• Member Since 21st Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I prolifically produce prurient pregnant pony prose, previously per Pregchan, presently preferring here and there. I'm currently commissionable.


I want to write about artwork I commission, and writing short stories is one good way to do it. This is a collection of short stories about pieces involving exercise.

Each chapter of this story contains a preview of the corresponding comic, the artist's name, and alternative links.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

Poor Rarity, but funny story, lol

I thought excessive exercise was bad for pregnant people.

:moustache: So how was your gym time?
:duck: Redecorated it . . .
:rainbowlaugh: She punched holes in the walls, The place looked like swiss cheese
:moustache: swiss omelets with pickles . . . On it
:rainbowderp: Me too?
:facehoof: Why me?
:raritywink: Hay fries and ketchup?
:twilightsheepish: yes

Rarity can come up with a way to make those things fashionable

:rainbowhuh: Totally not cool!
:ajsmug: Looks perfect to me
:pinkiehappy: Fits you 100%
:duck: Darling you should be paid for advertising for them
:moustache: Maybe you should has Rainbow advertise for your boutique...
:flutterrage: Discord stop with the balloon deflating sounds mister
:facehoof: Who's idea of writing 'GOODYEAR BLIMP' on Dashes sides?
:moustache: It was either that or 'WIDE LOAD' on Celestias butt
:trollestia: I wonder what the bet was

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