This story is a sequel to Getting Rest Is Hard Work
In the dead of winter, the Ponyville Weather Team is obligated to bring in the cold. Tonight, it's frigid and frosty out there. However, the Carousel Boutique is nice and warm, mostly due to the mare that owns it.
And she'd like to spend this dreary evening with her special someone.
Knowledge of the previous story is not necessary to enjoy this one.
Rating for references to (but no depictions of) sexual content and some very intimate kissing/cuddling.
Fantastic work as always.
Great fic, but I have to point this out:
I didn't ask for Girlbossing (let alone the Gaslight/Gatekeeping variety) in my drink! 👺
the world needs more happy loving couple fics.
Spicy story is a great way to start your morning.
And thus was Equestria's first actual centaur (not a horned, cloven-hooved centaur like Tirek) conceived.
Rarity needs me!?!?! I'm Rarity's top guy?!?!?
Or maybe it's like Pokémon where it's always the mother's species, with some of the father's traits. 🥸
Cute story liked it much