Richard Watts considered himself a patient and level-headed stallion. But the situation he found himself in was completely off the rails—even for someone like him. And how could you blame him? What would you do if the nation you were leading suddenly found itself flung back into its "homeworld"?
Follow Richard as he tries to guide the nation through a strange world filled with even stranger inhabitants, all while keeping an eye out for both external and internal threats.
Please keep going, this is an interesting idea. So far the build up has left a lot to be discovered so I hope you can keep up the amazing work. Have a wonderful day.
And it begin, time to spread Republicanism into the old world
Interesting name, i wonder the name is influence by human culture or just crystal Ponies culture. I have a feeling that the human nations “fund” the Republicanism rebels a large sum of money.
Our Ponies protagonist use a human name, maybe his parent are human? Or human culture is deep into the former Empire?
Humm so the Empire pretty much was placed in the middle of the Ocean, so I some ways Atlantia is self sufficient. The power grid and cell network won't go down, so power and emergency services won't be effected. But a lot of people will freak as any service or app that accesses a computer server outside Atlantia will become unusable. How many people will lose it with social media taken away (or greatly reduced if some servers are in Atlantia)? Also an island nation suddenly finds itself landlocked AND in the tundra? Planes that took off but still ca7ght in the transport find themselves with forgine skies in all directions! Also I'm sure they found the Crystal Heart, how freaky will it be when the ancient seemingly inhert artifact starts acting up, projecting a weather shield around the nation? And lastly does Sombra come back still? Suddenly the spirt of a Tyrant dead for centuries is terrorizing the populace, going to be a weird day even in a semi-magical nation.
Good choice with how to handle the US election. Even if it’s not going to be important. I’d really like to learn more about that stallion running for president.
Very good start, I wonder how Equestria reacts to the technology Atlantia has brought with it.
I also have some questions
What does the army of the republic have? fighter jets? tanks? do they have a navy? Although I doubt that the latter is available at least in the south.
Are we going to see humanity and the Earth again in history?
Regarding your comment, human culture has a strong foothold in the ponies culture. While most ponies still go with the traditional way of naming, there has been a steadily increasing amount of ponies over the years taking on human names!
Additionally, the name Atlantia comes from the name "Atlántida" which was first set in stone by Christopher Colombus when he discovered the continent on his voyage that was supposed to discover the Bahamas.
(Imagine his shock when he discovered a land of colorful equines instead of the East Indies.)
The reason it's primarily called Atlantia now is because the English didn't feel like performing the "d" sound when saying "Atlántida."
So... This is what you said you would make using that idea I gave you...
So far, I love it! Better than anything I could've ever imagined!
Thank you! 😊
I'm glad you like it!
Let's not forget that by connecting to Earth, the previous Crystal Empire became the sole source of magic for an entire world, and I bet it marked the magic permanently, so I'm sure when they will go back to Equestria, the connection will still be here and be able to open a portal back home.
And I would love to know the impact of magic on Earth ! Thank you for writing !
Jerald Pen was born in Aurora, Colorado on May 18, 1966. Before beginning his political career he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps at the age of 17. He served for 8 years as a grenadier and took part in the U.S. Invasion of Panama at the tail end of his service.
After retiring from service, Jerald would take an interest in politics and enroll in the University of Texas at Austin to study law and earn a Master of Laws degree.
After graduating in 1999, Jerald would join the Republican Party and slowly work his way up the many levels of government before finally being nominated as a presidential candidate for the 2024 Presidential Election.
It isn't much but I hope this satisfies your curiosity a bit.
Interesting, i wonder what would happened in the Colonialism era, i can see human imperialist would want that percious crystal resource, Crystal Ponies as pet/slave, or just steal a port for better slave/resource transport route from Europe to America
The empire appear in a new world, with a new geography. Did the snow all melt?
I'm going to give you some short answers since the next chapter will be focused more around this.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Not anymore. Possibly.
I say not anymore for the navy aspect of the military since the dome only encompassed the continent, not the surrounding ocean. Therefore, any ships that were docked when the continent disappeared were lost following the sudden rush of water moving to fill the new hole in the ocean. Unfortunately, this also meant that the crew and any personnel that were on those ships died a terrible death.
And for the ships that were either on patrol or doing exercises away from the event. The next couple of days were not going to be fun.
This is so good KEEP GOING!
I wonder if any humans came along for the ride. Because ponies in equestria would not be happy about them. Also i really do love this. And the concepts too. Excited to see how far goes!
Cool I wasn’t expecting that. Thank you.
