• Member Since 22nd May, 2024
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Leaving her past in Equestria behind, Sunset Shimmer rejects the pursuit of friendship and magic for the cutthroat world of politics. Rising to the role of Secretary of Defense, she becomes one of the youngest and most powerful figures in the nation, her true ambition hidden from the public. When she unveils Equestria as a secret, magical realm hoarding unimaginable power and resources, she stirs humanity into a frenzy, declaring that Earth will no longer be ignored. Under her leadership, a militarized force prepares to harness the portal between worlds—an act that will forever alter both dimensions.

With a team of ruthless allies by her side, Sunset orchestrates a campaign to turn public sentiment against Equestria, rallying humanity under the banner of strength and independence. But as she stokes fear and fuels prejudice, old memories of her former mentor, Princess Celestia, begin to resurface. Driven by resentment, revenge, and her own vision of justice, Sunset must balance the desire to protect her new world with a vendetta that could lead to catastrophic war.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 50 )

Now this my friend is what you call an interesting concept!

You have earned my ‘read later’ :)

Dang it Sunset, what have you got yourself into. :facehoof:

And I'm surprised that this was Rated E, considering that there might be potential deaths onto the clearly innocent Equestrians looming soon. :twilightoops:

An excellent beginning. You have me invested!

Just shut up (keep writing) and take my Like, Follow, and Fave!

Sunsets a silly little warmonger

May change the rating as chapters are written, I honestly have no idea where it’s going to go either and I’m the one writing it :twilightsheepish:

I can't wait to see how Equestria reacts to first contact! Is it gonna be the reverse of the imperial attack on Ginza in the anime 'Gate'? Will the military just steamroll into Equestria and only stop when they've established a foothold?

Please update soon, I can't wait to read what happens next!

Very interesting, very interesting indeed.

I really wanna point out that tye Defense Secretary doesn't directly control the military, but I wanna see you cook.

Celestia, destroy the portal. You don't need it.


I have very mixed feelings reading that, because I don't really like Humanity to be the "evil aggressors" in this scenario. Just because Sunset is a lying, warmongering b***h!

Heck, I highly doubt that even Celestia and Twilight will even try to "reform or forgive" Sunset ( Or Human Starlight. ) after this, if there is gonna be bloody casualties from this false and unnecessary war.

Friendship AIN'T gonna rewind or fix that, because this ain't no Dragon Ball!!!!

Man this Sunset is scary. I wonder how she's training her soldiers to be ready to turn into ponies on the other side unless they are working on a way for them to keep their natural forms.

Do the Dazzlings and/or the Shadowbolts appear in this story?

Maybe! Im writing the story chapter by chapter but any suggestions are welcome

As we know from one of the EqG 'episodes', even 'natural' portals to Equestria change your form to 'fit in'.

If this Sunset is unaware of that, then the IDF will be in for a shock.

I'm really curious about how the other countries, and even the UN, will react to this. (that's also an idea btw)

The ponies deserve to be invaded there's a case for it but not a very good one. They are soon to be extremely xenophobic. Back coordinator and there are very clear examples of the two sisters being irresponsible including a coup from One of them. On top of the genocidal results of one of them would have won. So I can see this working more like a Iraq situation.

After taking a minute to think about sunsets possible justifications she has two options to go with. First of all would be taking the stands of a Equestria has been dropping off dangerous individuals on to this planet for centuries. Against a people who cannot defend against magic that would be the first justification. The second justification would be the axle effects of the artifacts and the Equestria magic on the populace at Large. Both with acquire proof but we have creatures like the dazzlings and items like memory erasing Stone that were technically on this version of Earth for a very long time.

Ominous! I like it. Really looking forward to the next installment!

Very nice chapter, i really enjoyed the journal notes.

It would be really fun if Discorp wiped out the army and instead of an invasion, Earth had to conduct negotiations with the ponies.

or simply equestria becomes vietnam 2.0

Dear Celestia,

You're right. The portal opens soon.

I'm coming home

Since this is technically a military story, I’m approaching it like a military analyst. First off, this was either complete arrogance or outright stupidity. You had the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack, but you let your emotions get the better of you and essentially yelled, “Catch me in these streets.” Assuming Celestia didn’t already have contingencies in place—like she did for Luna—you’ve now given her a full 24 hours to prepare for any scenario. And that’s if she hasn’t already been planning for this moment since the day you left.

