When one asks how you are,
Do you answer them in whole,
Or answer them in halves?
What can one lie do,
If it means helping everyone,
But at the cost of a few?
Canterlot was not the same. The pleasureful strolls ponies took had long since stopped, replaced with the urgent trots of all. The skies were empty of all creatures after the skies around the city were outlawed for free flying. Only the occasional spitfires flew about, their engines buzzing the buildings below before they vanished off in the distance to who knows where.
The further towards the Canterlot Castle one got, the more checkpoints appeared. Royal Guards stationed at each checkpoint ensured that whoever passed through wasn’t a Changeling. Sadly, since the start of the war, to ensure Canterlot Castle was safe from any type of infiltration, all Changelings were banned from the city. Even though Equestria had some Changelings living within the country before the war, their presence had slowly been disapproved of by the population, especially those living closer to the front lines.
For those that lived in Canterlot though, they were forced to relocate. There were no protests against such decisions as their numbers were too small to make it worth the hassle. For everycreature else, they didn’t know this happened. Most of the vacant houses were given thestral priority for those that wanted to move in, a decision made by Celestia to secretly help with Luna’s reforms. Don’t worry though, the few Changlings were given a nice sum of money for the hassle if they bothered to go through the bureaucratic process.
Paired with the checkpoints below, there were also the many rooftops and courtyards throughout the city that had secret AA positions about. Unless one looked hard enough, it was otherwise impossible to tell the whole city had an armada of guns pointed at the sky.
Because of the defenses that Canterlot was under, not even Luna or Celestia were allowed to go about on leisurely flights, either for fun or for travel. They as well were required to stick to the ground while in the city, at least when outside.
As the process of reaching Canterlot Castle finally wrapped up, Luna was ushered inside by her personal guards and the royal guards.
Despite being at the heart of Equestria, security was insistent with procedures for the Princesses until they were inside the castle. Once inside, the guards lessened up, whether for the Princesses or for whoever might be visiting. Anycreature that made it this far was cleared of being a changeling.
Luna wasn’t there for anycreature else though but Celestia. Canterlot Castle had become a central point for the ongoings of the country since the start of the war. Communication lines had been set up on the nearby mountain for ease of access to run the country from a central point. If something needed to be sent out or received, the communications station on the mountain received it and then sent it by wire down to the castle. Interestingly, buffalo had been assigned to communications when possible throughout the country and the front lines due to their native language being entirely unknown to the Changelings and other creatures. The buffalo were seclusive to their region, so their language didn’t spread easily.
All that fancy stuff wasn’t important for Luna though. Right now, her only objective was meeting with Celestia and seeing what she wanted. Or needed? Luna had no clue what this was about.
After being directed to where she was to meet Celestia, she was shown inside the room where she should wait. It was in one of the towers, but Celestia wasn’t there yet, she was probably being bogged up with some kind of issue or complaint. Whatever it was, Luna had some time alone.
Of course, in the room, there was some cake and tea prepared. Despite the commodities of sugar being rationed. Some sugar here and there for Celestia was fine.
“Luna!” Celestia barged into the room without further notice, putting a large smile on her face as she saw Luna.
The sudden appearance of Celestia was a surprise at this point, Luna had thought Celestia would show up a bit later, but yet here she was.
Celestia was quick to move in for a sisterly embrace with Luna before some greetings took place.
“It’s been a few long months since we last saw each other. I hope you did not wait long.” Celestia said.
“I actually just got here, believe it or not. I hadn’t even had time to get some cake.” Luna said as she motioned to the untouched cake. “I was just about to sit myself down and relax while I waited for you.”
“Well, let us get to that then! You had a long journey here I bet! Take some time to relax a little. I’m sure it will do you some wonders.” Celestia said.
Before the two continued with any meaningful conversation, they got situated at the table and took it upon themselves to divvy out slices of cake and cups of tea for themselves. Of course, Luna only took a small amount of cake, leaving most untouched while Celestia took it upon herself to enjoy the rest.
After warming herself with the hot tea, Luna levitated her cup down on the table and asked the important question. “So, Tia, I need to know, but what exactly is the purpose of calling me out here all of a sudden. I know it’s a bit brash to be, but we’re both really busy now, so I just want to know.”
