• Member Since 18th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I like women


This story is a sequel to Nerds Are Hot

Christmas time? Hardly. It's a chance to rest and do absolutely nothing at all.

Heaven knows Twilight needs it. School is now actually exhausting, draining her for every ounce of her will. A few weeks in between semesters is not the opportunity to celebrate, but simply sleep and ready herself for the next round.
However, there might be a few who object to such a notion. Few things are better for the soul than a little love.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

This ship needs more love for sure. Always awesome to see Sci Twi with someone who isn't one of her friends, someone from Canterlot High, Timber Spruce, or boys at all :twilightsmile:.

This is a sweet tale.
Nothing particularly eye-opening, but I love the details presented here every step of the way. It’s like I’m actually there feeling the family vibes and appetizing aroma.

Really shows what experience and knowledge does to a story. Makes it rich even in slice of life.


How Fleur feels about Twilight in the prequel: that is how I felt for that story to be continued all these years. I have had a mighty need!

Well that was cute, though I would love to see twilight friends reaction to fleur, or her reaction to them all having magic that be great.

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