• Member Since 27th Dec, 2023
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Hi! My name is ThistleRose, and I like horses! Follow me on tumblr @zoeyhorse i post lots of horse art!


Starlight accidentally turns RainbowDash into a car. PinkiePie accidentally wager's Twilight's castle on a wacky race against the Flim Flam brothers.

One day i woke up and wondered to myself. What if Starlight Glimmer accidentally turned RainbowDash into a car. And so i wrote down what i thought would happen and now you are reading it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

Fluttershy what are you doing to that car exhaust-- Oh my Goodness Gracious

Genuinely a phenomenal read, and i laughed a lot throughout the story, and the whole concept of turning a pony into a car is..admittedly odd but it was done in a funny and believable way, 7/10!

LMAOOOOO THIS WAS GREAT- do you tjink she can only make 2019 Zhido‘s or can she do other cars. i think a pinkie monster truck would be awesome

I think Twilight had a great day today? Don't you think?
Also a hilarious read. It got me wheezing from laughter 10/10

A bit of a sugar rush, but overall an enjoyable little romp. Thank you for it. And hey, at least Fluttershy wasn't replaced by a Sherman tank.

“I… I think we hit somepony!”


Starlight squinted, then sighed in relief.

“Oh thank hoofness, it was just Mudbriar.”

Twilight sighed in relief.

“Well that’s alright then!”


SWEET CELESTIA what a ride that was! It's not often fics get me to actually laugh out loud, but this one sure had me cackling the whole way through. Just killer gag after killer gag.

Other than Twilight it's probably going to catch to Bobby after this who let discord write an episode

The pacing of how you build the absurd humor (I say 'absurd,' but which also makes perfect logical sense) is great.

I think making Maud angry is not a good idea (for the ponies who did it) though.

The little fin on top of Rainbow Car lets her impersonate a shark if she can submerge herself up to there and find a way to somehow keep running.

Maud is happy Mudbriar is dead

Inaccuracy!1!1!! That’s actually a Bestune Pony, which is an electric car so it doesn’t have gas or a traditional gear shift

Jokes aside, this is why I come on fimfic. For things like this. Top tier storytelling and comedy. Timing is eerie though, why did this come right after I read the Twilight Fire Truck fic.

(Also this is Rainbow we’re talking about. Most likely to take an econobox EV and turn it into a monster of a sleeper.)
(Also RD is the only one of the mane 6 who has a car livery to herself. All the other liveries are various combinations of the mane 6.)

“Oh… Twilight, did I forget to say? If she takes lethal damage she reverts back to her original form at one hit point.” Starlight piped up awkwardly, rubbing her face which was slightly swollen from all the punches.

Wait, is this just true polymorph?


Maud is happy Mudbriar is dead


Well, that was awesome, but I could’ve lived with without the mental sound of unicorn horn scratching against metal,:trixieshiftleft:

Nah, with True Polymorph Dash would return to her hit points prior to transforming (minus any carry-over from the hit that did it.)
...of course, that's for polymorphing a creature into a creature, but a number of details such as Dash retaining the memory of her time spent as a car and the fact she was able to take damage in the first place implies that a car is in fact a kind of creature, as opposed to an object.
Which raises other questions. :rainbowhuh:

Lol nice fic)))

this made my dirty mind go places, *cough* dragons and cars *cough* *cough* lewd things *cough* *cough* fluterrs as a dragon *cough*

Rainbow Dash couldn't stop beaming, but she looked like a wreck.

A figurative wreck, this time. :ajsmug:

If get invited to a party, and I have her as a car,
I Want To arrive Inside Rainbow Dash.

This was a very funny read! All hail the Rainbow Dash car

I only wonder what would happen if one were to put cider into her gas tank...

What a cool story, so amusing!

Ponies driving cars is really pushing the pedal to the metal!

And we got those RD and TS car over here on display

Both of them are there on an international automobile exhibition~

Oh my god it's the Wuling Macaron

First off, that was pretty funny, though I kind of wish that Rainbow had kind of been like Herbie, being able to drive on her own.

Second of all, you might want to consider adding a 'Profanity' tag.

Are you Chinese? If not, how do you know that carXmlp thing?:rainbowlaugh:I never thought foreign guys would know that

btw I got more pictures here, It's a Chinese brand called Bestune. That car costs unbelievably ~¥20000 (~$2750), I'd rather call it a Scooter Max Ultra Pro than Car Mini :rainbowlaugh:

nvm I found your cover pic on Equestria Daily. When this sort of things happen we call it '出口转内销' (exported and then re-imported) lol. Can I translate this story to Chinese to make it 're-export' again?

Oh. My. Gosh. That was so very awesome. I love stories where ponies are transformed into, or replaced by, inanimate objects.

Comment posted by StarlightSparkle deleted Nov 22nd, 2024

Honestly. That's a huge improvement for Rainbow Dash

I couldn’t help giggling throughout the entire story like a maniac! This is so funny for no reason in particular.


I took it down in one go and it was, at least, a full month's worth of LAUGHING OUT FUCKING LOUD! :rainbowlaugh:

“... what the fuck do you mean she hotwired Rainbow Dash.”

I've never laughed so hard reading an mlp fic, dear god it hurts :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I was laughing very loudly around 11:57pm currently when reading this story. My niece brute forced herself to my bedroom screaming "IT'S A FUCKING SCHOOL NIGHT TITO!" and throwing me a pillow. Only for me to point out it's Saturday tomorrow.

Man. This story just wrote a joke I didn't expect. Kudos to the author for this story!

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