well to put it simply my entire bar got transported to Equestria, seriously the RGRE thing is deeply adorable how they try to make me feel like I need them.
Interesting start, undeniably different writing style than I was. Though just because it's in a different direction, it wasn't a bad one nor does mine is even better, as I too have my own mistakes.
You got me hooked I admit, kind of a rarity to see a RGRE story these days. Just one thing, on some part of the story I got confused between who is talking to who and is it a dialogue or a narrative?
Might want to keep eyes on those thing on later dates, willing and hoping to see how this would continue.
12052500 I thought I was the only one confused about who was talking to who
the idea is good, but in short... confusing and rushed (he is human or pony, there was never a description of him so it's difficult to know who he is, or what he is like, maybe it's just me but I kept wondering if he is human, pony or anthro since a transformation was never clarified... but again this is just the first chapter, maybe everything will be developed in the next ones).
A bit rough in some small typos, but otherwise great comedy. Keep tossing those mares out of your bar! Especially if they're not going to buy anything.
Spend some time to fix the grammar and spelling mistakes. Random capitalization everywhere throws me off a bit. Makes it look like it was written by a nine year old.
Needs some fixes here and there in the spelling sector, but other besides that, seems like it's going to be a fun story to keep up reading Please do tell me he has a manly stache and his cutie mark is the silhouette of a pony being kicked out of a bar. Keep up the good work and happy December!
12052983 Very true lol the way I think how RGRE was going to get like would be this
To sum the video up is a comedian talking about the root of the problem of women and how they act and think. Also tells how men are. Just thinking how RGRE storied might be like that. The males are oopress, can't vote, always have the last word etc etc. the mares run the world, technology is invented by mares, mares go to war and make the bread to put on the table. Usually we get RGRE stories about sex, a pony gets sent into earth by some mishaps or something. Sorry I'm venting you get the point. We just dont get a lot of stories about ACTUAL RGRE on equestria. There's very very few stories on that
12053016 *shrug* RGRE, or "Reversed Sexual Morality" as it's sometimes called in non-mlp settings, usually has two purposes:
It's a fetish for male-oriented writers to indulge in being the helpless damsel or the extra big strong man impressing the ladies who think all guys are pushovers.
Or, it's a fetish for female-oriented writers to punish all men for the historical awfulness most women faced in our own history.
It can be an interesting tool to explore sexuality, gender roles, and the juxtaposition of both in wider historical contexts and through fiction....
... but it's usually just a sex thing, or a preachy thing, and almost always not worth the bother and gets in the way of the far more interesting story that's underneath it.
This story, for example, looks like it could be a real riot. A no-nonsense bartender that's not letting something as small as total body transformation, dimensional displacement, or an entirely new set of senses (Magic) get in the way of opening up on time and kicking the sexist pieces of trash to the curb.
See, now the obsessively heavy RGRE is going to make the (male? wtf?) Guard come down on Bar Keep, drag him in chains to Celestia so that he can be stripped of all rights, and then get humiliated, and then it's a sex thing, and then it's on oppression thing, and then he's back to 'owning' his bar that his 'wife' actually owns, and he's just a slave, yadda yadda not as interesting as that previous paragraph.
Mild - mild - RGRE elements can be an enjoyable touch of culture shock on top of all the rest. If Rainbow Dash had entered, been surprised at a male bartender, and then after some mild flirting asked "hey, don't usually see a stallion behind the counter. What's your story?" that could have been an excellent set up to jump to the next plot point. It could even end the same way, but with the barkeep getting increasingly annoyed with Dash's confusion, and his own no-nonsense attitude not helping and escalating into him kicking her out.
The potential in this story is pretty great. I think taking some 120 grit sandpaper to it for some rough polishing would get you something wonderful.
12053038 Thanks,for actually giving this story a chance, not many people realize that some people just find the concept of RGRE interesting, I assure you it's not within any of those negative points, if you wish to find out more than stay tuned because, throughout my journey with this story I will try to make the grammar better. I will also try to make the story easier to understand.As you can see I am a novice when it comes to writing. Thanks and have a nice day, I will see you at 8:00 Est.
A bit rough with some typos and misspelling. I like the premise, however the MC is a bit too nonchalant about literally being teleported to another world.
12052983 I wouldn't mind that outcome as long as it's well written. I think you can write a pretty good story of interesting encounters stemmed from that mindset being embedded into Equestria society. The biggest problem I have is the "suddenly Alicorn" syndrome.
I felt like a grammar police while I was reading this chapter, like ouch, my head actually hurts. The story is interesting but where did the Darling? come from?
Author's Note: HEY MY first story! GO easy on me ok? Tell me what I need to improve, I will be working on this for a whlile, and will post every night around 8 pm EST.. If I decide to put this on Hiatus I will let you all know! Follow me if you want to see more of this story.
