• Member Since 27th Aug, 2024
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a kobold

i am feral for twiglim


Fleecing ponies for all they're worth is a dangerous occupation, so Easy Mark has learned a few more skills than his talent might suggest. When certain unsavory sorts come to collect, he shows them that it's not the power you're packing in your horn, but how you use it.

After writing a fight scene for another fic I realized I could use some more practice with it. The idea note for this one was just "unicorn street fight."

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

Interesting story. The first time I read about fighting with horns was in your other fic, and honestly, it left me a little curious to how it may work. This story explained how. Kudos:heart:

“I prefer Mark. There’s nothin’ easy about me.”


It was tricky to maneuver, keeping her horn pinned, keeping the rest of her body pinned, angling his head just so to press his horn to the flesh behind her shoulder blade. He shoved it in. She gasped and flinched and tried to wrestle him free and that only dug the horn in deeper, the pain eventually forcing her to settle down.


With his victory as secure as he could hope, there was only one thing left to do. He summoned the dregs of his magic into a blinding flash, and then he galloped away, as hard as he could. In the back of his mind, he couldn't stop thinking. Lady Luck. What a coincidence, what a twist of fate.


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