This story is a sequel to INSANITY
4,356 Years. I counted all of them. Every single year that passed in that garden. I watched them pass by. They looked at me with… pity. Ugh. I did look pathetic, but that was the opposite of what I felt. I felt ready. I knew my time was almost up when the cracks began to form. Looks like your magics weakening, Celestia =)
I think Twilight will kill herself.
I can see that happening.
Why is there a "=)" in the synopsis?
... Oh. Uhhh... Y'know, honestly probably for the best.
... Well we'll see how this plays out.
... You got to be joking.
Certainly interesting. Though there are better names. Nightmare Eclipse sounds good.
Well this will be interesting.
When you say OC do you mean like a character someone came up with or like there own OC based off there own character?
Never thought about an OC before. In terms of a pony name would it even be "Dark Snow"? Probably not. Yeah I won't worry about that. Maybe in the future I'll have an OC made up. I'd imagine a black coat with black and blue mane and tail and as for the cutie mark, I have no idea, but I am always open to ideas.
Well, sounds interesting.
Here's a character.
Name: Last Page-
Cuite Mark: An open book, the pages entirely black, on top of a wings and horn
Description: Young, but brilliant, to the point he is considered both a prodigy and even a savant. That brilliance however comes at the cost of complete obsession and most of his emotional intelligence and physical health. A form of savant syndrome. Specifically, his speciality is in rune magic and spell creation as well as general magical theory which he uses to supplement his relatively low magic capacity (Famously, he has trouble maintaining even the simplest telekinesis spell for long periods on his magic alone). Lastly, his motivation. He wants to be a god... Or the more realistic equivalent of them, an alicorn. When he was a colt he heard a story about how Twilight rose to power, rising from a unicorn to alicorn (The story was on nightmare night, meant to emphasize the part where Twilight used that power to kill her friends, but that was not the part he focused on). Ever since he has been obssessed with the transformation, and he hopes to eventually be able to recreate it, or even better, to understand the principles behind it. This was also when he got his cutie mark.
I think Twilight will start to hallucinate celestia. Or maybe Celestia is a ghost that will drive Twilight over the edge or maybe…Celestia might not be even dead.
So does the OC have to be a unicorn? I'd hope Luna wouldn't do everything like Celestia does when it comes to students 😁.
Considering that they have been sitting there for fifteen thousand years, I imagine that they are quite full of flavour. "Spices" just isn't it. Not anymore.
Celestia grows more idiotic the longer she lives. Honestly I hope Luna and cadence takes up twilights side, also it would chaotic if discord joined. Because there is going to be some chaos!
Aw man. I wanted to see a civil war.
I can see celestia not being dead. The are like ultra old, they have to have some resistance to poison. I mean celestia would have died LONG ago is they could die to poison.
Twilight 2.0 now with ambition!
I have a feeling that he will do something that would be revolting to everypony even twilight, so she would join Luna and blast his ass to the moon.
Twilight is giving of old wizard in the woods mentoring a lost soul and giving out a warning on the power they have vibes.
Time zones I assume
I wonder if I should be concerned.
Wait what? Shouldn't the Everfree forest and Canterlot be tens or hundreds of miles apart?
Certainly hope so.
No I just got in contact with Starlight and she helped me with a time spell
Unfortunately for story purposes, the character had to be a unicorn. You will see why in later chapters (once I write them)
I can't wait to see where this story goes!
I would love to see Twilight protecting Luna
Well that is interesting.
Ah... I see where this is going.
... Yeah I'm just gonna say, I'm glad my OC is not in here.
I would to
Atleast he's honest.
Twilight's plans wasn't to take everything, her plans only involved Celestia. After Twilight killed Celestia who knows what would happen, maybe Twilight would then rule Equestria or start a new life.
There it is.
Oh... Well this will be interesting.
I love happy endings. I am not reading the bad ending, I don't think I could handle that.
I enjoyed reading this story.
Oh yeah. We haven't seen her and Cadance at all throughout the story, I forgot they even existed.
There's not a lot of stories where Twilight who was evil gets redeemed. I like this story. Also sometimes you forget to mark the story as completed once finishing it, it makes it confusing if the story is completed or not especially since last chapter seemed like the final chapter.
Well, not exactly how I would have written Last Page, but very interesting nonetheless. His ambition is there, and that was the core of his character anyway. Still, when will they learn that locking away problems is a horrible idea. It happened with Discord, it happened with Sombra, it happened with Tirek. It even happened with Twilight. The lock won’t hold forever, and when it does the imprisoned will return. I would be very surprised if this is the last we see of Last Page, and next time he will be more experienced, more careful. He won’t make the same mistakes. His character is one where even removing his magic won’t even really help as he is already used to working mostly without it.
Mmmm! Very good! I loved every second of this!