This story is a sequel to A candle and a blanket
As Twilight and Rainbow’s relationship only gets stronger, Dash starts to get more impatient in between their meetings.
Rainbow Dash is best pony(Twilight is second), TWIDASH is the best OTP, King Sombra is the best villain ever, and the Changelings are the most awesome species!
This story is a sequel to A candle and a blanket
As Twilight and Rainbow’s relationship only gets stronger, Dash starts to get more impatient in between their meetings.
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Never understood the joke, besides getting a reaction out of them, I think that's the only point to it.
I don't know. I would say either children or idiot adults who simply don't like Rainbow Dash X Twilight romance stories who simply downvotes stories with the tags "Romance", "Twilight Sparkle" and "Rainbow Dash" used on the same story who don't care how much work the Author puts into the story or if the Author goes into a depression and never writes again, but it seems like it's only your stories who keeps getting a lot of downvotes. It could be the same people using different accounts but I don't know. I would like to know why they downvote the comments though.
Anyways, good story.
Seemed like a pretty solid read to me. There’s a few mistakes here and there, but not bad enough to ruin the writing. I could see where you tried to end some of the paragraphs, but they’re still touching each other, or at least that’s what it looks like on my screen. Like the other person said though, I think you’ve got a bad case of trolls or something.
Hmm… Thank you very much. I’ll try to fix the mistakes whenever I can, and I agree. Some jerks are just downvoting everything I post, it seems. Thanks again for reading and commenting, means a lot to me.
I know how you feel about the down votes. I keep getting these losers also down voting my stories and I’m never sure why, but regardless I enjoyed the story even if I simply skimmed it.
But it was still interesting.