Celestia finished a chunk of cake she had stuffed into her mouth before losing her cheerful demeanor she had from the moment she entered the room. “An escape, Luna.” Celestia brought up a cup of tea and sipped on it. “Nopony will question why I’m wanting to have a meeting with you, so it’ll free up my schedule once it’s announced that’s what I’m doing. And I’m sure you needed it as well.”
Celestia looked exhausted now, as she did her best to relax. “The politics of everything is only growing worse Luna. Griffus is collapsing and we’ve lost the support of our colony. Any help they were providing is about to end. Stalliongrad still hasn’t decided to help and the situation in Aris’ is a lost cause. We’re down two countries. The yaks aren’t being helpful either. They border the Hegemony to the north yet still refuse to join us. As it stands now, it’s just us, Cadance, the buffalos, and Puerto Caballo.
And then within Equestria, I’m having to deal with all the evacuations that you are doing. Finding somewhere to house those ponies is straining resources. Families taking family first, and even then, they’re running out of room for that. Anypony that’s willing to take in a refugee is also running out. Oh Tartarus, don’t even get me started on the job situation it’s causing. We can’t expand factories fast enough to get them jobs. No farm needs a hoof right now because of the season. The only saving grace is a lot of them are enlisting because their homes aren’t anywhere but west. They want it back.
Overall, it’s functioning. Things are working out and eventually, all ponies will be supporting the war effort. I just need to put more effort into my speeches and everything else.”
Luna was mid sip of some tea when Celestia finished her ramble.
“So that’s the short rant version of my situation. I needed a short break.” Celestia finished her comment with a tired smile. “How have things been on your end?”
“The same, more or less. I didn’t know about New Mareland though. That might require some work once the enlisted from there learn about it. When did it happen?” Luna asked.
“Last night. We wrapped up a meeting with their embassy this morning and are preparing an announcement after noon for the press.” Celestia had already stuffed herself with cake by the time Luna asked her question, so she had to talk through it.
“Well, everything else is splendid. To say. I think the more land the Changelings take, the more the generals panic. They’re realizing that we were never a country for war and are trying to plan around the fact we always were. I think by the time we’re at our fallback line, they’ll have passed that stage and know what to do. I know the Crystal Empire is dealing with the war a bit better because of Sombra.” Luna paused for a moment. “You know, it might be worth having some of the command shadow some Empire generals to get more comfortable. I might bring that up at Whinnyapolis actually.
But I can’t blame them. Acornage and Vanhoover were lost real fast and we’re about to lose Tall Tale. Three major cities on top of the vast amount of land and smaller towns, it can be very scary for them. One of the Admiral’s is very fond of Vanhoover. It was the city they’re from, but we weren’t able to do much for it. They caused a mess back in Las Pegasus. That meeting alone was something in itself.” Luna said.
“It required a lot of convincing to expand the military Luna, we can’t be having it collapse on itself if fights are happening during your meetings.” Celestia said concerned.
“The meetings always end with a net positive. Don’t worry. I make sure they stay on track when it gets that bad. It’s easy when everypony is working for the same goal.” Luna said.
“As long as it’s all working out. All I get are detailed reports, but even those don’t cover things like that. Speaking of reports, Twilight might be joining us today if she’s able to make it. There was also something I wanted to discuss with her. Speaking of her though, how have those three been? I haven’t heard from them since the war. All I know is Rainbow Dash has started flying airplanes?” said Celestia.
Luna looked confused at the question for a moment while she thought about it. “Ah, well Applejack and Pinky both report to Blueblood, so I’m sure at some point, their names don’t become important when you’re getting updates from him. Rainbow Dash is indeed flying airplanes. I guess you don’t know about her though.” Luna looked concerned and saddened by what she was about to say. “She lost a wing while leading a Wonderbolt division and had to retire from it. She now flies for the Air Corps. That’s why she’s in a plane. It’s been kept classified from the public though. They don’t need to know that. The Elements are important to the morale of the troops and citizens. They don’t need to know they’re getting hurt.”
