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Comments ( 68 )

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Ooh glad I found this. Thanks for the updates and enjoy the like. Into my library you go!

I’m loving every bit of this!

[Observe] [Name: Coffee Granola Bar (100%)] [Description: A home-style granola bar made of oats, nuts, chocolate, and coffee syrup. Has enough sugar and caffeine to wake up the average Snorlax. Sells for 12 Shop Credits.] [Effects: Cures - Hunger | Fortify (1 Hour) - Agility (+3), Perception (+3) | Instant - Health (+50), Stamina (+75)]

Love this bit “has enough caffeine to wake the average snorlax” fuckin lmao

Thanks for the updates!
Our boy gonna get a title or something for this. Also nice to see that the Mc is a normal dude that has moral fiber and such. I can read stories where the Mc is pragmatic and stuff but when it goes into straight sociopath/psychopath territory I kinda just zone out cause it starts to go the way of ‘ oh Mc just committed an atrocity like the murder hobo they are what a surprise’

Also, I wonder how antimagic is gonna get him treated by the races of this world. Changelings and sirens and wendigoes would probably shit themselves when they meet him I mean their main source of draining just wouldn’t work. Ponies would probably think he’s like an earth pony(even though they have magic) until they figure it out an and freak out. And Griffons probably have their own thing going on since I don’t think it was ever stated griffons can’t use magic, not to mention the one the mc saved had a mana pool, otherwise why would they be magically supressed when they could just use normal chains, in her stat screen last I remember.

“What? How are you speaking English all of a sudden?”

“English? What are you talking about? I’ve been speaking Standard Pony Equish this entire time!” The Griffon looked down for a second as she muttered under her breath, “Everyone is supposed to know it, even the Diamond Dogs that captured me did.”

“Well, I don’t know any Equish and yet here we are with me somehow capable of perfectly understanding you,” I said before sliding over another key to try to free the Griffon again.

“That’s—” When the next key resulted in yet another failure, I pulled it away from the lock and the undetectably accentless English that was coming out of the Griffon switched back to unintelligible screeches jarringly quickly.

“What the—? I can’t understand you anymore. I wonder…” I said as I looked at the keys and the Griffon who had grown quiet. I hesitantly reached out with another key to try and free her. It failed. But, I kept the key in the lock and said, “Try saying something.”

“Like what?” She responded.

“Interesting,” I muttered before letting go of the key and asking her to repeat herself.


“I need physical contact to understand your speech?” I wondered to myself before reaching over to touch one of her claws.

Huh... Sounds like a translation enchantment on the World. No way that clearly avian screeching is Equish. I've seen other stories with similar ideas, and it would certainly be interesting if MC here unknowingly screwed himself in such a bizarre way as communication by choosing to become an anti-magic entity. I mean, he'd only be screwed in the short term. Obviously he'll get an artifact with a similar enchantment somehow, whether by dungeon loot, commissioning an artificer, or becoming an artificer himself. That last one is the premise of your other story, though. So unless this story winds up being something of a rewrite, I don't see that happening.

[Starting New Game+] [Choose Difficulty: Boring, Pussy, Mid, Impressive, Unforgiving]

Unforgiving would be living a farmer for Nestlé.

It took a while as I tried to read through many of the countless options, but after I scrolled past hundreds, I decided to just go with Randomized World . Out of all the options, it seemed the least likely to blow up in my face considering the difficult setting I chose. Moreover, with the Gamer power, as long as I didn’t immediately die, I could probably quickly grind my way up to invincibility in just about any fictional setting.

Warhammer was almost going to claim another poor soul.

[New Skill Unlocked!] [Name: Cold Resistance Lvl 1 | +10 Exp] [Description: You can now proudly claim to be part of the “Shorts and T-Shirt While It’s Freezing” club.]

Winter in the south ain't cold for shit even when it's 35°F.

I checked my Inventory and somehow, over the course of a couple hours I’d dug out a couple metric tons of rock; not just Limestone, because there was also Marble, Coal, and “Gypsum—” Whatever that was. That didn’t really make sense even if Mining Level 2 gave me another point or even two to my effective Strength with regards to mining, so there was some investigating to be done.

Gypsum used as a fluxing agent, and was used for walls.

Well, I’m following and looking forward to more of this. Just wondering though, the griffin was being whipped, starved, overworked etc, shouldn’t her health have been less than 100%?

Okay, I usually wait until I reach the end of a story to comment, but damn, I couldn't help but comment on how much I loved the whole interaction between screeched and John. I don't know if it was because it was unique, absurd, or anything else, but that was my favorite moment so far.

