• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
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Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.



There's a strange, powerful attraction between Canterlot Castle's captain of the guard and a certain princess of the night. What will happen when the two give in and lose themselves to the power of lust?

Cover art is a cool piece of fan-art by LA Crow.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

Part of me wants to say 'Shining, you cheating bastard!'
On the other hand, horses are polygamists so this might be okay.

He is in so much trouble if Cadence ever finds out.

I really can't explain why I loved this fic so much.
Maybe I can relate to Shining Armour?
I don't know.
What I DO know is this story deserves more publicity.

You should expand the backstory and the future into a full-blown book.
I'd love to see moredl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Bonbon_OMG_LOVE.png

interesting! :rainbowkiss:

That opening was beautiful and this story is simply amazing. I love how Luna's and Shinning's relationship is almost angry and violent but still filled with an emotion between love and lust. The way you write them both was perfect. I would love to see a continuation of this, as I personally like these two together...for some reason. Either way this is an amazing fic and you are amazing for writing it. Two thumbs way up from me. :eeyup:

No way! Shining! Watch yourself, that's a slippery slope you're heading down!
Poor Cadence... she's so blissfully unaware.

Hope to see more!

I think Cadence knows. She is the princess of love, after all.


Please sir, can I have some moar?:pinkiesad2:

1893291 There is a sequel coming; 'Luna's Lovers.'

1894634 'Dear Rarity' is on tap for January, so probably February. I'm limiting myself to 1-2 stories a month.

The idea is that Luna's comment about her past lovers pushes Shining Armor to research Equestria's secret history and learn more about his 'predecessors.'

This was damn good. Now I have to wait on the sequel.

2256459 Your wait is shorter than most! 'Phases of the Moon' is next in the 'To Write' column.

2256473 Sweet. I love it when random coincidences turn in my favour.

After you've done that, are there any plans to having the truth come out or are you going to end this little line of story there?

2256532 Oh, the truth will out in the end, I assure you.


Yay. Now all I have to do is hope that shit will go south rather than the usual happy ending/endless threesome/foursome that comes from these stories (it's amazing how often Shining Armour gets away with bedding all of the alicorns at once. Including his sister).

Judging by the tags on your other stories though, I can actually let that hope grow rather than squashing it under the cynicism I usually have regarding writers for this fandom.

I don't particularly see Shining as a bastard... he loves Cadance. And he loves Luna. As the latter herself said: it is possible to love two people at the same time. Why, your friend gets mad because you love your best friend more? Love is a feeling; it can be shared to all or to none, if one wishes. You can love people equally, But your time is finite.

Sure, he lies to Cady... but isn't she being happy by living with that lie? His love for her isn't the lie. His whereabouts during the night are.

2256592 On a new story or on this one? I'd like to know in order to fav this. I mostly favorite only incomplete stories.

2256791 No, 'Phases of the Moon' will be it's own story.

An excellent take on the moral quandry of the fic, by the way.

2256825 Then the time for a Follow is in order.

And thanks!

I... I don't know what to say. I'm torn. It's... Twisted, more twisted than what I have ever thought up. Not like genocide, or mass destruction, but... Still, so horrible. Pure pain.:fluttercry:

There is nothing worse in this world the a fallen male. As males, we are bound by honor. He swore sacred vows to his wife, and has broken those vows. One mistake is forgivable, but to continue them again and again, despite all the pain he would cause... To put it simply, the mans a bum!

Oh damn I feel like this is gonna end badly ain't it :fluttershysad: quite upsetting but still can't wait for the sequel nonetheless

I apologize, I really do, but this is just too horrible to contemplate. The situation that is. :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

2758743 You should check out the sequel!

Great story loved every bit. I don't like cheating but in a story its fine as one does not practice it in real life. Also a great song to go with this is This is Gospel by Panic! At the Disco

Wowzas Shining Armor you dirty dawg.

Man this is crazy tug at you're heartstrings stuff. I am so glad there is a sequel. Well done :ajsmug:

I hope the sex with Luna was definitely worth it, Shining.

Part of me wants to wring his neck, but every time I see that, I see myself, and I can't help but remark "Regardless of my crown, titles, commissions, or anything else that has happened to me in my life so far, I am still a stallion---an armourous stallion that was given the gift of temptation and I fell in. I still had carnal needs, and needs that Cadence no longer could provide rest from."

And it's because of that, that I cannot chastise or criticize Shining Armor. Because, I feel that even with the chains (I hate that analogy) or matrimony to one mare with all of his heart, I would have probably did the same thing Shining eventually did---fall into temptation. Be true to yourself--everyone wants to know what they missed. That is why we are mortal.

What Shining and Luna did was more than just Shining stuffing his cock into a newly-available Luna cunt. It was the culimation of something that runs inside of all of us---just that some of us are better at resisting that temptation rather than others, even when the world is our oyster.

d716 #30 · Feb 16th, 2014 · · 1 ·

oh please shinning had eyes only for Cadence since high school and two months after there wedding he cheats on her! Reading these I get the impression he doesn't give a craps about her.

Awesome! I'm gonna read the sequel now :trollestia:

It's normally a subject i'd never read about, but I can't help it...you're that good a writer that I liked it. And it spawned a really great sequel.

3951142 Dear god... Please learn English.

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