• Member Since 21st Aug, 2024
  • offline last seen 54 minutes ago


apparently a cherry berry x celestia shipper


Cherry Berry, an expert in earth pony aviation, spends a winter morning flying with Princess Celestia. The two realize there's a deeper connection between them than simply subject and ruler.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )
semillon #1 · 2 weeks ago · · 1 ·

this is SO SWEET AAAAAA i love this celestia and i love the ship??!?!! it's so quirky and tender!!

a kobold #2 · 2 weeks ago · · 1 ·

Honestly crazy how smoothly this lands such a wild ship, I love it so much it's so cute

First off, thank you so much for your kind comment!!! :sob: I've been fascinated with Cherry Berry as a character since watching s8e5 (grannies gone wild) and thinking, "dang, thats a cute pony and talented too?!"

The pairing with Celestia came later but I nearly instantly fell in love with the idea. I figure your 1xxxTH year as a ruler/princess has got to be pretty boring and that Celestia would be at the very least a little intrigued by such a daredevil attitude- flying without wings or magic, can you believe that? Despite her position, I also imagine Celestia is still very much a pony like all the others, subject to all the whims and wants of the heart (and also capable of suddenly swooning).

They never met the ground despite how eagerly it had seemingly raced up to meet them. Instead, just above Ponyville's skyline, Cherry Berry became the fastest mare alive. Two rainbows exploded outwards in a paired ring and the subsequent Shockwave loosened snow from roofs and trees throughout the town. Cherry hadn't even realized what had happened till they touched down in the ramparts of Canterlot Castle.

Celestia pulling off a Sonic Rainboom? How rare.

“That prance. The smile upon thine countenance. The song in your voice, dear sister.” Luna stepped down from her throne and strolled up to Celestia, allowing every ounce of warranted annoyance to spill out. “I'll not press nor will I take away your ‘morning flight’, so long as a certain Princess remembers her morning duties?”

Actually, when used as an adjective, 'thine' must precede nouns that start with either an 'h' or a vowel. 'Thy' is to be used for nouns beginning with any other letter.

This was A LOT of unexpected fun! Would love to see more of this unique pair!

I had no clue, that's very interesting and helpful!! will keep in mind for the future, thank you!!

TCC56 #7 · 2 weeks ago · · ·

Well this was just delightfully cute.

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