Hmm, it seems odd that Atlantia would have a civil war to change governments and not simply peacefully transition into a parliamentary democracy like Britain or be forced into transitioning into a republic by WW1 like France, Spain, and Germany. (If you're going to have the depression, you're going to need they original cause which was WW1. Based on its position I expect that Atlantia likely had a very powerful navy, likely rivalling first the British and later America for the title of ruler of the waves, likely needing a large fishing fleet and sea farms due to limited land space. I could also see them becoming big players in the era of colonization, likely making plays for Greenland which they could likely turn green thanks to their winter repelling magics, and likely grabbed several Caribbean islands.
I expect there will be a lot of outrage/panic as a modern naval superpower finds all of its ports suddenly land locked in a world with no oil infrastructure, especially if they lacked refineries (which I could see them having in the nation but keeping them to their colonial holdings). I expect there will a large amount of arcno-tech to explore as well, you seem to be hinting at it, as both ponies and Europeans knowing about each other for centuries, likely fighting several wars, would lead to a mix of techniques and likely humans exploring deeper into the arcane realm instead of dismissing it. Religion would also be a very interesting idea seeing as the Crystal ponies didn't show much of a religion in the show and being close neighbors to Europe, and more specifically Spain and England, would see Christianity brought to the nation and likely finding fertile soil among the ponies.
In fact, with Atlantia being there as a stepping stone, there's a very real chance America is discovered and colonized centuries earlier with the large island nation acting as a stepping stone/trade hub to help find exploration of one of the most fertile and minerally rich continents on the planet. Not to mention other little historical knock on effects, such as the possibility of either no second world war to serve as a founding anti-myth to poison the last century, or ponies agreeing to work for Himmler and the Nazi occult explorations. There's a very real chance that The Crystal League might be an extremists offshoot of a religion that that places ponies as higher beings due to their more obvious and easier to utilize innate magics.
Many interesting ideas this scenario sets a whirling, I can't wait to see how this goes.
Not the Atlantis you asked for, but the Atlantis you're gonna get.
So Ponies colonized America as well judging from the US election. I wonder how that impacted the development of the country?
Or in turn how Europe impacted the ponies. This is a very interesting premise. I look forward to more. I would ask more especially about Columbus and the Spanish but I have a feeling that will be revealed as the story goes on.
Ooh, I wonder how technically advanced this version of the Crystal Empire is gonna be—
—Oh why am I even questioning it, of course they're gonna be the most technically advanced nation in Equus
Great story pls continue
An 800ft tsunami in all directions when the city arrived, would have been devastating.
As in, depending exactly where in the Atlantic Ocean the city landed, the local populations of some Carribean islands, Florida, Morocco and/or Portugal, might no longer be going concerns. And more besides.
The Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 in the Indian Ocean was only 100ft high, but killed people 2000km away.
I don't think they colonized America, but they at least have enough of a presence in the states to have members of Congress and a potential president. Will be interesting if all of them get pulled back as well or if Earth's pony population will have suddenly lost their ancestral homeland.
I have a feeling that the ponies that were not on the Atlantian continent when it teleported back to Equis stayed behind on Earth. There are a few details that lead me to believe this conclusion. First is that in the first chapter, when the continent was first being teleported to Earth, Princess Celestia performed an emergency teleport with both herself, Luna, and all the ponies near her such as the Equestrian army. However, it is also implied that all of the surviving members of Sombra’s former army were also included as well, as there is nothing to say that they were left behind. Not only that, but when they were watching the spell from Canterlot, none of the members of Sombra’s army were implied to have been affected by it.
In addition to that, the author made a comment (12056557), where he explained that any Atlantian naval ship that was out on patrol (and out of range of the spell) would not be having a fun time in the ocean, with any ship that was docked being destroyed as the ocean filled up all that new empty space, with all the crew and personnel tragically dying in the process. If this spell was able to affect all of the ponies on earth, why would he mention that the crews of Atlantan naval vessels would die without any exceptions? Lastly, from a narrative perspective, all magical systems must have some form of consistency, so if the magic had no effect on Sombra’s surviving army, all of which most likely being crystal ponies themselves, then the same is most likely true a 1000 years later. With all of this in mind, it is most likely that this spell only affects the land itself as well as anyone on it, but it is not tied to any ponies outside of it.
