• Member Since 16th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen 42 minutes ago


"Creativity flows when boredom grows." -The Bored Author (of Doom)


The world has been upended by a monster invasion. The world is far from alright 15 years later, but humanity is still kicking. This record is a collection of files telling the stories of survivors who all witnessed the same thing.

An extraordinary woman determined to go home.

This is the ponified/Equestria Girl-ified version of my submission for the I Was Browsing MAL As Usual Then I Realized My Web Novel Could Become A Manga Writing Contest

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 4 )

Welp, I bet Sunset regrets ever leaving Celestia and went to that portal by now. :twilightoops:

It's good for us to know that the Darklings are, narratively, just an obstacle. Sunset may be the focus, but the setting lives without her.

Stories of the people!

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