• Member Since 3rd May, 2019
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Time to write some fanfiction! Yay! If you have any thoughts comment! I find reading them fun!


Distance can do strange things too relationship, and time can do even worse. Life has a way of slipping through your hooves. With one final letter, Applejack is left with a choice she never wanted to make. Some times things cannot be changed. They can only be endured.

Entry for the un-Yuri contest: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/218462/unhappy-new-yuri-contest/thread/552716/unhappy-new-yuri-contest

Doomed Yuri category.

Pet the koi.

Yep, every piece is exactly 250 words. I'm quite insane.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

My feels... :raritydespair: :raritycry:

This would be a brilliant entry to the "Unhappy New Yuri" contest.

Oh they extended the deadline. I'll do that then.

Country roads

:ajsmug: You okay there Spike?
:moustache: yea, What will I tell the hybrid foals?
:applejackunsure: Well yea, That was a long time ago
:facehoof: Rarirys holdings were put in trust
:ajsleepy: Yep every creature gets a bit of bits
:trollestia: After taxes of course
:pinkiehappy: Just a little bit of bits
:ajbemused: and ya all wonder why we almost lost the farm every moon
:twilightoops: Oh look 7 Rarijack sissies . Cry harder :moustache::raritywink: Rarity time!

Rego #6 · 3 weeks ago · · 1 ·

At first, I thought I was reading a sorrowful stepping stone to G5's magicless world after magic and harmony break down, but after getting through it all, I've realized something.

I suspect Rarity was murdered! Pinkie! Get your detective hat! There is a mystery ahoof! :pinkiegasp:

This was a great idea, but it missed a few beats to really hit me in the heartstrings. Still it’s a very solid story and I really enjoyed the concept.

Omg you used eternity in a story with Rarity like I did, plagisiiiiist!!11!1 (to ensure no misunderstanding, this is a joke:twilightsmile:)

That last letter hurts... Hurts a lot... Well done, this was a great read! At first, just the missed opportunity, the life they could have had, was sad enough. Then Rarity passed away, with no more hope of reconciliation, burdened with regrets, unable to properly say goodbye. Hits hard, right in the feels...

And as someone who has came to the realisation that even just a thousand words is hard to put out, you putting out exactly 4k words is amazing to me. Well done, I hope to reach that level some day.

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