• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 17 minutes ago


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Comments ( 8 )

Good story as usual, Jest!

This is a very good story:twilightsmile:

Your welcome, Can you suggest a story for me to read?

A Man of culture I see! Wish the story was longer but It was great for a appetizer!🤤

Depends. What are ya in the mood for?

Sure, if ya feel like it. I was getting a little disappointed from all the dislikes but people really don't like dark stories so I suppose that is to be expected.

Sure, if you'd like. I got a link to my discord in my bio. You can find me through there.

I can tell a lot of the dislikes are probably and most likely lovers of the bugs but I truly enjoyed the story wish I had enough money to give some donations to continue this unique story!.

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