• Member Since 28th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 23 minutes ago


In the dark times, should the stars also go out?


There's social unrest in Lunar Equestria. Nothing extreme, just a dispute between a company and its employees over pay and conditions. Only of note as it disrupts some important part of the supply chain. Some would take a side, some need to resolve it above all, most would let it sort itself out.

Yet Nightmare Moon wants it to end. Immediately.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. Some original characters from the universe are featured, but extensive knowledge is not required to read. More information can be found here.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )


The NHS union is part of the All-Equestria Federation of Trade Unions, which closely cooperates with us politically and economically. Disputes like that rarely escalate to industrial action.

holy shit pony sam gompers

“If neither side can come to an agreement independently, there’s only so much we can do. Short of forcing one.”

The Empress leaned forward suddenly...

antics are about

He had an office in town. A nice office. An office with heating and a coffee machine. Wherever the company heads were meeting was bound to be warmer than that. He’d like to meet them, he’d been clear about that. Couldn't they just talk this out?

well, he got his wish!

Here, we see Nightmare Moon use the power of the state to force the classes in tension to collaborate. She has created AEF (actually existing fascism), and has become an authentic revolutionary.

As a union organizer who just recently led a strike and negotiated a first contract, I approve this fic -- except for one thing.

WHERE'S THE JUST CAUSE? Don't these damn ponies know that true Just Cause is the backbone that supports every other contractual agreement?!

To start, fuck yeah, keep it up. Solidarity, brother.

To respond, you can assume "formal guarantees against retaliation from the company" included a Just Cause clause, or that the contract they started with already had such a clause. I avoided delving too deep into detail for the sake of brevity (and NMM's own not-caring about the minutiae of labour law).

well done sir you understood the fic perfectly

That's surerly a way to force resolve the issue..
Man, the more I watch this series the more I wish the devs add this into the nightmare moon storyline

Damn, a decently written political inspired story that doesn't delve into forcing a political message accidentally down my throat? I approve greatly.

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