A life of harmony takes a turn for the worse.
It’s one horror after another.
The very laws of reality seem to break down.
Written for Horror contest
Co-authored with Evil Glow.
I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!
A life of harmony takes a turn for the worse.
It’s one horror after another.
The very laws of reality seem to break down.
Written for Horror contest
Co-authored with Evil Glow.
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First. I defy you exorbitantly overpriced unnecessarily anatomically accurate plastic dick man. Feel my internet fury and suffer my loathsome misdeed
12043148 It's worth it, though.
I seeth with the impotent fury of a thousand redditors
12043177 That's what Luna did upon seeing the pony's dream at the end.
I feel like I need Insight to understand this.
Is that a Bloodborne reference?
That's a game I sort of like I guess.
Hope you get the eyes you requested.
Maybe Bad Dragon will have some to spare.
12043488 12043497 I have the eyes of a child.
I keep them in a jar on my desk.
You don't anymore. I stole them.
12043739 But how can you tell if mirrors are yours if your eyes aren't yours?
Non of them are mine. I stole all of them.
I'm gonna eat them now. The mirrors too.
12044256 You're going to reflect on that if you do.
Yes, I already am reflecting. That's what mirrors are for.
Do you still want those eyes?
I'm gonna eat all of them if you don't respond.
Why is there so many of them anyway?
12044290 Mah eyes! They're the source of my inspiration.
And when it comes to eye jars, bigger is better.
But I do understand where you're cumming from. They do look tasty.
The eyes are gone now.
12044542 They glare within.
That was pretty decent. It flew nicely and kept you wondering what was going to happen.
The question is... what started the ride? My best guesses are:
1. The guy tried to kill himself by the classic 'toaster(radio) in the tub' method. And later, Luna was pissed off at him because he was considering doing it again.
2. OR... it really was a freaking accident, and Luna was pissed because she found his dream perverted AND because he was considering zapping himself again for... fun (I guess?)
So, which one is it? Or maybe there is a third option ?
12045380 There is, actually, a third option.
The pony is just so reckless. Luna could hardly save him after the accident and was even forced to tap into her evil self. And after all that, the pony is about to cause another accident with his recklessness, and Luna will have none of that!
Ah, yes. After re-reading the last few paragraphs, I can see it now. Thanks!
Oh, shit, a new BD story
12046325 It's not just Bad story, it's also Evil story.
If he wishes to kill oneself, a radio in the bathtub is inefficient:
Appliances limit current for safety-reasons. Taking something using resistive heating like a toaster is much more efficient because resistive heating requires more current. ¿Do you know what is more efficient? ¡Stripping the insulation of the wires off of a crde, placing 1 wire on one's left in the tube and the other wire on the right, plugging it in, and turning on the switch!
By the way, the most likely outcome is that the current will not kill, but immobilize via causing one's muscles to contract and cause over a week of slow torture until one dies from dehydration.
Basically, you are doing it all wrong and even if you do it writeright, you will probably just slowly torture yourself to death. Here is what that looks like:
12049061 Now you know why Luna was so angry with him. It's the most basic thing, but he couldn't do it right.
"Too stupid to live" isn't meant to be a challenge, but some ponies just can't resist making it one...
Thoroughly enjoyable juxtaposition of carefree and clinically critical. Thank you for it.
(Also, why is this in the Terry Pratchett group?)
12056084 I'm glad you liked it and managed to follow the overreaching plot behind the dreamlike state.
As for the folder placement, this story is not Discworld and is therefore rightfully in the 'Not Discworld' folder. When you're itching for a Discworld story, you can simply filter this one out by looking at the Not Discworld folder. If it wasn't placed there, you would run the risk of reading this story and only at the end realizing that it's not Discworld. The story is placed there to avoid said tragedy.
Okay, but how does it connect to Pratchett's non-Discworld stories? It's not like the entire contents of the site minus the stories in the Discworld folder are in that group.
That's how I understand it. Not DiscWorld. And, indeed, this story is not DiskWorld.
It's like when you go to a clinic and there's a picture of cigarettes above the trashcan with a sign: Not healthy. So, if you have cigarettes, that trashcan is the place to throw them. Sure, cigarettes aren't healthy and they don't have a place in the hospital, but in that
foldertrashcan, they belong.When you read stories, there's a real danger that you may read a story that is not DiskWorld. However, this story is not part of the problem because it's in the folder: 'not DiskWorld'. With this story, you don't run the risk of reading it because you thought it was DiskWorld because by the power of the parent folder it is marked as not DiskWorld story. Pratchett would be proud of our organizational prowess and filter management. You're welcome.
That doesn't sound like Celestia.
12057030 It sounds a tiny bit like Celestia.
And I think Celestia is WellCummed, being all white and that.
You are very generous when it comes to vocal performance critique.
But maybe I shouldn't be surprised. After all, you sound like chipmunk when you sing yourself.
12058063 In canon episodes, they replaced Sweetie Belle with an AI voice and I didn't even notice.
And I was aiming for a deep, raspy, devilish voice with my songs. But yes, there's a reason why I never published any of them even after years of practicing.
I got that impression with those weird groans or whatever they are at the beginning.
12058094 Sweetie Belle's voice actor was sick, that's why she couldn't do it. But then she sued Hasbro for defaming her character.
And those roars were meant to set the atmosphere. I've practiced them for years.
I don't get it. Was that a actual thing that happened? (I mean the AI thing in general.)
12058100 Yes, that's what I heard. That's where the 'Sweetie Belle is a robot' trope came from.
Because he spams all his stories into every single group he possibly can.
12066061 Thank you for the wonderful review. What you describe is exactly what 12058100 and I were going for.
I didn't want that usual confusion that comes with dream sequences. I wanted concrete things in a stable environment. But at the same time, the dream itself was under attack.
The main character's detachment is foreshadowing for both his past and the future. It was his detachment from life that got him into this mess in the first place.
Luna is a bridge between reality and dreams. We don't have anything like that in our world. I wanted to explore that further, and the feeling when you and your own dream is being attacked from the outside. That's something that can only be experienced in fantasy. It demanded exploration!