Apple Family Barn, Ponyville, Equestria
8:00Am SET
“Now, who do I pay a visit to today, I wonder?”
Ajax paced back and forth in the barn that served as his home, planning the day ahead. Well, not planning all of it, just who he was going to visit. He had four ponies to pick from and the choosing was a difficult task.
“Do I go to the fancy one, or the timid one?”
So many things to consider.
“Or maybe I go see the… Hm, how would I describe her? Blue? Lazy? Hot headed? Lesbian?”
Prejudging ponies only gave Ajax more to consider. He probably had the blue one all wrong but he didn’t like the idea of spending time with a hot headed lesbian while they lazed around.
“She seemed like a courageous pony, a dominant pony. She also seemed aggressive. Hm…”
Ajax wondered why this pony was so aggressive. Was she compensating for something? Maybe a lack of something?
“Bah! Focus Ajax! A decision is to be made, moving on!”
Ajax got back on track.
“Hm… The purple one? No, no. She is… Complicated. She knew who I was. She’d had to watch what I did to those poor bastards at the Hyperion outpost. Best to let her have her rest and deal with her last.”
Ajax was dreading having to confront the purple one. This “Twilight” character was connected to him in a deep way. She’d sent his system into a melt down on two occasions and had seen life through his eyes. The two ponies he’d dealt with so far seemed accepting enough, but they hadn’t seen what Twilight had seen. Ajax had to wonder, would Applejack and Pinkie Pie have been so understanding if they’d seen his handy work?
“Focus damn it Ajax.”
He’d gone off topic again.
“The timid one.Fluttershy. Would she be viable? She was very scared, even before I had spoken to her. She seemed to open up a little before the pink one interrupted… Does that mean she’d open up again and talk were Ito pay her a visit alone at her house?”
Ajax didn’t know. He was in a completely alien land, dealing with creatures he couldn’t begin to understand.
“Gah! Why must you all be so damned complicated!” Ajax yelled
“Erm… Need any help?”
The voice came from behind Ajax. It wasn’t a voice that shocked Ajax. It was a familiar voice.
“Applejack.” Ajax said as he turned to face Applejack
“That’s my name.” Applejack laughed
“What’s the problem?”
Ajax walked over to a large bale of hay and sat down, sighing as he did so.
“Decisions, decisions. “ Ajax said
“Decisions?” Applejack asked
“Decisions. Who do I visit next, Applejack? Who? Four ponies, four personalities. One I have already ruled out, this Twilight character. It’s best to let her rest considering what she’s been through. The other three… Dah! It’s so difficult! I don’t have enough knowledge of each pony to make a decision!”
Ajax said, very annoyed with the whole situation.
“Well, how about I give you a little lesson on my friends? Cover all the basics?”
“Hm… Excellent idea Applejack. You’re not too busy are you? I’d hate to make you fall behind with your chores. Yesterday was a tough damn task and I hate to prolong today’s harvesting.”
“Today’s harvestin’? Ha! When you did that fancy trick with your stompin’ you cleared half of the fresh apples from the orchard! I won’t have heavy work besides collectin’ for another week at least!”
“Even better. Please, explain your friends. I want to know everything about them so I can make a decision on whom to visit.”
“Come on then Ajax, let’s take a walk.”
Apple Family Orchard, Ponyville, Equestria
8:10Am SET
“So... Who should I begin with?”
Applejack and Ajax had walked for a short while before finding a nice spot to sit. The shade from the trees was ample cover from the sun which was high in the morning sky, sending hot rays down upon Equestria. They sat and they got down to the subject that Ajax was eager to discuss.
“The fancy pony. Rarity. Tell me more of her.”
“Rarity? Whew, let me tell ya. She’ll drive you crazy trying to redesign that fancy black armour ya’ll have got, tryin’ to prettify it all up!”
“Is she really that bad?” Ajax asked
“Bad? No! She’s not bad at all, she’s just… Devoted to beauty, fashion and the finer things in life. She’s the kind who takes her work very seriously, a lot like me. She’s as nice a pony as you’ll ever meet.”
