• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 999 Views, 9 Comments

I'll wait for you - Weisted Machine

The littlest things we take for granted, can be our greatest loss when we lose it/them.

  • ...

Months of friendship

It's been 8 months since Fluttershy had befriended Silver Dasher, and the two became like sisters. They spent Dashers 15th birthday together, and they would meet every day at the bench, but since the 7nth month, Silver Dasher stopped appearing, making Fluttershy go over to her house to go fetch the white mare. Sometimes Dasher refused to go outside, claiming she didn't have enough energy.

It made Fluttershy leave in disappointment.

Somethings changed in Silver Dasher, and the looks came noticible at first, personality changes came by slower and were harder to notice. Everyday when Silver didn't come to the park and Fluttershy went to fetch her, dark bags would hang under Silvers eyes and her blonde mane changed from its natrual wavy fashion to greasy strands of mane flying every where.

Sometimes Silver would lash out at Fluttershy and tell her to go away before slamming the door in her face, while others she would sigh and tell the filly she's busy. When Silver slammed the door in Fluttershys face the first time, she had left her friends house crying but she got over it..

Today was no different. Silver Dasher wasn't at the park. Fluttershy flew over to her friends house and rung the door bell.

Silver answered looking worse than ever.

"No, sorry I can't go out" Silver said wearily as she began to close the door.

"Wait" Fluttershy called.

"What?" Silver asked, opening it a slight more.

"Whats the matter?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nothing. Now go away" Silver said as she began to shut the door.

typical teenagers Fluttershy thought to herself before ringing the door bell.

Silver Dasher answered it again, and as soon as the door opened Fluttershy pushed her way through until she was in Silver Dashers house.

Her house was messy, just as the yellow filly expected. Things were cluttered all over the floor, it was hard to tell what the carpet was.

"What's wrong?" Fluttershy persisted.

"You never give up, do you?" Silver said with a sad smile.

"I'll show you tommorow. Meet me at the bench" Silver said, opening her door to let Fluttershy out.

Flutter nodded and exited her friends house.


Fluttershy sat at that bench, the one she met Silver Dasher in. Over their months of friendship, Silver Dasher slowly became Fluttershys role model, sister, bestfriend and she loved Silver for that.

Fluttershy toyed with her Ihoof, and she just couldn't stop staring at one snapshot she got of them at the bench. This was before she got all sad for no reason she knew. Fluttershy sighed in boredom and went home.


The next morning, Fluttershy sped over to the bench, where she found Silver Dasher.

"Silver Dasher" Fluttershy called.

SIlver sighed and got to her hooves.

She pulled out her for hoof and turned it around, revealing a heart dug into her skin and below it were several deep gashes at her wrists.

Fluttershy stepped back in horror.

The scared filly looked up to her friend, to see her flying off.


Fluttershy was sitting on her couch when the phone rang. She answered it at once.


"Miss Shy?"


"I have bad news..."


"Silver Dasher was found dead"

Fluttershy dropped the phone, and time froze around her. She paused and felt her eyes well up with tears. It couldn't be true, right?

Maybe it had to do with something earlier, yes, had to. Where else would thoe brutal scars come from?

She went outside later to her front door, to find a letter tight in front of her front door.

Dear Fluttershy,

I'm sorry it had to end like this, and I know you won't be to happy with me. But please, forgive me. I love you, Fluttershy and shall wait for you in the stars.

Silver Dasher

Fluttershy broke down in to tears, and fell asleep on her porch.


Fluttershy awoke later at night, the stars twinliked above her head and there was one star that shined out from the rest. Something seemed familiar about that star, and it twinkled at Fluttershy.

"I love you Silver Dasher, and I promise I'll see you again, even if it's in an eternity, we will reunite and live the rest of the way, together"

Comments ( 7 )

1456805 and why would that be if all she talks about is how much she misses her family


No, Fluttershy missed her family from Clouds Dale, and she couldn't get back because she's a weak flyer

1458328 how about when she gets older


Shes no more than a filly in this story

what led dasher to suicide i wonder.....

Comment posted by Weisted Machine deleted Jun 2nd, 2013
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