If you’re targeting the Crystal Empire or Camelot, you’re practically handing Celestia the home-field advantage. She now has complete control over the mirror portal and can move it wherever she wants, allowing her to dictate the battlefield. Not only does she wield the power of the Sun itself, but she can now strategically position herself to prepare for either peace or war.

Let’s say Sunset attempts to bring violence—she might see some success initially. However, the moment a single pony falls, any one of the three alicorns could decide to stop holding back. At that point, the odds shift dramatically out of her favor.

And before anyone brings up what happened last time the princesses got caught off-guard, let me remind you: that was during a sneak attack. The element of surprise is gone now. At this point, they can plan for anything. Think back to how Celestia dealt with Nightmare Moon—she developed the Elements of Harmony, trained a student specifically to wield them, and either exiled herself to the Sun or stayed out of the way until her student could finish the job. Once the threat was neutralized, she stepped in, redeemed her sister, and took her victory lap.

Bottom line: announcing your sneak attack before executing it? That’s a tactical blunder of the highest order. In the league of fighting waterbenders under a full moon

“complete arrogance or outright stupidity.” Why not both :trollestia:

I have my work, and this pencil is balanced.

Any questions?

Very good worldbuilding!

...You are aware that the entire cast of Friendship is Magic are all incompetent, weak, stupid losers who don’t know the first thing about conflict, right? I mean, think about it: Would any of them survive in the world of, say, Black Lagoon? Tell me honestly, would they even last a few seconds?

MF, if ponies are retarded, then humanity are twice as retarded to be tricked by a pony who canonicaly ain't that smart to begin with.

You talking as if this gonna be the canon cast to begin with.

I wonder if they will serve jail time once caught?

They will somehow. I’ve read enough fics to know that sunset will be forgiven 9 times out of 10.

The guards moved forward, their own horns glowing. But Sunset had spent years studying forbidden battle magic in secret. The first guard went flying before he could blink. The second's shield shattered like glass. The third—

What happened to the third?

Sunset approached the podium, feeling hundreds of eyes upon her. How many of these politicians had she cultivated over the years? How many affairs covered up, crimes overlooked, favors granted? The web of influence she'd woven would have made Queen Chrysalis proud.

I hope all of those are exposed.

This makes me think that celestia’s bias feelings are gonna screw everyone over.

I do wonder what discord and the other characters are gonna do.

Doesn’t she technically still have the element of surprise? Sure celestia knows sunset is coming home but she didn’t say when or why.

So they’re already training to kill pegasi. This may be a problem.

To be fair. Not a lot of people could survive there based on what I’ve heard about it.

The big question is: when they go into Equestria, will they stay human or be converted?

If they stay human, Equestria is in trouble.
If they are converted, they won't be able to use their weapons. And I suspect that any who become pegasi, if they figure out their wings quick enough, will just bolt and attempt to blend in with the native Pegasi.


I highly doubt it, because War cause casualties .

And do you really expect every pony will forgive her for basically being responsible for causing this war, and killing their loved ones!!??

Yes the student who ran to a random portal who promised revenge. Has a history of wrath and unreasonable actions and had the mag ic to be considered to take on Luna. She lost the element of surprise simply because he announced she's coming at all versus an unexpecting Celestia who would have known nothing now knows something's happening.

A famous general said this once. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

I wouldn't say retarded. They know next to nothing about real conflict though.

If Sunset has some way to counter for the changes inflicted by dimensional crossover, and assuming the elements aren't in play, this will probably be a blood bath.

Celestia in particular has always been widely out of her depth with threats to her kingdom. The multiple takeovers during Starlight Glimmer's time travel scheme indicate as much.

That would be interesting to see. Celestia hoping sunset came to her senses but being prepared in case she wants revenge.

Wasn’t it revealed in a comic that celestia could’ve handled all the problems on her own or something like that?

Celestia, twilight, maybe spike.


Still doubt it if they could just ignore her horrible actions for directly responsible for the potential destruction and casualties by her actions.

And what's worse, what happens if it was actually Spike and possibly Luna were in the list of those tragic casualties?

What then for a clearly depressed and very angry Twilight and Celestia?

Not saying that they will ignore it completely, but based on the letters celestia has been writing to sunset it implies that she still cares for her and I think that might cloud her judgment.

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