Above all else,
What kind of power should you have,
If you lost respect once,
But regained it later?
December 31st, 1013
Luna didn’t have any reason to visit Canterlot with her position, but she was now just arriving for the second time since the start of the war.
Celestia once again invited Luna out of the blue as she had done a few years ago, but this time it had actual purpose to it. Luna wasn’t sure what it was as her sister had been quiet about the topic, so Luna had theorized it was to help boost morale for the country for the new year. Having the two alicorn sisters stand side-by-side was a site to behold these days since the two never saw each other. There have been tons of photos of the two on their own since the beginning of the war, but they were always during speeches or meetings where reporters were allowed.
Thankfully nothing was scheduled for Luna on New Year's Eve, so she was able to make her way to Canterlot. She was coming in by plane this time. Since her last visit, security and technology had updated enough that it was safe for the alicorns to travel around that way. They weren’t in any danger east of the Twilight mountains as the frontlines were still between the two rivers, though not static. Across the few counter attacks Equestria was now able to pull off, the Changelings just advanced in other areas.
Advanced. It was still a slugfest of trenches and craters.
In the months since Chicoltgo was retaken, it had been attacked again and taken back, which unfortunately meant for those there, the 22nd Everfree, they had to fight over it again. Again, and again, and again. Because of that, the city had slowly crumbled to the ground, leaving nearly nothing left of its former self.
Bipen wasn’t present with Luna for the visit though. She had gone to the Bitterberry Royal Guard training facility for an urgent meeting of her own. She would be meeting back up with Luna in the following days.
Luna didn’t mind though, it meant the guards Bipen picked out for her replacement would be quiet. Bipen knew Luna a lot more than other guards, so she knew how to push Luna’s buttons without getting in trouble while new guards stood there silently, waiting to be called on by Luna, as any royal guard should. It was a nice change from the norm, especially since the visit to Canterlot was out of the norm as well.
Landing at the airport was nice and smooth, and not because Luna was a ruler of the country. Since her last visit, the planes that she was able to ride in had become newer models that were made, with newer technology, and better pilots.
The pilots that flew Luna around had become real accustomed to the precision they put themselves under for getting smooth landings. It wasn’t a requirement of Luna’s, they just wanted to give her the best experience possible. Luna was never aware of this, but one of the pilots ended up winning a local flying competition in one of the cities they had been stuck in for a few days when a meeting Luna had come in for lasted longer than expected.
The short drive from the airport to Canterlot Castle wasn’t long. It barely gave Luna any time to enter the dream realm and deal with some nightmares. Even though it was morning, there were still plenty of soldiers around the front lines who were sound asleep.
Once at the castle, Luna had to leave the dream realm and go through castle security. Security was still an ever-pain, but something Luna never complained about directly.
The purple inside of the castle was a nice touch from the boring colors she was constantly surrounded by. It was a lot better since the start of the war though, as meetings had finally picked up on having nice accessories, like plants and colors. A lot of the locations that were used for meetings were quickly chosen locations within military buildings or government buildings throughout the country, depending on who was at the meeting, and what kind of meeting it even was.
Any amount of ‘normal’ life one could get was worth its weight in crystals, so that’s why there had been some push to invest in such arrangements for meeting locations.
Another nice thing about Canterlot Castle, or the inside at least, was once you were past the security, it felt calm. Sure, some of the rooms at various times during a day or week became heated and full of stress, but just walking around the halls of the castle was calming. Luna had arrived a bit early, but she didn’t want to bother her sister yet as she was likely as busy as possible until their scheduled time. Just because they were sisters and both the rulers of the country, didn’t mean Luna wanted to interfere with her. Maybe this would be a good time to enjoy some of that tasty Canterlot Cake that was always served. With reduced sugar of course! Canterlot wasn’t free from rationing.
The royal guard that roamed the castle was also nice. Compared to elsewhere through the country, the royal guard still held some traditions. Since they were still guards of the castle they carried pistols now, but the big pikes they carried were what every creature looked at. It was an old tradition that started long before her banishment, but I guess back then it wasn’t tradition, but anything that lasts over a 1,000 years basically becomes tradition.
It was also a nice surprise to Luna when she saw one of the royal guards was a thestral. Last time she was here, none of the guards were thestrals, so that meant they were slowly trickling into the branches and systems after her reforms.
Luna’s thoughts about that were put to a halt when one of the royal guards popped by for her.
“Princess Luna, Princess Celestia is now ready for you.”