I hope that this was able to answer your question and I wish you a great day,
To make it at least somewhat analogous to current history, they could've been plopped down south of moracco, in between Brazil and Africa
I imagine it would've impacted the slave trade a fair bit from its location, since it had appeared before it was even established. Perhaps the reason the anti-mix group exists could be because they were a part of it along with any unfortunate africans. As for tsunamis, that would be a concern for a lot of places, but I believe depending on its placement, the best someone would get would be 'storm' surges, where water is pulled and pushed towards the coast as the big waves settle along the globe. You have to remember that while this is a landmass being forcibly pushed towards the crust of the planet, it's definitely not a big landmass. Don't think australia or anything like that, since this is just a small 'empire'. All we ever see in the show is the main city and in the comics there's perhaps a couple outlying 'villages'. It'd probably be more akin to perhaps half the size of the Indian subcontinent then anything else, and that matters. See, the real trouble is big waves moving fast. If there's a lot of landmass being pushed in to make the water crest 800 feet, then the waves are going to have to be relatively fast as they travel. Since there's not as much landmass, the waves would be travelling slower and have more time to use up the energy that they were given to spread out to the rest of the atlantic. I imagine this would raise global water levels by about generally 10-15 feet. Think it'd result in just different coastlines and places like Venice being more underwater but still liveable. Sure if it happened now that'd be a big concern, but back then there were a lot less people densely packed into coastlines. There'd be deaths sure, but I don't think they'd eclipse something like a plague.
I think you're overestimating the final sea level rise. Even 15 inches feels unlikely to me, let alone 15 feet. When I think about how much glacial and surface ice has already melted in the last hundred or so years, to have only caused under 10 inches of rise, I think a single city-sized island would displace less water than that. And that's not including that a not-insignificant fraction of sea level rise to date has been caused by thermal expansion of water rather than melted ice.
But the wave still does worry me. It is narratively useful to handwave it, given the significant impact on history it could have. But if I try to consider it realistically, I'd be worried about possible damage to ports in Portugal, especially Lisbon, which may set back the seafaring capability of one of the major early colonial era powers. I'm not as worried about the precursors to the Mali Empire, even though they were closer, because their wealth was focused inland.
In South America, I don't know enough about the eastern indigenous peoples to know how they would be impacted. And in the Carribbean, I'm uncertain between whether it's going to wipe islands off the map or be equivalent to the damage from the hurricane.
Great story hope you continnue
Thank you for the kind words! As for what inspired me to add that part with Mara, I wanted to kind of emphasize how terrifying and confusing being in the middle of that situation can be. I felt writing the scene through Mara's eyes could do that perfectly!
This is really good thanks for new chapter
Happy to see this one updated
Thanks Hyp3r for another great chapter. I'm really curios to see where you take this story from here. I wish you the best of luck writing your next chapter. Cheers!
Look like “Celeatia test for Twilght ” is gonna have different goals now
Heh, I think it's not gonna as expected for Cadence and Shining, and even Sombra !
Thank you for writing !
Can't wait for first contact! I wanna see how both sides react to each other's outfits, weapons, ranks, and mannerisms!
Loving this! So eager for first contact, and admittedly learning the kinda of history and effect had on Earth too~
Diplomacy with a the new/old country that just went from an island nation to land locked, fun!
The precious Trade port, Navy tradition
All gone, reduced to ashes
Not to mention the extreme weather in the old land too
And the human they realise they are now a minority in this world… (the rise of extremist and racist)
Ooh, can't wait for the upcoming explosive culture clash! Also, the ending was adorable.
An entire pony nation get isekaied
This is an awesome setting! this fics its going dyrectly to my favs
There is two posible outcomes, or they becomes like the ingland royal family or like the russian royal family
"But theres not rusian royal fam-"
The one thing that doesn't make sense to me is the closing of the banks and and all bank accounts frozen. Why do that?
I change my mind. Sea level rise could be significant, but measuring it would be tricky. The wave would be devastating; probably wiping the population of every Carribean island out to sea, along with killing most people in Portugal, Morocco, and every Atlantic coast American Indian tribe or nation.
There'd also be significant damage to northern South America and the rest of the north-west African coast, but I'm too unfamiliar with the people living there at the time to know what the repercussions would be.
An island that large would also wreak havoc on the weather of the Atlantic and every adjacent landmass (especially northern Europe), indefinitely.
In a world of not more than 200 million people, more than a million died that year and hundreds of thousands of extra deaths in the years following.
(but you rightly handwave it because it is not the point of the story)
To prevent bank runs as banks typically only have about 10-20% of their total account in house and would run out of money before running out of depositors ... (Think 'It's A Wonderful Life' scene where George stops the run on his savings and loan.) ...
First chapter was a little janky, but the premise is interesting.
I would guess to prevent a bank run and keep the local economy from collapsing. Granted, it'll probably collapse anyway, but they still don't know what's happened yet.