• Member Since 7th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Brian Sheil

Most of my MLP stories feature meetings of G1 and G4.


It's an adventure Equestria will never forget. Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were on a rescue mission to save Megan from Queen Chrysalis. Then, one day, a giant evil sword struck at the castle of the two sisters. A new evil crew named the Smitty Gang has arrived. They have plans of their own for Equestria. Hooking up with new allies, Twilight, Megan, and Chrysalis must work together to save Equestria from the advances of the Smitty Gang.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 6 )

Good prologue

What happen with your story about Fluttershy BDSM?

Okay, I'll send it to you privately.

Will the next area be in Diamond Dog territory? Because other than them, is Pinkie's Rock Farm

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