“And what exactly is Rarity’s work?”
“She’s a fashionista. She runs the Carousel Boutique. That’s the place everyone goes for anythin’ pretty lookin’ or sparkly in clothing.”
“A fashion designer? Interesting. But, slightly boring. What of the other two?”
“Well… There’s Fluttershy. She’s mighty scared of almost everythin’. In fact, I was proud of her when she didn’t break down in tears when you spoke to her. She’s came far, but she’s still got work to do.”
“Hm… So still developing her social skills is she?”
“With ponies anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean she’s all awkward when it comes to talkin’ to actual ponies, but she’s a natural at talking to her animals.”
“Talking to animals? That can’t be hard, they don’t talk back. Most of them don’t even acknowledge your existence. I’ve tried talking to hundreds of skags in an attempt to get them to back off. It didn’t work”
“Skags? What are they?”
“They’re an animal from Pandora. Very dangerous indeed, if you’re made of metal. Corrosive acid isn’t very good for me, I enjoy not melting.”
“Wh- Ajax, you’re not on Pandora. You’re in Equestria. Things work differently here.”
“What? You’re saying that animals will acknowledge contact?”
“That’s exactly what I’m sayin’ Ajax. Animals here in Equestria aren’t all that different from ponies. Some can even talk. The rest will acknowledge that you’re there and will respond to you talkin’ to ‘em”
“Wow. You say this Fluttershy talks to these animals?”
“Yup. It’s her talent. Her cutie mark will back that up.”
“Cutie mark?”
“Look here”
Applejack pointed to her rear.
“Your… Ass? I don’t follow.”
“Urg… No, not my tail end stupid, the mark.”
As Applejack had said, she had three apple shaped marks on her flank.
“Hmm… Curious. What are they for? They look like apples.”
“Exactly. What did we spend all day yesterday doin’?”
“Harvesting apples.”
“What exactly?”
“Cutie mark. It’s a symbol of a pony’s personality and or their talent. I’m part of the Apple family and I harvest apples. Hence the three apples for my cutie mark.”
“Hmm… Do tell, what is Fluttershy’s talent?”
“Naturally, she had a deep connection with the animal kingdom. She’s the go to girl when it comes to animals and her job is to monitor conditions of the animals in and around Ponyville.”
“Animals and shy, got you. Now, about the third pony?”
“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack yelled at Ajax
“Yes, that’s the one. No need to yell.” Ajax said confused as to why Applejack felt the need to yell the name.
“Rainbow Dash!”
“What are you yelling at pony?” Ajax said as he turned and looked at the sky behind him.
“Get yourself down here!” Applejack yelled.
“What in all the Gods names is going on?”
Ajax had seen some pegasi as he had walked through Canterlot with Faith and Shield. None flying though, so Ajax hadn’t been able to work out that they could fly. Funny thing to see hovering above your head, a pony with a dazzling rainbow mane. Wings, who would have thought it?
“The third pony you were askin’ about? Let me introduce Rainbow Dash, the pony you can trust to back out of plans. She’s incredibly competitive and incredibly cocky when it comes to excuses.” Applejack said, not sounding very pleased
“Hey! I’m not backing out! I’ll be back to help you out here in an hour or so. I’ve got an important job to do you know!” Rainbow Dash complained
“Oh here we go. Come on then Dash, let’s hear it. What exceptionally important thing is keepin’ you from helpin’ me?” Applejack said, half sighing half laughing.
“Mail.” Rainbow Dash responded
“Mail” Applejack repeated
“Yea, mail.” Rainbow Dash repeated. She was sticking with her excuse.
“Important mail I take it?” Applejack groaned
“A weather report. I’d hate to admit it but I’ll need some help moving a giant storm headin’ Ponyville’s way. It really is important Applejack; I wouldn’t bail on you for something silly.” Rainbow Dash said, begging silently for Applejack for permission to leave.
