• Member Since 31st Dec, 2024
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Great googly moogly


Rarity staggered back as she watched the home intruder walk away. The stallion scoured the house, but that wasn’t the problem. Sweetie Bell had gotten away, but Rarity wasn’t so lucky. She looked at the knife that punctured her chest as she laid back against a wall.

(I felt like writing sad stuff sooooo)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

:twilightoops: And you died?
:duck: Almost died. Spikes first aid classes were first rate, The local responders were fantastic
:unsuresweetie: Every pony knew first aid and trauma medicine in the area
:ajbemused: What about that varmint ? I'm still looking for him
:applecry::scootangel: No first aid cutie marks yet but there's a lot blood at the edge of town
:ajsmug: I'll just mosey over there then...
:pinkiehappy: Never mind Apple Jack you'll never find the body.:applejackconfused:"?" Dracony hybrid foals can smell blood they'll eat anything!
:yay: It was a Miracle of Nature like Harry bear and the last bill collector I saw at mt Shed. Not a trace Not even a smell was left
:facehoof: Where's due process here the bad guys have rights...
:moustache: Out here due process is a set of fangs claws and magical horns.
:raritywink: Quite right darling, Due process is from the government - Justice is by the ponies or dragons
:pinkiecrazy: At least you wont have to feed your offspring for a few days
:moustache: Feeding? Twilights got diaper duty next week, Isn't that right?
:twilightangry2: Don't remind me

Will there be a sequal dealing with the fallout of Rarity's murder?

I will do another chapter if people like this story lol

Thank you for the review! I’m a solo writer that has super enjoyed writing these stories, and comments like these drive me to keep writing more! If you have ideas to continue the narrative, I would love to hear them!

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