• Member Since 13th Oct, 2024
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Rainbow Dash is best pony(Twilight is second), TWIDASH is the best OTP, King Sombra is the best villain ever, and the Changelings are the most awesome species!



This story is a sequel to Under the stars

Twilight and Rainbow Dash sneak off to a secret place that only Rainbow knows about to spend the last few hours of New Years Eve together.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Twilight was not as much of a star pony as I am due to not being out late the way I tend to be, but that doesn't stop her from saying, "Holy Faust.”

That's surprising. I believe Twilight is known to like stargazing? Atleast that's what the stories on this site made it out to be.

"Drawing is hard, okay?" Twily protested. She tries tugging off the blanket in faux unhappiness, but my grip is too strong and she ends up taking us both down on the sand with her, surely messing up her filly-level art project.
We lay on the sand together, laughing at how awfully cliche this all feels. But as Twilight would say, they're cliches because they work and always will, and as our laughing subsides, all we can hear again is the somehow soft sounds of the waves splashing onshore and the sand shifting beneath our twitching bodies.
Twilight’s eyes are fixed on mine in an intense moment and I really wanna kiss her right now, but she takes the initiative and leans forward and kisses me. I'm expecting it to be simple and sweet, but she doesn't stop after the first one.

I know that all to well. I have been trying to draw but I can't even seem to draw a leg.

Eh, but it is always nice to try something new.

True to my word, not a single pony or any other creature came by while we had our little fun on the beach. Which made Twi’s attempts to keep herself quite very adorable, and surprisingly sexy. Then again, everything about Twilight Sparkle is surprisingly sexy. I could write a whole book on the subject, but it would likely be just too darn long!

Isn't that a drink? S** on the beach?

This sentence made me think of it.

Wait wait wait, we just had sex on the beach… and Twily herself took the lead, no less!

... Y'know when I read rated E stories, I always try to censor as much of the bad words as possible in my comments because I'm always imagining people under the age of 10 reading these stories.

But then you got people who says stuff like this and I'm like "what's even the point?"

I shrug, "Eh, I'd say at least two billion. Either that or some other number that I counted more than once over the years.”

If Luna is the one creating and controlling the stars, I'd imagine there's only a couple thousand that's surrounding there planet within 16,000 light years around them. Or a couple million. The true number of stars though is 200 sextillion however that's only a guess. They estimated the number based off the number of stars in our galaxy and the galaxies in our universe.

“Ah, don’t get all sentimental with me now Twily, or I’ll kiss you again.”

That doesn't sound like a bad thing.

She giggles softly in that same way that makes me feel so warm and happy, and she looks away as we walk in silence for a few more steps before she speaks again, "My parents used to say that the stars were... different moments in time. The memories of the world accumulate over a set time period, and when that time is over a new star appears. All of our past is up there in the sky, and only certain entities like the Princesses or Discord can probably know for sure if that’s true or not.

Uhhhh, are you serious? Because it is in fact true. If aliens were to exist, and if they were a certain distance away from earth, world war 2 could be going on for them, and if your far away enough, they'd be seeing the dinosaurs. In fact, when your looking up at the night sky, you aren't seeing the present, your actually seeing the past. It's very cool to think about.

In Equestria don't they have telescopes and enough developed technology to know this?

"You wouldn't go back and fix anything? If you had the chance, and knew everything that you know now, you wouldn't go back in time to do something differently?"

Honestly, the mane 6's lives are perfect. There's nothing that needs changing. Well maybe except a few parts in Twilight's life like Canterlot Wedding or lesson zero.

Twi yawns, and she amusingly tries to hide it from me even though there's no one else to blame it on.
"Getting tired?" I ask with what I consider to be a soft smile.
"Getting?" she replies in that post-yawn voice. Honestly, it's a little adorable that she's not used to staying up past midnight all that much. But at the same time, I don't want to be watching the fireworks with a knocked out Unicorn leaning on my shoulder.
I stroke her mane, and then stop when I remember that puts her to sleep too.
“We can fly back so you don't have to sleep on the sand. We'll still see the fireworks from a cloud, better even."

First off, that's surprising, second off, aren't clouds known to be very comfortable in the show?

"Wow, wouldn't it be crazy if some catastrophic event happens when the countdown ends?" I joke.

... You have got to be kidding me. You don't say that!

Surprisingly nothing bad has happened.

Notes: Yeah I know, it’s late to make a New Year’s Eve story. But better late than never!
Woah! This was a bit hard to finish this, but I’m proud of how it came out! Take care, y’all!"

I was planning on making a new year's story but I got sick and couldn't do it. I managed to type 300 words a couple hours before new year's, I am now saving the story for next new year's.

——That's surprising. I believe Twilight is known to like stargazing? Atleast that's what the stories on this site made it out to be.——

Well, in this fic, I’d say there’s a true difference between her watching the stars in the town or with her telescope… and staying out far from any light pollution and watching them really late at night, the way Rainbow does.

——Uhhhh, are you serious? Because it is in fact true. If aliens were to exist, and if they were a certain distance away from earth, world war 2 could be going on for them, and if your far away enough, they'd be seeing the dinosaurs. In fact, when your looking up at the night sky, you aren't seeing the present, your actually seeing the past. It's very cool to think about. In Equestria don't they have telescopes and enough developed technology to know this?——

Sure they do… but they also live in a world where Magic rules everything and things can be changed all the time depending on who knows what happens. For all Twilight knows, the stars COULD be transcendent memories given pure energy form.

——First off, that's surprising, second off, aren't clouds known to be very comfortable in the show?——

Yeah they are, but Twilight decides to stay here on the same with Rainbow because it’s special to the latter. It’s not a contradiction of the lore, it’s simply them deciding to stay here for personal reasons.

Thank you for the review! I hope my stories can get more reviews and such, each one is helpful and inspiring.

12:18 PM

It'd be AM as it's now the morning of a new day.

Oh I knew that, I just decided to keep it as a joke since I was raised calling it PM instead, and in my story so was Dash.

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