That gave Luna a small fright when the guard came out of nowhere. She had gotten lost in the enjoyment of the relaxing castle, though it was only now she realized she should’ve been in the dream realm while waiting. I guess even alicorns need a break from work sometimes.
It didn’t take long for Luna to get to Celestia, as she was in the throne room of the castle. When the guard and Luna arrived at the entrance, the guard bowed their head before leaving to tend to another task Celestia had asked of them.
There were two guards at the entrance of the throne room, neither unmoving as they stood still. Luna went past them into the throne room and let the door close behind her.
There, at the throne, was Princess Celestia, and with her was her nephew, Field Marshal Blueblood, or Prince Blueblood as everypony away from the front lines called him.
Luna had only seen Blueblood a few times since the start of the war, which was always a surprise when anypony learned that. Not only was it because Blueblood’s approach to commanding was entirely different than Luna’s, but the two dealt with different problems. Luna dealt with a lot of back line meetings and issues, while Blueblood almost entirely worked directly on the front lines, no matter how much Celestia insisted he didn’t have to, or shouldn’t.
Now, this situation was unique, seeing the two here in throne room of Canterlot, but what was more unique, which caught Luna’s eyes, was the amber colored mare also with them.
Isn’t that-?
“Princess Luna! Sister,” Celestia said with a loud, but warmly welcoming voice from the throne. Celestia then bowed towards Luna, and Luna did the same in return, “I’m glad you were able to make it today. We have a few things to go over, so please do make your way over!”
Without wasting time, Luna moved over to the throne so there wasn’t a shouting match between them to hear each other. While Luna moved over, she spoke up to return the greeting, “Princess Celestia! It is nice to visit the castle again. I was just taking my time to enjoy it before I was summoned.”
Now that Luna stood near the throne with her sister and the other two, they were able to speak like normal now.
“Does that mean the dream realm was calm while you waited?” Celestia asked.
Luna shook her head slowly, “I got absorbed by the beauty and calmness of the castle that I ended up forgetting. I was able to on the ride over though,” Luna gave a soft smile with her answer.
Right before Celestia spoke up, Luna spoke up again, “So-” Luna looked at Blueblood for a moment before she shifted her gaze to the amber mare. Luna couldn’t complete her sentence as Celestia broke in front of her.
“So, straight into?” Celestia laughed quietly after reading her sister. Celestia quickly lost the laugh and breathed deeply, “To get right into it,” Celestia motioned at the amber mare momentarily, “You might not know her entirely well, but this is Sunset Shimmer, my previous student before Twilight. She will be joining the ranks of you and Prince Blueblood as a field marshal.”
And as Luna looked over at Sunset, it became apparent that she did indeed wear an officer's uniform that bore the rank of field marshal on it. It was hard to see when Luna first entered, but it’s also not like Luna recognizes it by memory given only she herself and Blueblood bore the rank. Or did.
Sunset Shimmer stood proud in her uniform, which looked new as all could. Even Blueblood’s uniform looked brand new since his was also never worn given that he preferred the front lines. Only Luna’s uniform had the expected wear from being constantly used.
The only problem with their uniforms is that Blueblood bore many more medals and patches compared to Luna’s, who’s own uniform at least bore something compared to the bare nakedness of Sunset’s.
Upon hearing this announcement, Luna also stood upright to give Sunset a proper greeting as a fellow field marshal.
Beyond the simple greetings the three commanders had with one another, they didn’t say much else until they finished, and Luna looked back at Celestia.
“Sister, I have to ask now, but why wasn’t I informed about this?” While there was a small pause to let Celestia answer, Luna was quick to add something else, “Not that I am against it!”
Celestia slowly shook her head as she kept a giggle away, “It was originally her idea, but after she brought it to me, I decided to bring it up with you and Blueblood. At the time, I learned you were unavailable because you were helping with Chicoltgo, but Blueblood wasn’t. Thankfully around that time, the Changelings weren’t hurting too bad, so he was able to discuss it with me. We concluded that it would be best to have her join, so for the past few months she’s been getting the proper training. Today is Sunset’s first official day as field marshal. We will be announcing it tonight for New Years, which brings up the other reason.”
The entire time Celestia spoke, Sunset continued standing proud, with the biggest and most obvious suppressed smile on her face as she tried to hold to her training.
Blueblood didn’t hold an expression though, at least not one Luna was able to notice. The time he spent on the front lines likely made him dull to showing emotions or at least becoming a master at suppressing them. Luna wasn’t sure how good that was, but instantly, she was hopeful that Sunset could help alleviate some of the burden he likely faced. Then again, he actively chose to spend his time on the front lines, so not much might change anyways.
