• Member Since 3rd May, 2024
  • offline last seen 12 minutes ago


Just a sonic fan and a friendship is magic fan who wants to make fun stories!


This story is a sequel to Get Clean!

After failing to have her friends arrested by Princess Celestia, Applejack returned to Ponyville to get back to work on farm. However, after getting a certain little dragon dirty, a certain unicorn and Pegasus decided to team up to get some well deserved vengeance on the farm girl. Will Applejack escape this soapy fate? (Probably not)

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 18 )

10 years later...
Apple honse will be cleansed!

Is there supposed to be more eventually, or did you mean to tag it complete?

Either way, this was pretty fun, though i was half expecting AJ's date to end up being Flim or Flam

I kinda saw it too cruel for A.J to date either of the flim flam bros since it wouldn't make sence to date either.

Also, I DID plan for more, but i didn't want to make the story TOO long. I could always to a bonus chapter if you guys want.

Fair enough.

I definitely would love to see a bonus chapter detailing the dance

Hmmm...maybe. I DID plan for their to be a scene at the dance AND the day after.

But I think I have some funny ideas for the dance actually. :moustache::raritywink::rainbowlaugh::pinkiegasp:

Well, that was surprising, but cute

Thanks! I really wanted to add this into the main story, but I ran out of time. Also, I remembered the song from the kim possible movie, and it fit so well with Twilight's and Spike's dynamic.

:moustache: It's good to be the King!
:ajsmug: There goes the neighborhood
:trollestia: And I still did nothing

There's a lot of "Soup" instead of "Soap" in this chapter.

Thanks for the heads up. I fixed it now.:twilightblush:

Grime & Soap... Lots of soap

:flutterrage: Discord? WHERE'S MY HERD ??? :yay::fluttershbad::fluttercry::fluttershysad::fluttershyouch::yay::fluttercry::fluttershysad::fluttershbad:
:ajsmug: Well Shit.
:pinkiehappy: I'm fine

A pretty adorable epilogue

Thanks. I'm glad this story has a great wrap up on it.

:moustache:Captain Wuzz?
:twilightoops::rainbowhuh:What about us? Discord? Dude?
:flutterrage: Discord!
:facehoof: Why me?
:rainbowdetermined2: Stupid A hole....

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