“Urg… An hour, ok? I’ll count and if you’re even a second late-“
“An hour Applejack. Can I go now?”
“Sure Dash, go.”
“Wait a minute, moving a storm?” Ajax asked curiously
“Yea… Long story, I’ll have to explain it to you at another time. Bye.”
Rainbow Dash broke her hover and began flying into the sky.
“No, wait!” Ajax yelled at the disappearing pony.
“Heh, best just to leave her. She’ll come back. I’ll give you the basics on her before she does.” Applejack laughed as she began walking off.
“No, I must speak with her. I’ve heard enough to make a decision. Someone who can move storm seems like an interesting character.”
“Ajax, she’s a Pegasus, she can fly. Faster than anypony else I know, might I add. I don’t care what fancy gadgets you have, you can’t out run her.”
“Who said anything about running?”
“Huh? What ya’ll talkin’ ‘bout?”
“Applejack, in the Hyperion army there are many types of robotic soldiers. One’s who specialise in many different kinds of tasks. One of these is called a “JETloader”, they specialise in flight. The tools that allow them to do so are a few thrusters and solid metal wings welded to their bodies.”
“Uh… I’m not sure I like where this is goin’”
“Ha. I love where this is going. Now, I’ve got an affinity for tech. Guess what I did when I was told that a JETloader had fallen prey to an electromagnetic blast and had crashed near my location, un harmed?”
“You looted them fancy wings and jet-a-ma-things. “
“Exactly. Now, have I showed you my warp device yet Applejack?”
“No, you haven’t”
“Well, look here. The device sitting on my back is a small matter altering device. It can, if the need arises, warp me over distances. It also has the ability to construct tools and weaponry out of thin air, with sufficient power. It is the latter fact that is of concern here.”
“I think I see where ya’ll are goin’ with this… I knew I wouldn’t like it.”
“You don’t have to like it; you just have to look away when I ignite the engines.”
“Ignite? This sounds mighty dangerous Ajax.”
“Oh no, not at all. Apart from the horrible fiery death that could occur, it’s completely risk free.”
“That’s not funny Ajax.”
“I wasn’t trying to be. If I try to construct an object without enough juice in the device, it could explode. I’ve been neglecting to charge it and I used a large amount of power teleporting to Canterlot, so I’m not quite sure how much power I have left.”
“Very reassuring. I’m just gonna hide behind that tree, waaaaaaay over there. Ok?”
“Are you sure? I think you’ll enjoy my take off.”
“Pardon me for not sharing the same amount of enthusiasm.”
“Ok, constructing the JETloader flight components… Now!”
As Ajax said “Now”, the device on his back caused with power and glowed with a blinding blue light, small arcs of pure power shooting off and scorching the ground.
“I told ya’ll this was a bad idea!”
The light vanished and a blast of energy shot out in all directions from Ajax, obscuring Applejack’s view of him. When she got a good look at him again, he had changed.
No longer was he covered completely in black plates of armour, more covered by blue. The black was still very much there, just less obvious, hidden behinde a cloud of sky blue. Ajax would never lose his colours. He had some silver in there too. Large silver tubes stuck out of the bottom of Ajax’s wings and several were attached to his feet. They flexed, somehow. The plates around the bottom of the tube seemed to open and close systematically, making small clicking noises as they did. In fact, almost every single blue plate on his body was doing it.
“Ha! Sorry Applejack, I’ve let your friend get a big enough lead already! Time to give her a little surprise eh!”
“This is incredibly stupid Ajax! Ya’ll ‘bout as aerodynamic as a barn door!”
“And I’ve got enough power in these thrusters to send a barn door into space. Check mate.”
“But Ajax, physics. You’ll need to use an awful lot of this precious power to keep yourself up there I’m assumin’”
“Bah! Screw physics. If gravity wants me to come down it’ll get me when I’m damn well ready.”
“I don’t think it works that way Ajax.”
