• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago


Inspiring drifter in the sea of the written language.


Equestria has faced an ever expanding list of enemies and disasters ever since the famed Nightmare Moon's return. Tirek's country wide rampage was the worst in many generations leaving the princesses' public image in tatters, while the certainty of the nation is at most questionable.

Some even cry for their abdication with more favoring the young Twilight Sparkle all together. So what does a nation do or say when a strange unicorn suddenly arrives in Canterlot claiming to be just as if not more powerful than the princesses?

Simple, you have Idol Hooves be her escort, and pray he doesn't offer her a massage.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 22 )

We need a tag for The Last Unicorn.
Also, did you leave out the Changeling tag on purpose or...?

An interesting CotG AU but one I shall watch with great interest

I did forget it initially, and will have that fixed.

Note: Fixed.


I appreciate the comments! This is something I'm seeing as a exploratory piece that won't be more than a few chapters, and all of this because a picture I found. XD

I can't post it because of language in it but I've posted a few times on the COTG Discord.

love this, cant wait for more!!!!!!!!!

Why is that profile pic look like the one from the Last Unicorn movie?

Because of the Crossover tag. XD

I saw a picture of The last Unicorn arguing with Celestia that sparked this little idea of mine.

I believe the technical word for this is 'tasty'.

I'll be up front and say there's no plans for Red Bull in the literal sense., and if anything he could appear as an alterative name for a villain. Not sure though.

Oh well, not like Tirek or Grogar can create that kind of villain. And besides, if the Red Bull was the villain, I hope he would be defeated by a unicorn Knight.

“Sir!” He almost saluted me, but caught himself before trotting hurriedly ahead looking for his unit in this sea of gold to our right, with the left an ocean of darkness.

Sea of gold vs ocean of darkness. That's some good imagery.

Thanks for the chapter!


Always good to see something with Idol Hooves.

I can only imagine what shenagainery may erupt.

Princess Celetsia nervously pawing at the grown

Celesita chimed as she held firm


Princesses' statute collection


with a weary distrust,


“And don’t go informing that trickster of our admittance.”


Princess Celetsia nervously pawing at the grown

Princess Celestia nervously pawing at the ground

Dawn your big filly shoes


Celesita chimed as she held firm


either sooth her temperament


Most of the staff is used to seeing you


I am sold. You have my full attention.
The Administration shall monitor this reality.

You got to be kidding me! I’m so use to the spell check marking her name wrong I looked over it. I’ll fix it as soon as I can.


I don't like this unicorn.

Cersus remains adorable though.

Both are a victory in our ledger.

And a victory for us readers as well I presume.

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