I like the mix between game and real-world interaction so far quite nicely. It's an easy-to-digest story, that can be enjoyed at any time at any quantity without giving a headache. There are a few times when a paragraph does drag on a bit, but so far this has been exceedingly rare, with most of it going easily and entertainingly. The story really starts to bloom when John has been experimenting, but more so when interacting with friends and foes, although it's the balance between the social and mechanical interactions that makes the fiction blossom.

Verdict: I am very eager to follow this story and see how another Gamer story on the site. I wish you much fun, in the writing process, dear Author.

FUCK1! ive finished with the updates ans im craving more! MOAR I SAY!

Thanks for the update!
I’m actually not surprised how effective subdue is, rear naked chokeholds work pretty quick when applied correctly and since the dogs are basically kobolds it makes sense body structures are relatively similar to humans and subdue is getting so much exp it makes sense our boy is turning himself into a metal gear solid player. Wonder if the game will give him an optional quest bonus to use a cardboard box at some point for the lols.

Also, griffin girl be foreshadowing mentioning hearing about humans before? I wonder what we getting? Humans are long extinct? Some crazy prophecy? Is this griffin a fan of Lyra heartstrings? Previous inserts? Maybe nothing? Either way I’m here for it.

Also I’m gonna laugh when our boy realizes he still doesn’t know this griffin girl’s name by the end of this slave rebellion what a way to make your first friend in this world.

-so I activated my Sprint Skill at its lowest setting and settled into a comfortable 60 Mile per Hour run - I peaked at a little over 76 Miles per Hour when I found a decent stretch that was completely straight.

In 2009 at the IAAF World Championships 100m, Usain Bolt briefly reached a speed of 27.8 miles per hour.

'Fast' is an understatement for John here. At those speeds, John is running along-side some cars taking the Interstate Highway. And let's not forget he is doing that while sprinting through a forest.

That one speeder bike scene from Star Wars come to mind?

It looks like it was fixed on my read through.

Didn't think about that till you mentioned it, but that would make sense. And if true, it makes me wonder what other 'World Enchantments' exist out there. I guess John isn't going to get those quality of life updates.

Comment posted by Moonlight_Mist deleted Dec 27th, 2024

Any chance you could grab a bigger picture for those of us unfamiliar with that comic page?

Uff it's that Bandit cave all over again from Skyrim:raritydespair:

I, too, have realized names weren't traded yet, and am also waiting for the face palm when it clicks in his head.

And another thing:

“You ready to hit up the Mines?” She asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” I sighed.


Removing tons of stone from a mountain cave can be really dangerous. Guy might trigger something.

Perhaps Intelligence and Wisdom will help make special skills available?

Does getting that Perk mean John can’t get the other? What would happen if he mixes both?

Maybe language is a skill unlocked by Intelligence?

Thanks for the update!
Hmm so our griffin companion is named Greta good to know, I don’t remember a griffon by that name in the show but I might be wrong.

I’m guessing our boy is gonna have a bit of trouble with the alpha. I can just imagine the cocksure ass sitting on a throne pretending to be king to boost his ego even further like some wannabe warlord. I wonder if the caenin empire will get involved once this whole scenario will become public.

Edit: just looked it up apparently Greta is a character from the show and is considered Gilda’s first griffon friend huh. Also her show appearance looks pretty unique with the green and white.

Great chapter author-sama!

So solo leveling in mlp ? Nifty.

Between the three Iron Body took the longest for me to learn because it involved manipulating my muscles in a way I was pretty sure was impossible for conventional human biology. Cartography was the easiest because I was already proficient in drawing and a lot of the principles explained in the scroll were simple enough for me to instantly understand.

Iron body from one piece ?

After a bit of anxious pacing back and forth, and paranoid over analyzation of everything I could see, I calmed down a bit when I realized there were clearly defined bounds to the Instance Dungeon. A couple paces directly behind me, stretching out to a couple hundred meters into the sky and off to the distance, there were veils of completely opaque clouds à la Dark Souls. Touching them gave me the option to leave the Dungeon at will, but at the cost of forfeiting my right to complete the World Quest and create the Instance Dungeon again.

Yknow mlp and dnd are often mixed together. I would kinda like to see some dark souls bosses.