Celestia looked a bit shocked at the news. Even Celestia didn’t know. But then again, why would she. Those three were busy on the front lines, which had been delegated to Luna and Blueblood. As long as they were doing something, it allowed Celestia to do something else.
“And Pinky and Applejack? Are they ok as well?” Celestia finally asked.
“Well, to be honest, I haven’t seen Applejack at any meeting since after Vanhoover. I think she has taken up the same stance as Blueblood and is staying at the front lines the entire time with her troops, but last to my knowledge, she was faring better than Pinky.”
The concern on Celestia’s face grew even more with that final comment.
“Pinky, is, well, not good to say? She’s different Tia. I don’t know if she’s the same pony she was before the war. Of all commanders I’ve seen, the toll on her body from the stress and everything has been the worse. Parties have been replaced with meetings and even her efforts at morale have started to dwindle. She made a good switch to focusing on morale at the beginning of the war, but she’s not meant for that. She’s a good general though, respected and dedicated, but if you saw her, you might not recognize her.” Luna finished off her statements by sighing. Her cup of tea looked appealing, so she took a sip of it while she waited to hear from her sister.
Nothing came from Celestia for a moment, just silence. Celestia wasn’t even bothering herself with cake or tea while she processed the information. The two sisters sat in silence as they thought about the effects of the war for a moment.
“Should I have her replaced?” Celestia finally asked.
Luna wasn’t sure of how to answer. Luna let her mind race around for one while Celestia waited for it.
“As you said, she’s under Blueblood’s command, but he’s still my nephew and Pinky is an Element of Harmony. If Applejack and Rainbow Dash are faring better, but Pinky isn’t, it might be better having her stepp down. If she wants to continue helping, she could help with food research and production. I know they’re trying to figure out some new type of ration for the troops. Or help with–”
Luna finally shook her head. “No Tia.” Luna figured out how to word her thoughts. “The war is going to affect everpony. Pinky shows no sign of wanting to step down. She’s doing her job as a commander just fine. We can’t just pull somepony away from the war because it’s stressing them out. Ponies are dying on the front lines Tia. You need to remember this. We have a little over 500,000 ponies and other creatures currently fighting. Between the air corps and navy, we’re a little over 100,000. The Crystal Empire is at over 220,000. 30,000 between the buffalos and Puerto Caballo. Of the Alliance, we’ve lost between 150,000 and 220,000 already. The war will take its toll on everpony some way or another, and it seems for Pinky, it has been greater than others.”
“But is that 220,000 because we have generals that can’t handle the war like Pinky?” Celestia asked.
“No!” All of a sudden, Luna got fired up with Celestia’s comment and stood up, rattling the table, causing the tea and cake to shake. “It’s because ponies were never meant to kill another creature! How can we expect them to do that in the span of a few months when for all of history we’ve been nothing but peaceful!”
Celestia looked like she had something to say regarding the ‘peaceful’ comment but decided to keep it to herself.
“You can’t just expect everypony to just, be ready for war Tia. They’re dying out there. They’re watching their friends get blown up and shot. Ponies are drowning in boats as they sink into the ocean. Families are losing their parents and children. I met a mare from Acornage who’s husband died in the city from aerial bombings, only to lose their two children who enlisted and died in the same city while defending it. They’re never going to be the same. They were just a botanist. They liked plants. They said they were going to join the navy once they got home to their parents in Manehattan.” After finishing her own ramble, Luna sat back down and fixed her cup and plate, so they were orderly on the table again.
“That mare, along with Pinky, are going to bear the scars of war for a long time, and there isn’t anything we can do to stop it until this war ends.” Luna finally finished off.
“But even their friend Rarity is helping out with the war in a way they enjoy it. They’re leading the design team for uniform production. Pinky could–” Celestia was cut off by Luna simply shaking her head.
“Pinky wants to be where she is Tia. We can’t rip her away from what she believes.” Luna said.
“What if we need her and the other two to fight against Discord again?” Celestia asked.
“He’s not anymore safer than we are in this world now. I would know when you were worried sick for me after Manehattan.” Luna said bluntly.
Celestia didn’t try countering with anything else after that. She knew that even for alicorns, they weren’t as powerful as they once were.
