• Member Since 31st Dec, 2024
  • offline last seen 36 minutes ago


Great googly moogly



Twilight is sent on another mission by Celestia, as she had done many times before. She walked with confidence, knowing that she wouldn’t disappoint. This was different, though. Twilight was sent alone. She was sent to a cave to recover a magical artifact. This artifact is quite mysterious, she heard. No matter. She will do as she always did, make Celestia proud.

Minor update: reason this story not set to complete yet is because there is a prologue that’s done, I am just trying to figure out how to move it to the beginning (this website is not nice to mobile users)

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 11 )

So this is a prequel to Insanity, didn't Celestia sent her to get the artifact? Shouldn't she be even be a little sus about it being at fault for Twilight's sudden murder spree?

You could make an AU were a few thousand years in Twilight's imprisonment a historian brings this question to Celestia and she has the Realization of what she did.

Nice. Also manipulative shadow? Dark Chrystal? I'm calling it, it is Sombra.

Not Sombra… but possible connection ;)

This is dark. I like it.

Man Sombra really gained a few IQ points will in that cave. Because he is playing twilight like a damn fiddle.

Man if it's not Sombra then I don't know who it is but it looks like it's Sombra.

Maybe more of Sombra's species? Because Sombra is pony + whatever dark creature so a sealed away shadow being?

These questions will hopefully be answered once I figure out this damn prologue. I’m trying to move it to the beginning of the story, but it’s being very difficult when I try to rearrange the chapters on mobile. I think I also mentioned it in REGRET (Good ending).

idea, whatever dark thing is probably dead. think about it. 10,000 years is a long time. so twilight revisits the dark being only to find nothing.

Wait the lesson was "power unchecked, no matter how well-intentioned, can lead to ruin"? That isn't what I just read. I would have thought the lesson would be "don't dump responsibility and pressure on someone over and over again and be surprised when they eventually get unlucky or snap". As is said by the story flurry and dusty was told twilight was sent to get the artifact by celestia so if that is a pattern of behavior on celestia's part I kinda cannot blame twilight for getting manipulated like that as you would think securing a potentially dangerous artifact would fall to a team of specialists instead of twilight as celestia knows dam well alicorns can be corrupted so sending twilight especially alone is lazy at best or overconfidence at worst.
Even if celestia is able to bring twilight back to her senses the damage has already been done and twilight remembers who sent her there so at best she would come to her senses and be a political threat or at worse drive herself back into insanity the moment she realizes what happened and why

Thank you for comment. It has been a little while and I am just now rereading this stuff 🤑 I will incorporate this (no one will know trust)

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