• Member Since 16th Sep, 2024
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


new writer looking to learn and write fulfilling storie | avatar by smiledog.zip


Twilight never got around to adapting to the new lighting tech. She always preferred her trusty oil lamp.

Reading done by me!
Inspired by the track of the same name by How To Disappear Completely, "Darkness Is Your Candle".
Pre-read by Radio_Silence

I am a beginner writer, so I would appreciate any criticism you have for me! This story was a bit of an experiment for me, so I hope you can excuse the choppiness of it :twilightblush: Either way, I hope you could derive some enjoyment from this short fic! <3

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Twilight never got around to adapting to the new lighting tech. She always preferred her trusty oil lamp. Why would she switch? Nothing can get hurt from just a little bit of oil.

Just from the story cover and description, I know exactly what's going to happen.


I'm pretty sure there's a fire place in the tree as well.



That's it? Your gonna leave it at that? Well good story overall. Wish we knew what happened to Spike, but at the same time if he was burning alive then maybe not.

- yeah, i agree, story cover and description are way too on the nose :raritydespair: i think i'll at part with the cover for now until i figure that out.
- i had thought about the fireplace (i wasn’t confident there was one, but the thought occurred), and i assumed that they had some way to circumvent it from turning the house into a campfire :twistnerd:
- and yes, the ending was rather abrupt, i know. i had intended on writing more, but for some reason i was more of a fan of dropping it as is :derpytongue2: i do plan on potentially writing more about the aftermath, specifically on celestia’s side :coolphoto:

I would like to see from Celestia's point of view. Before reading I was like "Celestia better find Twilight a new place to live" but now after reading, I doubt Twilight is even worried about that. Even if Spike is alive he would definitely be in the hospital.

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