• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 999 Views, 9 Comments

I'll wait for you - Weisted Machine

The littlest things we take for granted, can be our greatest loss when we lose it/them.

  • ...

Another day

It was just another day for Fluttershy, and she still had lot's to explorer through PonyVille. A couple nights ago, she had fallen from Clouds Dale, but was caught by a heard of butterflies that carried her to a small but cozy cottage, just on the outskirts of Pony Ville.

Fluttershy was explorering the town when she came across a large fence with many trees behind it, and a dirt trail following along. On the fence in big black bold letters screamed at any passing pony: PONYVILLE NATIONAL PARK

Fluttershy shrugged her shoulders and trotted over. As she entered the park, which was known as everfree forest, stopped every once in awhile to examine a flower or two, that caught her attention.

Just as she finished inspecting a rose, soft sob cried from behind the young filly.

Fluttershy turned around to see a a light gray mare with bleach blonde hair, crying to herself on a bench.

The yellow filly trotted over to the upset Pegasus.

"Hey Miss, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked in her usual, soft voice.

The white Pegasus looked up.

"Yes, no, maybe, yea, I'm fine" she said, although the crack in her voice told Fluttershy she clearly; wasn't ok.

Fluttershy took the empty seat next to the mare.

"It's ok. We can be sad together" Fluttershy said as a tugged pulled in her heart. After she had fallen from Clouds Dale, she was forced to leave her sisters: April Shower and Skittles behind.

The mare looked up from her sobbing at Fluttershy.

"What happened to you?" she asked.

"I fell from Clouds Dale, and had to leave my family behind..." Fluttershys voice trailed off.

The other ponies lips fell in a frown.

"aww ..." she said.

"... Can I catch your name please?" Fluttershy asked.

"S-S-Silver Dasher. What's yours?" Silver asked.

"Fluttershy" the yellow filly replied. She examined Silver Dashers coat. A lovely gray shade.
Silver Dasher nodded her head and continued to stare at the lush trees ahead.

"What's your age, Dasher?" Fluttershy asked.

"14. I'm turning 15 in a couple of days though. And please call me Silver" Silver said.

Fluttershy nodded. Silver Dasher was 3 years older than her, nearly 4. Something about this pony Fluttershy adored. She didn't know what, but she felt a strange feeling for this pony.

"I think I like you" Fluttershy said with a smile.

Silver Dasher returned the smile.

"I think I may like you too, for a young filly like yourself" Silver Dasher said in response.

"Wanna go for ice cream? I know we just met but I could get to know you better. Oh. And I'm paying" Fluttershy said suddenly.

The mares light brown eyes widened.

"Umm, sure" she said.

Silver stiffled a small smile, and the two left the park together.


Fluttershy and Silver Dasher trotted through PonyVille and as they drew in close to the Sugar Cube Corner, they heard a small cry from their side. Fluttershy glanced over to see a white unicorn filly, just her age with a purple mane step back in mud with disgust.

"Ewww mud" Fluttershy heard the unicorn bicker before trotting in closer to Silver Dasher.

They entered the bakery with a smile on their faces. Silver Dashers white face wasn't red anymore, and you couldn't tell shes been crying unless you look into her eyes, which was just the slightest red.

"Two ice creams please" Fluttershy ordered with confidence. A pink filly, with a super poofy pink mane with balloons as her cute mark jumped up in the air.

"Coming right up" She screamed as she disappeared for a second. She came as quickly as she had left, with two chocolate icecreames in her hooves. She passed one to Silver Dasher, and the other to Fluttershy.

"Thank you" Fluttershy said, placing 2 bits onto the counter. She had just barely enough bits from home to keep her from starving. She sighed and knew she had to get a job.

Fluttershy took the seat beside Silver Dasher, who smiled when the yellow filly joined her.

The two talked for hours about their lives and with the drama in them. Silver Dasher told stories about her past when she was Fluttershys age, which is 11 while Fluttershy told her about her recent stories.

It was sunset when they finished talking, and Silver Dash could tell when Fluttershy yawned.

"Looks like it's time to head home, huh?" Silver Dasher asked.

A sleepy look fell across Fluttershys face.

"I guess so" she said.

"I'm going to head home too. Should we meet tommorow?" Silver Dasher asked.

Fluttershy nodded.

"Same place, same time" Silver said with a smile.
Flutters nodded before getting up and hugging her new friend. The white Pegaus returned their hugs, said their goodbyes and flew home.


Fluttershy awoke at 9:15 the next day, and groaned in frustartion when she had to wait 3 more hours before meeting up with Silver.

Fluttershy checked the clock every 30 seconds, and with each minuete felt like an eternity. After the first hour of waiting, she gave up and went to bum around in bed.

At last, two more hours passed. Fluttershy zoomed over by the bench she had met Silver by, and thanks Celestiaforsaken, Silver was there.

"SILVER" Fluttershy called with joy to her older friend before greeting her with a huge hug.

"Hey Flutters" Silver said with a big smile.

"I've been thinking over night .. not really but will you sleep over at my house?" Fluttershy asked.

Silver Dasher, was most surprised by her friends quick invite.

"Um, sure" Silver Dasher smiled.

"YAY we'll have tons of fun, don't you worry" Flutters said with a smile that stretched from ear to ear.


Fluttershy and Silver Dasher spent the rest of the day in the park, and Silver did show Fluttershy where she lived. To FLutters disappointment, she lived 4 blocks away from her.

As the day drew to an end, the two watched the sun fall behind into the horizon.

The suns orange glow turned Fluttershy a red and Silver Dasher an orange. It was pretty for the two of them.

"Hey Dasher, wanna start heading to my house?" Fluttershy asked.

Silver Dasher smiled.

"Sure, why not?" The two Pegasi got up and flew off of the bench and over to Fluttershys cottage.

As soon as Silver Dasher entered the house, she was attacked by a mob of butterflies.

"AUGH" She cried as the butterflies covered her coat.

"Hey, That's enough" Flutters said, and at once the butterflies cleared from Silver Dashers coat.

Silver smiled.

"heh heh.." she said.

The filly trotted over to the kitchen and prepared dinner for her friend and her, a mixture of leaves and carrots. The friends enjoyed their dinner first, before goofing off after wards.

Soon, the sun set and Luna's night painted the sky a dark blue. Stars splashed the sky like a white paint, and the friends went outside to go star gaze.

Fluttershy had pointed out a few shooting stars while Silver kept her eyes on the comets. Flutters and Silver grew drowsy. The curled up together, Fluttershy taking a grip on her friend in a hug and the two fell asleep.