• Published 12th Nov 2024
  • 369 Views, 28 Comments

Farewell, Friends - Cryogenii

Princess Twilight looks back on how her friends slipped away

Comments ( 12 )

I did think about including the open secret that Sweetie Belle is Rarity's filly from a young indiscretion, but compared to the others this chapter was already quite long.

BTW, where was the CMC during this event?

i wish spike was added to that stained glass tbh

tears were in my eyes but didnt shed

lovely story, just wish spike was more included lol

:pinkiegasp: Ohhhhhhhhh?
:pinkiehappy: A twist!

:moustache::raritywink: Claw was such a beautiful little hybrid (Where did you come from, by Jeweled Pen)

There could have been a mention of them somewhere (throw-away lines added?) ...

This is... if not the saddest story i've readed, one of them. I was expecting Twilight to break in front of the crowd.

I'm sad for real now. Thank you kindly for doing this story, this was great

:facehoof: At least you didn't make her cry

:ajsmug: Cry or Die

:flutterrage: NO ONE MAKES MY CRY!


Any decently-written story dealing with the deaths of the Mane 6 is going to bring tears to my eyes, and this was no exception. What I'm saddened by the most is how tragedy dragged each of them down, one by one. I know there's no such thing as a "good death" - no matter what, your loved ones will hurt and mourn - but I kept hoping that at least one of them would get the chance to go peacefully, surrounded by their loved ones.

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