Princess Twilight looks back on how her friends slipped away
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I've got some bad news about Scootaloo...
I did think about including the open secret that Sweetie Belle is Rarity's filly from a young indiscretion, but compared to the others this chapter was already quite long.
BTW, where was the CMC during this event?
One of them definitely couldn't attend
Good story.
i wish spike was added to that stained glass tbh
tears were in my eyes but didnt shed
lovely story, just wish spike was more included lol
A twist!
There could have been a mention of them somewhere (throw-away lines added?) ...
This is... if not the saddest story i've readed, one of them. I was expecting Twilight to break in front of the crowd.
I'm sad for real now. Thank you kindly for doing this story, this was great

At least you didn't make her cry
Any decently-written story dealing with the deaths of the Mane 6 is going to bring tears to my eyes, and this was no exception. What I'm saddened by the most is how tragedy dragged each of them down, one by one. I know there's no such thing as a "good death" - no matter what, your loved ones will hurt and mourn - but I kept hoping that at least one of them would get the chance to go peacefully, surrounded by their loved ones.