“We’re both going to do the New Years celebration together. We have missed the past two because of the war, but the morale of you being around will be overwhelming. Plus, we haven’t seen each other in some time. Even though we’re always busy, I still always enjoy the little time we’ve been able to spend together,” Celestia finished off her explanation with a soft smile.
It was a good thing Luna’s schedule was free this time around. Various problems came up around New Years Eve and New Years Day that prevented Luna from visiting Canterlot the previous two years. It was always a fun get-together party before the new problems of the new year crept up on them, but parties weren’t a priority for Luna anymore. Celestia on the other hoof, still did the same stuff, just on a tighter schedule now.
“Then we got lucky this time around. Even the Changelings seem to be against the war in some aspects. Did you hear about the Honeycomb ceasefire on Hearth's Warming Day?” Luna asked.
Celestia shook her head, but before she said anything, Blueblood spoke up, “There was a ceasefire between the trench lines. Ponies and Changelings both met in no creature land and celebrated the holiday with each other. While it was good for spirits, we limited the spread of the news, so the rest of our forces didn’t try and emulate it themselves. It is likely word of it hasn’t reached you yet.”
“It has not. A lot of the small ongoings of the war are things left to you three. Which reminds me,” Celestia looked at Luna, “Before the new year celebration tonight, I would like you to go discuss with Blueblood and Sunset here about what role you want her to pick up. I know it will take some time to formalize it, but having a start is better than nothing.”
“Oh, I actually have something I want to discuss with you myself. It’s just about some small problems that have happened that I think you should know about. It’s not that important but being here makes it convenient to just talk about,” Luna said.
Celestia shook her head again, “I’m afraid we won’t have any time during your visit for that. You’re going to talk with these two because I also have some governors coming in that I have to speak with, which will take up all the time I have until tonight. But even tonight, our time will be closely watched. For the entire party we’re going to be having our pictures taken. I’ll tell you details about that once the celebration starts, but we need to have a stockpile of photos of us together that we can use over the next year at least. Photos with both of us present is something that has been pressed on me to get done.”
“So, what about after the celebration then?” Luna asked.
“Even after the celebration I am pressed for time. I will have to leave by plane to Novochernushsk to meet with the city governor and Stalliongrad representatives. This is a big thing, but Sinister has agreed to begin talks about helping us fight the Changelings. They’re an unexpected ally, but after the Big Sister incident, all support from the other contents ceased to exist.”
When Celestia said all of that, both Blueblood and Luna looked surprised.
“Sinister? Sinister Serov?” Luna asked, “I thought they were putting out propaganda against us. They’re also allies with Nova Griffonia. If they have a change of heart and come help us, that would put us at the advantage against the Changelings!” Luna now had a bit of excitement as she spoke.
“It’s not confirmed yet, but that’s why I’m going to Novochernushsk. I will be doing everything possible to get them to side with us, or feel sympathetic to the war. Just make sure you keep quiet about this news,” Celestia then dipped her head, “Now Luna, Blueblood, and Sunset, if you don’t mind, I do have to stick to my schedule, even though it would be nice to enjoy some cake and tea together. We can save that for the celebration tonight. And Luna, after the new year, we can schedule to meet again for what you want to discuss, ok?”
Luna dipped her head in return to Celestia, “That’s ok with me sister. I look forward to tonight,” Luna then looked at the other two and smiled, “So shall we head off then? It will be nice to catch up with you Sunset.”
After that, the three went off elsewhere in the castle to figure out Sunset’s role and discuss the various many other topics that were needed now that a third field marshal had been selected for the Equestrian military.
Sinister serov will rather fighting equestria while they are getting pounded by the changellings but, if you are over 20% and serov didn't do the last focus, you can still have him fighting in your faction
Very helpfull
What do you mean?
Whenever I make stalliongrad go sinister route, they always end up helping equestria in the great war. Is that what you're talking about?
Do you mean Equestria has to have less than 20% capitulation for Stalliongrad to go to war with them?
Sinister serov focus tree is to go to war against equestria, either as soon the great war start or just before.
But, if he get stuck in nova griffonia he can't progress the focus and you can snatch him into your faction if you are over 20% capitulation and ask for his help
He tend to accept since you are giving him your lands
I see. Well this story version of stallion grad isnt really following any of the ingame paths, or any of this story. It’s just loosely following it as a guide.
I thought saw
It's mostly to avoid serov attacking you in the back if you are having a bad time with the changellings