I've long suspected from the episodes that show Pinkie losing her "Pinkieness" that she suffered from at least mild depression and the endless parties and high energy were a form of self-therapy. Depression and I are old, old companions.
12038933 The episode "Griffon the Brush-Off" has Pinkie telling Fluttershy "Leave it all to your Auntie Pinkie!", only for Fluttershy to mutter in her quiet annoyance, "I'm a year older than you."
Hugs the three pie sisters, especially limestone
I've long suspected from the episodes that show Pinkie losing her "Pinkieness" that she suffered from at least mild depression and the endless parties and high energy were a form of self-therapy. Depression and I are old, old companions.
The episode "Griffon the Brush-Off" has Pinkie telling Fluttershy "Leave it all to your Auntie Pinkie!", only for Fluttershy to mutter in her quiet annoyance, "I'm a year older than you."
I've got one planned to cover Pinkie's bipolar disorder. Not sure when I'll start it, but hopefully it'll be a banger.
I touch on it a little here https://www.fimfiction.net/story/544681/an-alicorn-learns-to-fly