in Detrot. Canterlot and Ponyville were also stations on the line, but with Stalliongrad taken, ground travel between Canterlot and anyplace east of Stalliongrad would be blocked. Even when the city was retaken, Black Jack and Petronel both agreed that the rails would likely be destroyed and unusable, preventing travel by train.
For now, that meant western Equestria was on its own.
Petronel took over when the discussion returned to Cloudsdale. The initial griffin momentum was blunted when they encountered magic-slinging unicorns and entrenched earth ponies, but not before the entire industrial and government districts had been lost. The pegasi now only held a sliver of suburban residential clouds and were using the stadium as a command center. Black Jack smiled and squinted like a predator as Petronel shared the effect of General Manifold’s tactics and the unicorn reinforcements on the battle.
“Ha, that ought to teach those overgrown parrots something about Equestrian tactics! Griffins aren’t the only ones who use diversified C2.”
Fancypants raised an eyebrow while Luna and Twilight just sat with baffled expressions. Petronel explained.
“Generals Manifold and Black Jack conducted a war game about eight months ago. Manifold had asserted that a division composed of entirely pegasi could divide and overwhelm a larger force entirely of ground ponies if it had no air support. He believed that once he crippled the ground division’s Command and Control…”
“We call it C2 for short,” the general added.
“…that he could cut up the remaining defenders piece by piece.”
Put like that, an abstract military idea that Twilight would have found difficult to follow became a puzzle she could wrap her mind around. She couldn’t help but be fascinated. “What happened?”
The director looked sideways at Black Jack with begrudging approval. “Before the game, General Black Jack called together every officer in his division, and they re-wrote their entire command structure. When it was done, Black Jack had grouped every pony he had into double strength squads. Each had a dozen unicorns supported by as many or more earth ponies.”
Twilight, Fancypants and Luna all exchanged glances, wondering if the other two understood. Black Jack took the hint, and was only too happy to explain.
“I gave two ponies in each platoon full command initiative. We communicated with flags, but each platoon knew they had the freedom to pursue objectives. Their only standing orders were to advance toward the objective zone if able, give covering fire for any entrenched allies, and dig in if overwhelmed. There wasn’t any C2 to disrupt!”
Fancypants sighed. “I’m afraid I still don’t understand. Did it work?”
Petronel nodded. “It did, and now General Manifold is using those tactics in Cloudsdale. Griffins are culturally driven to attack in brutal but chaotic waves. Small group combat helps counter the advantages of such tactics. Barring some major change in griffin tactics or reinforcements, we should be in no danger of losing the city in the next 36 hours. By then more of our reinforcements will have arrived.”
That was good to hear, at least. Twilight looked down at her hooves to avoid making any eye contact; the last thing she wanted right now was another pony’s thanks for the spell. It was Black Jack’s plan that was holding things together, and Manifold and the soldiers were the ones actually fighting to save Cloudsdale. Petronel’s group had played a major part too, dispersing her spell formula in record time.
Petronel was still sharing details as Twilight yawned and looked up to the wall clock by the door, doing some mental math on just how long it had taken. She blinked. Her answer couldn’t be right.
Luna’s voice broke her concentration. “Twilight, is everything all right? Thou lookest distracted.”
Twilight looked out the window before answering, but couldn’t see any stars to confirm what the clock said. “I’m sorry, I was just checking the time. I guess someone forgot to wind up the clock in this room.”
Fancypants frowned and checked his pocket watch. “No, the clock is right.” When Twilight gaped he gave her a worried look. “Is something the matter?”
“I was just thinking,” Twilight began, looking at Petronel. “It takes over an hour to fly to Cloudsdale from here. It should have taken time to get enough unicorns together there to teach the cloudwalk spell even after a direct flight. It hasn’t been that long since I showed you the spell, and you’re still here. Director, how did you get it to them so quickly?”
All eyes turned to Petronel. Black Jack rubbed his temple with a hoof while Fancypants gave the director a piercing stare. “I might ask what else Twilight has not yet been told, but perhaps it would be easier for you to detail what you have told her.”
“I resent your tone, Ambassador,” Petronel snapped back as his jaw tightened. “Twilight was granted security clearance by the princess not ten minutes before we came into this room. I’ve already stated my perfectly reasonable aversion to discussing sensitive information in what amounts to a public hallway. No one outside the capital is aware to what extent we use the spell. It must stay that way as long as possible.”
Twilight’s interest was doubled. “What spell do we use?”
“My concern, Director, was more one of foresight. Twilight should have been involved with your department from day one after she was the first to identify Chrysalis.”
The purple pony smiled awkwardly. “Everypony makes too much of that. What spell are we talking about?”
“With respect to Twilight’s talents, you are suggesting that loosening security would have somehow prevented this situation when the exact opposite is true. The more ponies that are aware of our duties here the more likely it is for potential threats to plan around them. It’s very clear that the griffins had no clue we could respond to their blitz at all, and it’s been to our huge advantage.”
Twilight felt like a school filly struggling to get at a cookie just out of reach. “Uh guys, this is all really interesting, but really, what spell?”
Fancypants shrugged. “Perhaps you are correct, but after tonight that reasoning is outdated. Twilight realized an unknown was in play all on her own. The griffin khans are not foals. The swift changes made in Cloudsdale will be enough for them to conclude ponies with your talents exist. After that, it’s just a matter of time before the ‘cat is out of the bag,’ to use a rustic phrase.”
Twilight groaned in final resignation, but Luna came to her rescue.
“Director, please explain it to her. Twilight must be made aware to better perform her duties as the Element of Magic.”
From what Twilight had seen of Petronel’s seriousness about decorum when addressing the princesses that was probably the equivalent of a royal order in his mind. He sighed in resignation, drew a deep breath and began. “My special talent is integration.”
“Inta-what now?”
“Integration. My cutie mark is five separate triangles that share sides and a bottom edge, but the together they make one larger triangle; the individual parts becoming one greater whole. That talent manifests itself through a telepathy spell I learned as a colt.”
“Telepathy magic? I’ve studied those spells. They’ve never seen widespread use for a bunch of little reasons. Some require horn contact to cast, or continued line of sight. Even the best ones I’ve seen are short range and require a pair of talented unicorns to constantly maintain...” Twilight drifted off, beginning to understand what Petronel was suggesting. “Are you saying you found a way to overcome the difficulty in establishing a connection with a pony out of line of sight, or signal degradation inherent to magical communication?”
“Both, actually. I fixed those problems through study of Lightning Rod’s works on his theory of wave mechanics, but my talent concerns how many connections I can recall or have open at the same time.”
Most of Twilight’s reading pointed out that only one connection was practical, but that some unicorns had practiced enough to maintain two or three simultaneously at short ranges. She couldn’t think of an instance where a unicorn had claimed to go beyond four at once. “Just how many are we talking about?”
“During a study I was recorded to have five simultaneous telepathic conversations at once. My personal best is seven, but both cases were in sensory isolation rooms.” He shook his head at the last part. Apparently those weren’t fond memories. “What is more important is that Lightning Rod’s research allowed me to notate what wavelengths I would be using to communicate with a pony. As a result, I can contact over twenty unicorns spread across Equestria. I’ve also been instructing several of my aides, who currently provide about that many connections between them.”
Luna gave him a sidelong glance. “Director…”
“I shouldn’t need to say more than that, Princess. Anything more would put her and the department in more peril with no visible benefit to Equestria.” He looked at Twilight with a smile that betrayed just the smallest hint of personal pride. “Besides, she is more than intelligent enough to grasp the ramifications of what I’ve just said.”
Twilight was still gaping. Being a smart or talented unicorn was one thing, but what Petronel was talking about only started with magic. To even attempt it would take an exceptionally well ordered mind. She still had trouble finding a book she wanted in a library she lived in. “W-what it means is nearly instant communication between the capital and anywhere you send one of these contacts. How many do you have in Cloudsdale right now?”
“The department has only one in the city so far, but there are three more in the surrounding countryside. Two are casting the cloudwalk spell as quickly as they are able, and the third is currently teaching it to a squad from the 101st.”
She blinked a few times to clear her head. There had been a point early in her studies when she had felt spoiled having a direct line to Princess Celestia through Spike, but apparently there were talents active in Canterlot that far surpassed even that kind of communication.
General Black Jack cleared his throat noisily. “With respect to Twilight’s need-to-know, we still have more to discuss. Perhaps we can save the magical patty-cake for after we have a plan.”
“Thank you Director, but we concur with the general.” Luna waived a hoof regally. “For now we must return to the task at hoof. Time will be made after this meeting for thee to instruct Twilight in the casting and use of this spell.”
Petronel’s head spun. “Princess, are you quite certain that is necessary?”
“Indeed.” Luna blinked, confused by Petronel’s reaction. “Dost thou not agree? We doubt Twilight will be remaining in Canterlot long. If she is to take the field as we believe our sister intends, her field assessments and spell expertise would be an invaluable resource for thy department.”
“I’d be happy to learn,” Twilight volunteered with a giant grin. Petronel was grumpily silent for a few moments, and finally nodded his agreement. Black Jack spoke before she could express her excitement.
“That brings us to the last prong of this invasion, western front.”
Twilight and Fancypants both gaped, but the purple mare beat him to the question. “There’s a fourth attack?” Luna nodded sadly.
Black Jack exchanged an unhappy glance with Petronel. “Yes, but the western front is different from those we’ve already covered. Another ground force like the one in Stalliongrad is moving south into Equestria, but starting from the other side of the Minty Mountains. It took the northern town of Tranquility Lane, held for a few hours, and then moved on to Sunnydale. The snows are still coming down that far north, but I’ve never known that to slow down diamond dogs. Even their looting habits shouldn’t take so long.” He plunged into a long explanation about reconnaissance and how something called screening had kept anypony from getting a clear picture of what was going on up north. Griffins were apparently very good at screening.
“I can only speculate from what little we know now. From there, this group could sweep further west to Manehattan, stick to the mountain range to move under and support Cloudsdale, or skip both entirely and march even further south and go on to Fillydelphia.” He looked to Twilight. “Thanks to your brother, the capital is safe from anything but a long siege, something neither griffins nor diamond dogs have enough patience to do effectively.”
“Actually General, I have some new information in that regard.” Petronel sat up straight before continuing. “I must stress the sensitivity of this information, and that it not leave this room except by direct royal order. The only others who are aware of this are three of my aides and the two pony team that made the discovery. If this information gets out, we could have a real panic on our hooves.
“When I became aware of the attack underway, my first official action was to begin informing my contacts of the national danger, and for everypony to be aware and ready to report any discoveries. Among those is a unicorn sniper team. They struck out from their homes in rural northern Equestria and headed for the mountains, both for a better position and spotting. They found a hill and set up a duck blind position.
“About half an hour ago, they reported encountering a large force of diamond dogs moving south, but unusually for their kind they were sticking close to the main road rather than taking advantage of the cover in the fields. Most of the rest of the report fits with what we’ve seen at Stalliongrad, except for one detail: A slow train of wagons were being pulled by diamond dog soldiers and captured ponies. The last wagon was reported to be carrying a pair of long iron tubes and driven by a minotaur wearing plate armor. The description of the minotaur’s armor matches several accounts describing the siege smith Brass Knuckles.”
General Black Jack seemed to understand almost instantly. His face turned pure white and he cursed. He wasn’t alone in such a strong reaction. Fancypants looked like his stomach had turned over, and Luna’s right eye twitched angrily.
Twilight leaned forward, afraid to ask but terrified of not understanding. She looked to the princess. “What, what does it mean?”
Luna sighed. “Before our banishment, we saw the end of the age of stone defenses. Equestrians loved their castles dearly, but over time they simply became obsolete as new weapons and spells were developed to defeat them. Those weapons became so powerful that construction of new castles stopped entirely. The castles still in use today are more aesthetic than functional. Even low walls were deemed to be a waste of national effort.”
The purple unicorn gasped. “But we have a wall.” She looked outside, beyond the castle to the purple haze surrounding the city. “A wall of magic.”
“Yes, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna hung her head. “The minotaur brings a great cannon of old. The griffins would not need such a weapon to attack Manehattan or Fillydelphia. If it is brought into range of the shield, they will hammer thy brother’s wall until it shatters and his strength is spent.”
The Princess of the Night ground her teeth. “Then Canterlot will be at their mercy.”
Now things are getting a bit dark, and the magic you introduced certainly sounds interesting. I still think there's more to Petronel. Anyways, great chapter as always! Funny seeing Fancypants being introduced into this...
" unicorn sniper team"
That's the coolest string of words since "mutant ninja turtle"