This story is a sequel to Get Clean!
After failing to have her friends arrested by Princess Celestia, Applejack returned to Ponyville to get back to work on farm. However, after getting a certain little dragon dirty, a certain unicorn and Pegasus decided to team up to get some well deserved vengeance on the farm girl. Will Applejack escape this soapy fate? (Probably not)
10 years later...
Apple honse will be cleansed!
Yes, yes she is.
Is there supposed to be more eventually, or did you mean to tag it complete?
Either way, this was pretty fun, though i was half expecting AJ's date to end up being Flim or Flam
I kinda saw it too cruel for A.J to date either of the flim flam bros since it wouldn't make sence to date either.
Also, I DID plan for more, but i didn't want to make the story TOO long. I could always to a bonus chapter if you guys want.
Fair enough.
I definitely would love to see a bonus chapter detailing the dance
Hmmm...maybe. I DID plan for their to be a scene at the dance AND the day after.
But I think I have some funny ideas for the dance actually.

Well, that was surprising, but cute
Thanks! I really wanted to add this into the main story, but I ran out of time. Also, I remembered the song from the kim possible movie, and it fit so well with Twilight's and Spike's dynamic.

There's a lot of "Soup" instead of "Soap" in this chapter.
Thanks for the heads up. I fixed it now.
Grime & Soap... Lots of soap


A pretty adorable epilogue
Thanks. I'm glad this story has a great wrap up on it.
Captain Wuzz?

What about us? Discord? Dude?

Why me?
Stupid A hole....

Poor Discord.