“You don’t think so eh? Well, let’s find out!”
In a roar of sound and a blinding flash of yellow light, Ajax was gone. All that Applejack could see was the laughing yellow light of Ajax ascending into the clouds.
“This is crazy” Applejack said as she took in the fact that Ajax, a great hunk of metal, had just flown off.
The Sky, Equestria
1:35Pm SET
Rainbow Dash flew lazily through the air, just above the cloud line, her letter of importance in her satchel.
She didn’t like letting her friends down like that, but this letter was important. The storm heading towards Ponyville looked like a big and bad one. There were many kinds of storms, ranging from light to heavy. The light ones are those ones where it’s too bad to go outside, but not bad enough to be worried. They’re the ones where people cuddle up by fires, all nice and cute. Then there are those storms at the other end of the scale, the terrible ones. The kind of storms that rip trees out of the ground and flood towns. The storm that was heading towards Ponyville looked like a tree ripper. The strange thing is that Rainbow Dash had no idea how it had come into being. Some rouge clouds drift over from the Everfree sometimes but nothing on this scale. It was huge! It was very likely that it was nothing, just an accident. Maybe Derpy had been wreaking havoc in the sky of some town or city and the aftermath was heading for Ponyville? Eh… Not that likely. Derpy had her moments of complete stupidity, but other than that she was a pretty competent pony. Everything would probably be alright. Rainbow Dash’s thought’s shifted back to her friend and how she’d left them when she’d said she’d spend time with them. Poor AJ, it would’ve been cool to spend time with her. Even cooler considering. Rainbow Dash didn’t say it when she’d met him but she thought Ajax was incredibly cool. A lone wolf who doesn’t take any back talk from nopony and who has more freaky weaponry than the Royal armoury. He was one of a kind in Rainbow Dash’s opinion. That also made him dangerous. They’d have to be careful with how the handled this. But until they actually had to deal with reality, Rainbow Dash thought he was cool. She was nearing her destination now only a few more--
Rainbow Dash’s train of thought was interrupted by a blob washing across her vision and deafening her with a horribly loud noise.
“Whoa!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she rapidly stopped in the air.
“What in Celestia’s name was that?!” She continued to yell. She wasn’t trying to yell, she’d just lost her hearing and everything she said, even the yelled, sounded like whispers. The joys of deafening.
The blob continued to whiz around her. Following it made Dash’s head spin and she almost fell right out of the sky.
When Rainbow Dash screamed the blob began to slow down and eventually, it took form and hovered before her.
“Wh- How!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.
“Long story!” Ajax yelled, even though the roar of his engines had died down now that he was hovering and was a light hum. He was a good distance away from Rainbow Dash though, he didn’t want to fry the poor pony accidentally with exhaust heat.
“What do you want!?” Rainbow Dash yelled, still slightly deaf
“To talk.” Ajax responded
“What?! I’m not interested in talking to you! What do you want to talk about anyway?!
“How I go about earning your trust.”
“Not scaring me half to death would be a start!”
“Ha. True. I apologise for startling you. I just had to know what you meant about “Moving a storm”.”
“Something as simple as that! You had to get some fancy shmansy wings to ask me that?! What’s wrong with waiting an hour?!”
“What’s wrong it that I’d have to wait an hour to talk to you.”
“Awww! How sweet! I’m being sarcastic of course! Really, what do you want?!”
Rainbow Dash was quite annoyed. She’d been scared half to death and almost lost her hearing for a simple question.
“I’m being truthful when I say I only want to talk.”
“Wha- Bu- Ah! I don’t have time for this! I have a letter to deliver and then I have to help Applejack. I’ll talk to you after I’m done with the letter, ok?”
“Fine, but I do not intend to leave.”
“What do you plan on doing then? I don’t know you and I certainly don’t trust you. You just goin’ to fly along with me?”
“I had something a little more fun in mind.”
“Oh yea? Like what?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously
“I understand you’re in a hurry.” Ajax stated
“Yea.” Rainbow Dash replied
“And that you’re also one hell of a flyer.”
“Damn straight.” Rainbow Dash proudly said
“I also understand that you’re quite the competitive one.”
“Lemme guess, Applejack had been giving you some lessons?”
“Go on then, what do you have?”
“An offer”
“An offer?”
“Yes. You see, the objective of me is to earn your trust and friendshipp, is it not?”
“I suppose it is.”
“And you said you’re not interested in talking to me?”
“Yea, I did. I stand by what I said as well. I think your cool and all but you sound like trouble. I don’t want to be involved, even if the Princess demands it.”
“My point exactly.”
“You don’t want to talk to me and I doubt you ever planned on giving me a chance to get your attention.”
“That’s right.”
“Mhm. So, I offer you a deal. We race to where ever it is you’re delivering your letter to. If I get there first, you give me your time. If you win, I walk away and the decision as to whether you help me or not is yours alone. Sound fair?”
“Fair? It sounds so unfair!”
“What?” Ajax said, shocked at how this could sound unfair.
“You? Flying against me? Ha! That’s not even a challenge!” Rainbow Dash said confidently.
“Ha. We shall see pony. We shall see…”
The Sky, Equestria
2:00Pm SET
“Ok, here are the rules, listening?”
“We both fly as fast as we can to this “Cloudsdale”, no stops, no trickery. Deal?”
“We keep a respectable distance from each other and go on my mark.”
“You don’t sound like you’re paying attention”
“I am I am. Just… I’m not.”
“Ok, long recap. We fly a respectable distance from each other to the location you pointed out to me. The small forest area is close enough to this “Cloudsdale” for you to go there once the race is over and hidden enough for me to dwell while you deal with your letter.”
“Ok, gotcha.”
“Why do I get the feeling that you don’t?”
“Don’t you worry, I know the deal. Let’s get this over with so I can add another victory to my mental wall and we can part ways.”
“You sound very sure of yourself.”
“I’m the fasted flyer in Equestria, I’ve got this.”
“Fastest in Equestria, I’ll give you that. But how do you think you’ll do against Pandora’s finest?”
“Hey, quit the yackin’ and get to countin’ us down will ya! I’m ready to go!”
“Very well. Three…”
The blue plates on Ajax’s back and feet made small clicking noises and some plates shifted slightly, getting ready to blast him forward.
Rainbow Dash flapped her wings harder in preparation for take-off and Ajax began to position his body towards the forest previously mentioned.
The entire world seemed to go silent for a single second.
As Ajax yelled the magic word both him and Rainbow Dash took off like rockets. Ajax flew forward, leaving a trail of blazing light and pearly smoke behind him.
Rainbow Dash flew forward and an incredible speed, propelled by her muscular yet graceful wings.
Ajax was impressed. Rainbow Dash was actually keeping pace with him. Hell, she didn’t even look like she was breaking a sweat.
The race continued like this for mere moments before the contestants got competitive. Flying at the extreme speed they were, they would reach the finish point in about a minute. A minute was all they had to get ahead.
“Hey pony?! How ya doin’ over there eh?!”
Ajax yelled over to Rainbow Dash.
The only reply he got was a sonic blast in his face.
The damned pony had broken the sound barrier! Or whatever barrier Equestria had, Ajax didn’t know if the same laws of physics applied here. She’d broken something to do with physics in any case.
“Hmph! I won’t be beaten that easily pony!”
Ajax pressed his arms tight to his body and turned his thrusters to full power.
The cone of fire shooting out of the jets on Ajax’s feet and back tripled in size and made an awfully loud scream. Ajax shot forward at double his original speed and right past Rainbow Dash.
Funny thing about going twice as fast, it means you get to where ever you were going twice as fast as well. Ajax hadn’t allowed for a stopping time in his plan. His plan consisted of turning and looking as smug as one possible can when they do not possess facial features.
He also didn’t plan for crashing horribly into a tree.