THe first thing I stared at was the fact that I had wings and a horn.
I didn't understand anything at first, because here is the backstory.
You're saying the backstory itself is why you didn't understand anything, needs to be rewritten.
I was just about to open my bar, a fresh start on my side career as a bartender.
You bought property, stock to sell, paid for a business license and an alcohol license, hired employees, and this is your side career? Not just a side job, but a side career?
I had another job, a full time job during the day.
Also called a career, with zero indication of what career allowed you to fund your side career.
Now as I was packing up, I drunk a beer as a test a stranger in a hoodie got me.
One sentence ago you were about to open your bar, and you're already packing up? The second half of that sentence is saying a stranger in a hoodie got you a test, not that he got you a beer; it needs to be rewritten.
And really, while closing up your first day of running a bar, a stranger whose identity is unknown to you and who is wearing identity-concealing clothing comes into your bar at closing time, gives you a container of unknown liquid brought from outside of a place that stocks and sells alcoholic beverages, and you drink some right away as a "test" of unknown purpose? That's completely nonsensical and unbelievable character behavior.
I don't think I've ever been put off of a fic from just the first paragraph being so badly written before, but the short description having a typo in the first word and the fic name being a statement of setting rather than an actual fic name should have clued me in. I see a number of people urging you to get an editor or spell checker or anything at all, and yeah, you need to get on that.
Twilight immediately grabbed her pencil and notebook with her magic. "Dear princess Celestia...."
"Er...yeah..."I said getting up.(—— (New paragraph) "We got to get you out of here, he is obviously not alright." Twilight panicked, quickly grabbing me with a magic, but I quickly pushed her down, "No...No...no...none of that or whatever you were going to do to me here, understand?"
"Like hell it is,”(—— I said, "You seem to be like a colorful bunch, what's the big deal anyway, why is the white one giving me oogly eyes."
She froze, as I was face to face with her, before a wicked grin came on her face.
"Anyone else want to add?(——" I asked looking at each of them daring them to smart.(——
my back and on my wings trying to console me I assumed it was working, "She didn't mean it,"
"Okay just don't cry.." she meekly replied,(—— as she continued to massage my wings with her hoof.
It looks quite good and I'm happy to see a RGRE that differs a bit from the other ones. I'll be waiting for the next chapter.

Fun beginning.
I hope you keep going strong!!
Interesting start, undeniably different writing style than I was. Though just because it's in a different direction, it wasn't a bad one nor does mine is even better, as I too have my own mistakes.
You got me hooked I admit, kind of a rarity
to see a RGRE story these days. Just one thing, on some part of the story I got confused between who is talking to who and is it a dialogue or a narrative?
Might want to keep eyes on those thing on later dates, willing and hoping to see how this would continue.
*In an RGRE World*
I thought I was the only one confused about who was talking to who
the idea is good, but in short... confusing and rushed
(he is human or pony, there was never a description of him so it's difficult to know who he is, or what he is like, maybe it's just me but I kept wondering if he is human, pony or anthro since a transformation was never clarified... but again this is just the first chapter, maybe everything will be developed in the next ones).
You're doing great so far.
little confusing
but please for the love that is all good print out more chapters please 🙏 there's very few long RGRE category.
So far it comedy gold. Although I am bit confused in this world mares take over jobs or something here.
It's a lil rough but it's got potential keep it up đź‘Ť
A bit rough in some small typos, but otherwise great comedy. Keep tossing those mares out of your bar! Especially if they're not going to buy anything.
Spend some time to fix the grammar and spelling mistakes. Random capitalization everywhere throws me off a bit. Makes it look like it was written by a nine year old.
Needs some fixes here and there in the spelling sector, but other besides that, seems like it's going to be a fun story to keep up reading
Please do tell me he has a manly stache and his cutie mark is the silhouette of a pony being kicked out of a bar.
Keep up the good work and happy December!
Okey, let's see. Thanks for the chapter, btw!
NGL, the RGRE is reaaaalllly holding this one back. Random dude ends up as a bartender that don't give no hoots? Golden.
All the sexism, stupidity, and escapades that come with stories that lean way too hard into the humiliation fantasy?
Tarnished bronze.
Here's hoping we get no-nonsense bartender man being cool, and not endless "you man, man weak, be my sextoy."
Very true lol the way I think how RGRE was going to get like would be this
To sum the video up is a comedian talking about the root of the problem of women and how they act and think. Also tells how men are. Just thinking how RGRE storied might be like that. The males are oopress, can't vote, always have the last word etc etc. the mares run the world, technology is invented by mares, mares go to war and make the bread to put on the table. Usually we get RGRE stories about sex, a pony gets sent into earth by some mishaps or something. Sorry I'm venting
you get the point. We just dont get a lot of stories about ACTUAL RGRE on equestria. There's very very few stories on that
*shrug* RGRE, or "Reversed Sexual Morality" as it's sometimes called in non-mlp settings, usually has two purposes:
It's a fetish for male-oriented writers to indulge in being the helpless damsel or the extra big strong man impressing the ladies who think all guys are pushovers.
