• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 4,740 Views, 33 Comments

TCB: Parallel Universes - mcb893

Man from world at war with ponies transported into world at peace with ponies.

  • ...

Chapter 1

All my thanks goes to Robert C., who, although he is not a brony, was kind enough to edit this chapter.

It had been eight years since emergence.

Eight years ago, the smooze had been devouring the home planet of Equestria, Equis. The two princesses had held it off best they could, but as options ran out, they decided to fall back to their last resort.

They jumped worlds.

With the combined power of the Elements of Harmony, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the entire nation had been moved onto another planet. They had hoped that the world was not inhabited.

Although their hopes had proved futile, luckily for them, the “humans” proved to be (more or less) welcoming, and Equestria, having emerged in the North Atlantic ocean, was now an OECD member nation, a member of the United Nations, active participant of NATO, and petitioning to join the G20. Tourism boomed both ways, and ponies everywhere settled in and enjoyed their new technology and friends.

In another place, with another earth and another emergence and another Equestria, the transition was not as smooth, or peaceful, as it was on our world.

“Living room looks clear, sir,” Gerard said, peering through the windows. “I don’t like this.”

I frowned. “I don’t like this either. Knock on the door; see if they’ll come.”

“HLF! Open the door!” Reynolds yelled, banging on the door. The only reply was silence.

Now I really didn’t like this. About an hour ago, Zero Base had received a desperate emergency transmission from a family who said they were barricaded in a house in the D.C. area. Although they couldn’t see any ponies outside, they were afraid to move without some kind of escort.

Command could only spare a few men, and my unit had drawn the short straw. Stealthily navigating our way through downtown D.C., we had arrived at the house, only to find that the entire street was deadly quiet.

“Let’s do what we came here to do, guys. No frags; there might be civilians in here. Knock the door down, let’s move and clear!”

“Fun time!” Fields responded, moving up. Applying a breaching charge to the door, he put his finger over the detonator and counted down.




The door came down with a resounding ‘BOOM’ and the team flooded in, their weapons up.

“Clear, sir,” Jackson said, “continuing on!”

The squad cleared the rooms on the ground and top floor one by one, finding absolutely nothing. It looked as though no one had lived in the house in years.

“This is the right house, right, boss?” Fields asked, confused. I nodded, wondering what on earth was going on.

“Basement!” cried Reynolds downstairs. Joining him, I saw a staircase descending into oppressive darkness.

Clicking the flashlight on my MP5 on, I ordered the team to move in. Quickly but carefully we descended down the steps. Suddenly, Jackson, who was on point, stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

“Boss... looks like a pony hoofprint,” Jackson said, pointing down.

Moving to him, I knelt down and examined the indent in the dust. It was indeed a hoofprint, and it looked fresh.

“It doesn’t continue down...” I muttered, “and there are no prints leading up to it... just this one print...” I looked up at him, confused. “There’s no way that print could have gotten there... unless...” The realisation shocked me like a lightning bolt. “They flew! PEGASUS!” I screamed, pointing my weapon up at the ceiling.

Although the pony had lost the element of surprise, it still had the flying advantage. Weaving in between our lines of fire, it dropped a vial of that magical purple potion.

“GIRARD!” Reynolds screamed. But it was already too late. Splash! It scored a direct hit.

In almost slow motion, he was consumed by wisps of purple, slowly warping his body from primate to equine.in a matter of seconds, he had gone from a young, handsome man to a light green unicorn.

“Boss... I understand now. Us... we’re wrong! We need to become ponies! You need to become-”

BANG. BANG. BANG. Fields shot him multiple times, killing it instantly. Reynolds finally got a bead on the pegasus as well. “Boss, we gotta move!” he said desperately. I nodded, and the now four man team moved up the staircase.

“It was a fucking trap!” Fields shouted, panicked, as we found ourselves surrounded by dozens of ponies.

“No fucking shit, Sherlock!” I yelled back. Putting my weapon on full auto, I started mowing down the crowd, clearing the path to the door. We ran out the door guns blazing, and were surprised to see the street was clear.

“Ya varmit!” I heard behind me from the doorway. Turning, I saw an orange earth pony, wearing a stetson hat, charging at us. In one quick motion, she knocked Reynolds to the ground.

“You killed some of mah best friends with that thin’,” she said, furious, pointing to the gun he held, “Ah don’t know why you’re fighting us so hard! We’re trying to cure your cold, heartless minds! We’re fixin’ yah!” And with that, she uncorked a vial and poured the contents down his throat.

BANG. As the pony collapsed, I ran over to the fallen man. “Reynolds... you okay, man?” It was rhetorical, of course. I could clearly see that he was not. He was already starting to change.

“Kill me,” he whispered, tears building in his eyes, “kill me before I change.”

I was reluctant, but I knew that if I was in that position, I would probably want the same thing.

“Reynolds... I’m so sorry...”

Trembling now, I raised my submachine gun up at him, and took the life of my best friend.

My best friend... we had gone to the police academy together, and spent three years in a patrol car with him. After that, he had transferred to ETF, our departments equivalent of SWAT, but we had still seen each other regularly. After the war started, we had stuck together, never leaving each other’s side, until that very moment.

The sound of more gunfire snapped me back to the real world. “Boss, we gotta go!” Jackson yelled, suppressing the ponies trying to exit the doorway of the house. Somehow, they weren’t in the street yet, but it wouldn’t be long before they found a way out.

“Coming!” I yelled back, running over to him. As a squad, we made our way back down the street as ponies poured out of the house we had just escaped.

Jackson and Fields ran about ten meters in front of me. As I struggled to catch up, I didn’t look where I was going, and didn’t even notice an alleyway that I was passing. All of a sudden, I found myself being levitated in the air, surrounded by a purple aura. The two men ahead of me looked back at me and stopped. “Go!” I yelled. After hesitating for a second, they kept running, leaving me alone.

At the same time, I was whirling around, raising my MP5 at the lavender unicorn that had trapped me, and before she realised what was happening, pulled the trigger.

CLICK. That was a sound that I had never wanted to hear during combat, the sound of my weapon being empty.

Shit, I swore to myself, Why the hell didn’t I count my shots?

Panicking now, I dropped the submachine gun and reached for the Glock 22 on my hip. The unicorn realised what I was doing this time, though, and removed the pistol before I could reach it. That gun had been my issued patrol weapon when I was a cop. Strangely, the first thought that popped into my head was that Staff Sergeant Grant would give me a lot of shit for losing that. If only that were my biggest problem...

The unicorn had a lavender coat, violet eyes, and a purple mane and tail with a pink stripe running through it. Her cutie mark was a large star surrounded by five smaller ones.

“Hello,” she said, “My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student. I’ll make this quick, although you don’t really deserve that after killing all those ponies.”

She threw me to the ground, pinning me so that I couldn’t move.

“This will all be over very soon. Just sit still, and soon you’ll be redeemed,” she said in an almost lecturing tone, smiling.

“You... are evil! You killed my best friend!” I said, anger seeping out through my voice.

“Actually... you killed him,” she replied, shaking her head sadly, “We were saving him, giving him a better life! But you thought that death was a better alternative, and you shot him.” She actually had tears in her eyes now. “You killed him! A newly redeemed newfoal!”

“I didn’t kill Reynolds,” I said, dead calm now, “I killed a pony. Reynolds died when he was converted.”

“Well, soon, you’ll know better,” she said, calming herself down and smiling again, “Soon you’ll be redeemed!”

As she floated a vial of purple potion over to me, I knew that this was probably it. Closing my eyes, I hoped that Jackson and Fields had made it back safely, and that my wife would be okay.

Suddenly, there was a loud whooshing sound, like a strong wind had started up, but I couldn’t feel anything. Opening my eyes, I saw that the air around me had started shimmering, glowing an electric blue. All of a sudden, I felt the pony’s magic weaken and let go of me.

“What the hell is going on?” I yelled, as I felt myself being sucked through something. Then I blacked out.

I regained consciousness to the sun shining down on my eyelids. Groggily, I slowly opened my eyes, and was greeted by the sight of a beautiful, blue, cloudless sky. The sun was bright, and I covered it with my hand.

Forcing myself to sit up, I saw that I was in a small clearing in a forest. I wasn’t exactly sure how I had gotten here, or where this even was, but I knew for sure it wasn’t Washington D.C. Hell, for all I knew, I might not even be in the same country.

Standing up heavily, completely tired out for some reason, I looked around to get my bearings. A black object about two meters away caught my eye, and walking over to it, I found that it was my Glock 22. My submachine gun, however, was nowhere in sight.

Holding my breath, I checked the magazine and chamber. Fully loaded.

I tried to holster it, but my holster wasn’t on my hip for some reason. Instead, I put the gun on the ground and looked around. The forest floor was covered with grass and pine needles, a small log sat near the treeline, and I could hear birds chirping. The forest was a thin one, and I saw something that resembled a path leading out of the clearing. For the first time in years, I found myself relaxing in this completely peaceful environment.

“Come on, Pinkie! I told you, it’s just ahead!”

I snapped my head around just in time to see two very familiar ponies enter the clearing. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. I knew them quite well as the ponies that had killed my son.

In a different part of the same forest, Twilight Sparkle approached the town of Ponyville. Stopping short of the treeline, she stared in shock and surprise at the sight of a half human, half pony construction crew working together to lay a foundation.

A small buzzing noise got her attention, and her head snapped up to see a small propeller aircraft landing at an airfield that she had never seen before.

“No... this can’t be right...” she said to herself, “Those humans need to be purified!”

“Suddenly, one of the mares supervising the operation caught her eye. She was lavender, with a purple mane with a pink stripe running through it. She was her, Twilight Sparkle.

It took a second for the implications to sink in. Once they did, however, a smirk appeared on the face of the Twilight in the forest. The smirk spread into an evil, diabolical grin.