Ajax hit a large tree and tumbled into a large array of bushes. Rainbow Dash came in soon after yelling his name looking for him.
“Ajax! Where the hay are you!” Rainbow Dash yelled in a fit of panic.
Rainbow Dash thought Ajax was awesome, there was no doubt. He was a speed demon as well, Dash had to admit. He was faster than her and he’d won. But now he’d gone and crashed into a dark forest and gotten lost in the bushes.
“Uhhhh… This isn’t good. Where the hay did he go!?”
Rainbow Dash’s question was answered when a shaking hand sprouted from out of a bush.
“Ajax!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she rushed over to the hand.
When she reached the hand she grabbed it in her mouth and pulled.
As Ajax rose he painfully said something.
“I think I won…”
“Ha! You did. I’d hate to admit it but you’re fast.”
“Does this mean I have your time?”
“Sure does. But you’ve got to tell me how I get myself a pair of those fancy things when we get to talking! That was awesome! Do you want to wait here or go and wait back at the barn for me?”
“I think I’ll wait. After all, don’t you want a round 2 on the way home?” Ajax laughed.
“Heh. I’d love that.” Rainbow Dash laughed as she took off towards Cloudsdale.
Apple Family Farm, Ponyville, Equestria
“What in tarnation happened to ya’ll?!”
Applejack yelled her shock as Rainbow Dash and Ajax touched down in the area out-side of Applejack’s farm house. Ajax didn’t touch down as hard as he had at the forest, but he still left a mark.
“Heh. You know how races work Applejack.”
“I do. I just didn’t think that races always ended with a whole bush bein’ brought home in your hair!” Applejack loudly laughed as she pointed to the large amount of greenery Rainbow Dash and Ajax had brought back with them. Dash had bits of bush stuck in her hair, Ajax had them stuck in his joints and various cracks.
“That’s all Ajax’s fault Applejack! I can’t help it if he falls on a tree can I?!” Rainbow Dash also laughed.
“So ya’ll have a good time I take it?”
“Yea. We had a blast didn’t we Jax!”
“Yes, we did. The journey home was quite enjoyable. Races are amazing when you’re up against such a worthy opponent. And I got the time to tell Rainbow Dash a little bit about myself.”
“Yea? What he tell you Dash?” Applejack asked
“Don’t worry AJ, nothing he didn’t already tell you and Pinkie, he promised me.”
“May I ask one thing Rainbow Dash?” Ajax asked
“Jax? Really?” Ajax laughed
“Ha! Everyone needs a nick name! Ain’t that right AJ?”
“Sure is Dash.” Applejack also laughed
“Well then. You may call me Jax I suppose.”
“Heh. I never intended to get your permission but hey, that’s good too.”
“I feel like a connection has been made today.” Ajax said
“Me too.” Rainbow Dash agreed
“Rainbow Dash, the aim of today was to earn your trust and your friendship. I was just wo-“
“You’ve got it.” Rainbow Dash interrupted
“Huh?” Ajax said
“You’ve got some of my trust.”
“Yea, to get the rest you’ll have to race me again.”
“Here the farthest corner of Ponyville and back.” Ajax as he turned away and flexed his legs
“You’re on buddy.”
With that, they took off into the darkening sky.
“Three down, two to go” Ajax thought to himself.
“Hey! Quit thinking and get tryin’!” Rainbow Dash yelled.
“Don’t push me Dash! I might actually start trying!” Ajax laughed
“It’s really on now!!”
The night ended perfectly, with the laughter of a pony and her new found friend.
And smoke.
And fire.
Ajax set a tree on fire.
Ajax never really was any good at take offs.
Sky blue. Nice try though.
Oh balls.
You know, I wrote that part about the armour as it being blue to start with and changed it to white.
All done (I hope.)
Thank you for telling me.
APPLE JAX.Could not resist saying that.
AJ has to go cut the tree down when it stops burning, with her A -Jax(e)!
Does that work? I'm not very good at this.
oh well