[Perks] [Available Perks] [Name: Impossible Existence (Origin)] [Description: You are a magicless being in a magical world. Everything is supposed to have magic and yet you don’t. In fact, you refuse it, subverting reality itself to adapt to you instead of it being the other way around.] [Effect: Permanently prevents you from acquiring an internal source of Magic. Grants you absolute Magic Immunity and total Magic Absorption which allows you to convert absorbed Magic into Free Points.]

Absolutely the most busted and worst thing. Truly a double sided sword skill.

“Well, supposedly , they claim that we get the six hours from midnight until sunrise, but I think they stop work at midnight and don’t count the time it takes us to haul our last loads of gemstone or ore for the day. Then we also have to separate the gems and ore from worthless rock and in the end, I’m pretty sure we get less than five whole hours of sleep,” the Griffon huffed.

Hmmmmm. I wonder if the "useless" ore is something that's..... maybe not so useless for a human ?.

[Bonus Objective Failed!] [World Quest] [Name: Griffon Rescue Chain Quest 4] … [Progress (1): Ask the Griffon about the slave encampment ✔ | Establish a plan of attack ✔ | Clear out the encampment of slavers (21/34) | Free the slaves (36/ 63 → 62 ) | Bonus 1: Recruit the Griffon to help carry out the liberation of the camp ✔ | Bonus 2: Take out all the slavers without killing a single one (21/34) | Bonus 3: Kill all the slavers (0/34) | Bonus 4: Free the slaves without a single casualty ]

Welp, that happened fast.

well that is bad for him.

Twelve slavers left.

How long does ‘subdue’ last? When will the first subdued dogs start waking up? Even chained and suppressed, they can still raise an alarm…

I had a thousand different thoughts all running at a million miles an hour through my head. Like, ‘I’m boned if I stop now. What else can I do but continue? I can’t even understand these things unless I touch them. Maybe there’s still a chance I’ll be able to stun it into inaction and subdue it without the hostage getting hurt. What was that famous Reagan line again? “We don’t negotiate with terrorists?” Fuck!’

Got to giga Chad it dude. We DONT negotiate with terrorists. Got to have a protag who isn't afraid to get results .

Thanks for the update!
Looks like our boy got a little too hyper focused on the loot and bonus objectives, and as a result he got a wake up call that his actions have consequences and that this is a real world with real people that can die from his actions or inactions in this case. It’s sad but this is a good moment for him in that he has realized that even with the system and the easy difficulty he selected he can still fail.

Also about Greta, I personally believe you as the author can do what you want, make her an au character, an OC with same first name as another character but a different last name it’s all up to you.

That’s pretty cool.

Were any of the slaves or Greta witness to the Malachite Madness or its absolute defeat?

As an Impossible Existence, I wonder if this will help the changeling feed with impossibly fewer risks or symptoms, or do something previously thought to be impossible like a reforming-level feedback loop… :duck:

Will their starvation require a slow reintroduction to food or will MC’s gamer magic help bypass the medical condition debuff into normal conditions?

Thank you for posting so often! I’m really enjoying this adventure.

I would not blame the changeling if after all the stress of slavery and strain from keeping the disguise up, that they would collapse in the very next sentence.

Whelp, shit hit the fan.
Lost two Bonus Objectives, but now comes to an ethical and moral decision about the rest of the bonuses.

Will he now kill the rest of the slavers?

From a purely logical standpoint, subduing from this point on would no longer be as rewarding, but that means he would have to go back to the previous slavers he took prisoner... and finish them off while they are defenseless. From a game point of view the decision would feel easier, but this is reality and unless he gets a 'save-point' skill later on he will have to live with any choice he makes. As it stands now, the only reason to kill his prisoners would be for the bonus. Can he live with that?

We will find out in the next chapter.

Thanks for the update!
Oooh looks like our boy might be befriending the changelings. I can imagine the reveal of their appetite would non plus him though.

Changeling: we feed on love and others hate us for it.

Mc: ok cool? I’m an omnivore so I eat just about anything.

Also I wonder if changelings can feed off him or not, I mean biologically the changelings feed off of the hormones realeased when a creature experiences a desired emotion so serotonin and dopamine in the case of love. But is how they extract and feed off of it a biological or magical process? Like we see changelings passively feed by just being in the vicinity of love or having it directed at them. Where as actively feeding for changelings looks like some sort of magical process that extracts the horomones from the being they are feeding off of, convert it into a semi gaseous l/liquid state and slurp it up like a smoothie or inhaling smoke or incense.
So maybe passive feeding works but not active? Or both if we say it’s considered a racial trait of being an emotivore so it can be handwaved as biological process by the game system and not technically magic? Eh either way chrysalis meeting gonna be cool.

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