After a bit of awkward silence, Celestia tried to break through it. “Did you read the new Daring Do book that came out?”
“I got a copy, but I’ve been too busy to actually read it. Maybe once we’re in a stalemate with the Changelings, I’ll be able to. All of my nights have been busy with helping the soldiers having nightmares. It's been non-stop the entire night these past few months. I think once an opening shows up, their morale will boost, and I should get some time.” Luna said.
“I haven’t read it either.” Celestia responded back.
As the two sisters slowly broke through the awkwardness of the prior conversation, they moved onto more heartfelt stuff, minor things that really didn’t matter. Catching up on what the other was doing, which wasn’t related to the actual war. For Luna, it was a lot less than Celestia, but still, enjoying the weird concoction of food some soldiers made was still an interesting story for Celestia while her weird stories about the politics of the world were interesting for Luna.
The two were able to have a good time together for a few hours while they discussed many things until a knock happened at the door, which was unexpected for the princesses as they had wholly forgotten about the ongoings outside of the room by that point.
Celestia collected herself before calling in whoever was knocking. Luna sat quietly as she also waited to see who it was.
It was just one of Celestia’s royal guards coming in, but with a quick salute, they announced, “Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight Sparkles is here.”
Celestia brought on a smile as she accepted the announcement and had the guard bring Twilight in.
“My young student! It is nice to see you!” Celestia said upon seeing Twilight enter. Celestia was already making her way over to greet Twilight before she could respond.
Accepting the sudden hug from Celestia, Twilight seemed to be more focused on Luna’s presence. “Luna? What are you doing here?”
The greetings between Twilight and Celestia finished, and it became Luna’s turn to greet Twilight. It had been a while since the two saw each other as well.
“Just visiting. Tia invited me over and was insistent about it. We’ve just been catching up. How are you Twilight?” Luna asked.
“Well, actually, you’re just the pony for me to encounter. I won’t bore you with the details right now, but we just invented this new type of gun that uses crystals to power itself, shooting spell-based projectiles. You know the crystals fillies grow during science class? Well, we learned of a process that can refine them into a purer form, holding more magic within them. We made a few prototypes and already have the first design ready to go for mass production. I just have to get with the Macintosh Factory and see if they can make room for this new weapon design. We’ll also need a lot of crystals grown, but we’ve also already figured out a good design for labs that can grow them for the ammunition. We’ll just need unicorns to work at them so they can help infuse the crystals with magic faster.” Twilight said.
Celestia and Luna listened on, not entirely sure what part of that wasn’t ‘boring you with details.’
“Well, I’ll have to read the report on it first before you take it into mass production Twilight. You know that. The factories are already backed up with orders.” Luna said.
“Well, I just thought I would tell you that is all. I didn’t expect to see you here. You’re normally busy with the war.” Twilight finally turned her attention to Celestia and took out a folder from a satchel she carried. “And Celestia, before we get into what it is you want to discuss, Fluttershy agreed to–”
And without warning, Celestia was quick to interrupt Twilight. “AND LUNA!” Celestia suddenly started acting cheerful about Luna’s presence. “It was nice talking, but now I think it’s time for me to have a chat with Twilight here about some things. Nothing that you need to worry about. Didn’t you say you were heading for Whinnyapolis after this? Urgently for a special meeting or something? Don’t worry about the details, go to the airfield and you’ll be able to fly out. Faster than the train. I’ll convince the royal guards to let it happen, so why don’t you head off now. I’m sure the Crystal Ponies have much to discuss!”
And before much else could be done, Celestia was pushing Luna out of the room with a shocked and bewildered Twilight watching on.
At the door, Celestia spoke to the guards. “Be sure Luna gets a ride out north by plane, please? No arguing with it, ok?” With smiles and cheers, Celestia said her goodbye to Luna before retreating back into the room.
It wasn’t just Luna, but also the guards that were entirely confused by the quick and sudden interaction.
“What's up with her?” Was the only response Luna was able to say to it.
When has that ever been a thing?
always i guess, idk.
I googled it before i made the description, so i'm certain it's a thing if you look past the first 3 links and the ai generated response
awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter