• Member Since 19th Feb, 2023
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


I write overblown, purple, self indulgent prose, so what?


The Pie family annual christmas traditions are… interesting for even the most well adjusted person, Wallflower, decidedly, is not. Thankfully her girlfriend Pinkie doesn’t seem to mind

Written for ShortTale for jinglemas 2024! Have a happy holiday!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Wait, what about the mole people?

mole people cant hurt you if you’re asleep everyone knows this 🙄

Perfectly Insane

I now desperately need a much longer fic exploring these two's relationship.

“I understand if you are scared to confess their name, such lies often come with threats. Igneous,” Cloudy Quartz turned to her somehow even solemer looking husband. “Fetch the phone book will you? We will go by name and you need only nod if it's them. Marble, fetch the axe please, the heirloom one above the mantle, yes. Someone has insulted and fed deceit and lies to one of our own and I plan to personally rectify it.”

Damn, Cloudy went full mama bear mode.

heh maybe one day if i get an idea!

:3 i love mama bear cloudy. limestone had to get her anger from somewhere!

Merry Christmas and Hearth's Warming Day.
Pinkie and Wallflower match? Fresh.

I just finished it. It was the perfect feel I was hoping for. Yes yes more and more Pies! Thank you so much for writing it! Happy Hearth’s Warming!

Its a strange duo, but they absolutely complement each other. Also i love how Pink's mom is instantly ride or die.

“We understood from Pinkamena electronic correspondence,” text messages, “that you would be unable to celebrate Hanukkah with your parents this year. We do hope that this granite menorah is sufficient for here.”


The Pies are an odd bunch, but they are the best family you could ever ask for.

Glad to see Wallie getting a support network.

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