• Member Since 17th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen February 7th



A thousand and 24 years ago, Luna got banished to the moon 'permanently' when she became Nightmare Moon. Eternity alone was something that Luna wasn't going to let happen, so after a thousand years of effort, she finally escaped, but at a grave cost.

That was 21 years ago. By now, she has been adopted by a nice family and lives as one of their own, but as the 1000th summer's sun celebration arrives, she is forced to face her past.

Meanwhile, Twilight has to deal with this pretty pony that she initially dreaded the arrival of, and Princess Celestial has to destroy 1000 years of attempts of moving on when her sister is back.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 98 )

Hmm, I like where this is going!

Luna just secretly reintegrating back into society but at the cost of her Alicorn-hood is a great idea! I. Surprised it's never been done before. At least, from what I've seen, that is.

I'll be following along. Its a good start.

What an interesting start.

A unique tale, something rarely seen..

I shall keep my eyes on this journey of the Moon Mare. It is sometimes hard to get my attention and curiosity piqued, yet it is also hard to keep me wanting more... Do take this favorite and a simple like, from yours truly. I'll be watching after all...

(I'm in your walls... totally...)

Well another story to watch and see what happens next.

That was a good first chapter goodluck with the rest of it.

I always did wonder about what would happen if Luna or the Nightmare came back and they weren't immediately hostile.

Thinking about it, I'm not sure if Luna (as herself, not the Nightmare) escaping the moon and living normally in Equestria would be illegal.

It is not illegal; in fact, she would have been welcomed back. It is a matter of her being too weak to travel, and she did not wish to meet with Celestia earlier.

I'll always welcome company, but it is rather unfortunate that I happen to be in your walls. Perhaps we shall meet in the walls of another?

Thank you. I haven't seen this idea done earlier either and I thought it would be interesting to execute. They had seen a pony ascend before; the thought of the opposite happening sounded fun, and who better to try it out than our beloved Princess of the Moon?

Great start! Except for a few minor typos there is nothing wrong in the slightest with the potential gem you are creating!

I wonder how Luna will react to find out that her friends were going to be the ones to use the elements against her on her sister's orders 😡

Fortunately or unfortunately, that was never going to happen in this universe. This universe's banishment was supposed to be permanent, period. Luna is only out because of what she sacrificed as a price for freedom.

If that's the case then what was Celestia's reason for sending Twilight to ponyville to make friends I wonder 🤔

The princess can only take so many reminders of her sister who she thinks is gone for good. It didn't help with how insistent Twilight was. Plus, she does have to become friends with the elements, if not for Nightmare Moon then for Discord.

small typo here:

Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, merely shrugged, reclining lazily on a nearby cloud she had dragged down. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll get to it in a jiffy. I’m just… practising.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, her irritation mounting. “Practising? Practising for what?”

Spelling should be Practicing

This mare was a Pegasus, not an Alicorn.

Could have had twilight look at luna forehead and seed some doubt in lunas mind.

Although, if she's been neck and has a family... What's escaping the moon?

While it's anticlimactic, the answer is nothing. Not yet anyway.

UK vs. US spelling, probably. Verb form in UK English uses the 's' spelling.

Have you decided how long this story is going to be yet or how much of the original show you're going to keep in?

I learned English mainly from the internet but I tend to write in the UK English.

I only have a broad idea of reaching Tirek till now, nothing concrete about the length, but I aim for a long story, hopefully passing the 100k words, hopefully. As for what will be kept and what will be changed? It will depend on the story components and what needs to be changed. Some things will also be taken from the comics.

tallest mare after Princess Celestial and Cadance,

Only spelling error I noticed, had to double check if you renamed Celestia for whatever reason to be sure.

Intriguing premise. I'll keep an eye on this to see where it goes.

When do you think you'll continue Rise of the night and can you fix broken?

Autocorrect is an elusive enemy.

Can you fix the broken has a draft already written for the next chapter, just taking a bit of a backseat before further development. Rise of the night is going to have to wait more as it needs more work.

On a positive note, I do have a chapter ready for this fic to be released soon, but it's more of chaos and side interactions that fill the time of day before the night of the celebration.

Oh that was good that was really good, although I don't believe you actually went into great detail about what temper or Luna really look like here and I want to know more about the relationship Luna has with this family, Luna being able to talk to animals is a very hard fact to find in the comics and something that is very interesting. Keep up the good work and have a wonderful but not too chaotic day.

What a cute chapter. I like the rivalry I hope to see more of it.

Está muy interesante el capítulo me gustó bastante estaré esperando el próximo Yo quiero ver la interacción entre luna y Celestia

I wonder did Nightmare Moon split herself into parts?

Because I have been imagining Celestia pretending to be NM showing up only for unicorn NM and earth pony NM to show up and call her out on it only for pegasus Luna to eat popcorn watching it all unfold.

While that would have been hilarious, the other aspects of her magic are still locked in the Moon.

Thank you! And yes, I have not. This chapter was written with the first one as a side bit for fun. I didn't give it as much attention as the other one. I'll try to make up for it in the next one. I hope you have a Discord-approved (under the supervision of Fluttershy) day!

Caught a typo.

The sleeping mare that lay against her side, Temper...

...she hadn't even remembered waking Tempre, or if she was the one to wake her up.

It seems her name is spelled incorrectly, though I am unsure of the correct spelling. Chapter 1.5 has the spelling consistently as 'Tempere'.

I'm curious about something, if you're taking inspiration from the comics are you going to include the piece of information that it was Celestia's constant teasing that caused Luna to open a portal to another dimension and become possessed by the nightmare or is there a new explanation.

Celestia is a cause of Nightmare Moon, but there is no possession or outside influence. Luna is Nightmare Moon here, It is her years on the moon that caused her to go back to being Luna. Speaking of, an object left by Nightmare Moon in the comics will have major role later on.

The reunion will be an interesting one!

Aaaaahhhhh, CLIFFHANGER, why? Why must you tease us?

What an amazing chapter! Can't wait to see what comes next.

Wonderful tension and buildup! This Luna is well written. We don't know her whole story, but we're able to glean enough to realize that Nightmare Moon is no longer the immediate problem she was in canon.

I'm hoping for mature and adult reasoning and reconciliation, wherever the two sisters end up.

It's been a long time since a story has made me so upset that there isn't more right now! I can't wait for the next update!

Comment posted by PuzzleMaster98 deleted Dec 26th, 2024

This seems like it will be a good read, but, I always let a fic get at least ten chapters before I start reading them. I'll keep an eye on this until then!


Shame about all those great stories with 9 chapters or less (joking ofc).

https://www.deviantart.com/psfmer/art/what-893063055 is it possible Luna could have a similar look to this at some point in the story, it's such a great design and it seems possible for her to do something like that in her free time now that she's a regular pony.

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