Or, it's a fetish for female-oriented writers to punish all men for the historical awfulness most women faced in our own history.
It can be an interesting tool to explore sexuality, gender roles, and the juxtaposition of both in wider historical contexts and through fiction....
... but it's usually just a sex thing, or a preachy thing, and almost always not worth the bother and gets in the way of the far more interesting story that's underneath it.
This story, for example, looks like it could be a real riot. A no-nonsense bartender that's not letting something as small as total body transformation, dimensional displacement, or an entirely new set of senses (Magic) get in the way of opening up on time and kicking the sexist pieces of trash to the curb.
See, now the obsessively heavy RGRE is going to make the (male? wtf?) Guard come down on Bar Keep, drag him in chains to Celestia so that he can be stripped of all rights, and then get humiliated, and then it's a sex thing, and then it's on oppression thing, and then he's back to 'owning' his bar that his 'wife' actually owns, and he's just a slave, yadda yadda not as interesting as that previous paragraph.
Mild - mild - RGRE elements can be an enjoyable touch of culture shock on top of all the rest. If Rainbow Dash had entered, been surprised at a male bartender, and then after some mild flirting asked "hey, don't usually see a stallion behind the counter. What's your story?" that could have been an excellent set up to jump to the next plot point. It could even end the same way, but with the barkeep getting increasingly annoyed with Dash's confusion, and his own no-nonsense attitude not helping and escalating into him kicking her out.
The potential in this story is pretty great. I think taking some 120 grit sandpaper to it for some rough polishing would get you something wonderful.
Thanks,for actually giving this story a chance, not many people realize that some people just find the concept of RGRE interesting, I assure you it's not within any of those negative points, if you wish to find out more than stay tuned because, throughout my journey with this story I will try to make the grammar better. I will also try to make the story easier to understand.As you can see I am a novice when it comes to writing. Thanks and have a nice day, I will see you at 8:00 Est.
I was never the biggest fan of RGRE because most authors write it to be extremely sexist.
I look forward to where you take it ^_^
Like I said, the premise is solid. Can't wait to see the execution!
A bit rough with some typos and misspelling. I like the premise, however the MC is a bit too nonchalant about literally being teleported to another world.
He's just a chill dude.
Great start! i really hope You continue this
I wouldn't mind that outcome as long as it's well written. I think you can write a pretty good story of interesting encounters stemmed from that mindset being embedded into Equestria society.
The biggest problem I have is the "suddenly Alicorn" syndrome.
Please copy-edit. It makes me feel like you don't respect your own story, to leave it like that.
Maybe find a dedicated editor? If not, grammarly isn’t really a substitute, but it’ll help a TON.
Eu uso o tradutor entĂŁo
NĂŁo sei o que tem de errado com a escrita
Quais sĂŁo os erros?
I'm not judging, but having the first word of the first chapter be a typo is a bit of an 'oof.' Trust me—I've been there, done that one. Lol.
because I never drink, but I always take a small sip of everything just to test it out.
I don’t think that means what you think it means, sir.
It's a really interesting premise so far...just a ton of grammatical issues
Props on the comedy though!
Admittedly, I don't know much about RGRE, but it sounds like it could be good dystopian fiction. At least, based on this.
I felt like a grammar police while I was reading this chapter, like ouch, my head actually hurts. The story is interesting but where did the Darling? come from?
Tell you in the comments?
You're saying the backstory itself is why you didn't understand anything, needs to be rewritten.
You bought property, stock to sell, paid for a business license and an alcohol license, hired employees, and this is your side career? Not just a side job, but a side career?
Also called a career, with zero indication of what career allowed you to fund your side career.
One sentence ago you were about to open your bar, and you're already packing up? The second half of that sentence is saying a stranger in a hoodie got you a test, not that he got you a beer; it needs to be rewritten.
And really, while closing up your first day of running a bar, a stranger whose identity is unknown to you and who is wearing identity-concealing clothing comes into your bar at closing time, gives you a container of unknown liquid brought from outside of a place that stocks and sells alcoholic beverages, and you drink some right away as a "test" of unknown purpose? That's completely nonsensical and unbelievable character behavior.
I don't think I've ever been put off of a fic from just the first paragraph being so badly written before, but the short description having a typo in the first word and the fic name being a statement of setting rather than an actual fic name should have clued me in. I see a number of people urging you to get an editor or spell checker or anything at all, and yeah, you need to get on that.