• Member Since 17th Feb, 2024
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Call me Bonnie! Sunset x Twilight truther, Rarijack enjoyer. All arts drawn here are made by me! Follow me on tumblr or whatever!


Rainbow Dash is not your traditional princess, that's for sure-- She's not a princess at all. But hey, maybe she can still teach this strange beast a lesson or two.

...And no, I did not rewatch beauty and the beast before writing this parody.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )


Interesting cover art. Who made it? Specifically the picture of that Fluttershy-monster?

I did! I drew that Fluttershy, took a pic of the rainbow dash swag.png, then took a bg pic of the kingdom hearts 358/2 days beast's castle ballroom lol.

Simple case of drawing and editing!

Mr Breast

I genuinely enjoyed the manic nature, sure it's no [Insert any dapper story] but it's still funny as heck. The story immediately stopping when she kills the flower and going "welp, buck it." slayed me. And kudos to Rainbow getting the secret good ending where you don't loose your monster crush to a conventionally attractive snore-fest.


Personally I imagined this as a "what if everyone was annoyed with Gaston so he left town and fell for a she-beast" kinda fic, there are a lot of fun avenues to take that thought process:

Having a Twilight-Belle style antagonist would be pretty dope too, in a flip-version of the story where it's a town of academics, using magic and engineering and pushing manual tasks to the side while Rainbow wonders why physical labor is looked down upon as a "dumb pony" job. Maybe a slight theme of urbanization spreading into the woods enclosing the castle, and her sending Rainbow off as a quest to both shut her up for begging for something to do, and also eliminate the only thing protecting the area from development.

Imagine instead of the Beast showing bell his "extensive library" it's Flutterbat showing Rainbow how brutal animals need to be, a version of shy that understands that a wolf must hunt to feed her cubs, and Rainbow just nodding along and going "Honestly that's pretty metal, your hot." with zero filter, que embarrassed pegasi.

Nauturally Flutterbat finds out Rainbow's initial duty, classic situation of "didn't bring it up soon enough" (entirely because Dash forgot), kicking her out. Dash getting tricked into revealing Flutterbat isn't that dangerous to Twilight, causing her to mobilize and leave Dash all depressed. Scootaloo singing "No-one flies like Rain-bow!, No one tries like Rain-bow!, She's awesome at practically Ev-ery-thing!" during a third act to spur her in motion to save Flutters in the end.

Sorry, needed to get that out of my head.

Hey, you got the jist! Like any good parody, my idea was to subvert the general concept of a beauty and a beast. Instead of the beast being an egotistical awful person, its a girl that genuinely didn't deserve it, and the person that helps her is someone that isn't intellectual, but just experienced in living enough to know when someone needs help, heh.

Rainbow dash is such a loser. Love that for her.

So.... Rainbow Dash is None-alicorn Princess !?

NONE-alicorn, Royal

Okay, what wacko troll went through and dissed everyone's comments? I've not read the story yet, but whoever did it doesn't even to care what the comment was about in the first place. Seriously, some people need to get a life.

“Nah, you’re not the beast.” Rainbow grinned. “You’re a hot chick.”

I believe this is what the kids call "w rizz"

Honestly, something short and silly is just what my brain needed this week, 10/10

Hell yeah vampire yuri

fully agree that fluttershy deserves better characterization

you strike me as the type of person who would pick up a conversation 2 weeks later and then remind the other person about all of it

maybe they missed the like button and were running on autopilot.

Today I discovered that Discord and Fluttershy were going to kiss in The Last Problem, but was cut due to the writters not wanting to confirm some MLP ships (the Appledash implications were intentional probably). This would have broke the fanbase if it happened.

I love that Rainbow is so self-assured and terrible that she accidentally ends up perfect for getting Fluttershy out of her shell. :heart:

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